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Shivaay and Anika were sitting in the garden spending some quality time.

Shivaay was caressing Anika's fully grown belly. Anika was smiling and rested her head on Shivaay's shoulder.

A- It really feels so good. Just like a complete family I always wanted.

S- Hmm. It feels a complete bliss.

A- How much time more to see our baby?

S- Just one month more.

A- I'm so excited for our baby, Shivaay.

S- Me too.

Suddenly Anika closed her eyes sensing something. She sat up straight while clutching her belly.

A- Someone's here.

Shivaay nodded his head and their fangs came to life and their eyes turned red.

They went to the living room with their inhumane speed and spotted the Priest there, looking all tensed.

As soon as the priest saw Shivaay and Anika, he bowed in front of them.

S- What's the reason of your sudden visit?

P- My Lord, There's something which is very important and I wanted to inform you.

A- Go Ahead.

P- The Vampires are getting killed. The curse is showing its effect. The rings which protected us from the sunlight has stopped working. The vampires going out in sunlight are getting burnt.

S- What?

Anika looked at Shivaay worriedly.

A- What can we do to prevent it?

P- Your heighness, I really don't know anything about this calamity. Only the heir can save us.

S- But it's not possible. We still have time for delivery.

P- My Lord, I know but the Queen can help us as she's the most powerful Vampire and she's carrying the heir.

Shivaay looked at Anika and she nodded her head.

P- Your highness! You have to create a shield over the Vampire kingdom blocking the effect of the black cloud of curse which is increasing day by day and destroying our powers.

A- Can we not destroy that cloud?

P- Yes we can but the Vampire heir only has the power to destroy it and his powers will not work on that cloud until he takes birth on this earth.

Anika nodded her head.

S- While creating the shield, will it harm Anika or our baby?

P- No. My Lord. Your highness is the strongest Vampire and she has all the powers to protect all of us.

Shivaay looked at Anika unsure if she wants to do it or not. Anika blinked her eyes in assurance and Shivaay smiled.

A- When I have to do it?

P- Tonight as it's full moon night.

Anika nodded her head.

A- Let's go then.

Shivaay held Anika's hand and they disappeared from the real world and reached the Vampire World.

Anika was stunned to see the beauty of the place.

A- Everything is so beautiful.

S- Hmm. I was about to bring you here after baby's birth and introduce you as their Queen. But I think the circumstances are different now.

Anika nodded her head.

P- My Lord! Your highness! We have to start the procedure now as it's almost midnight and the moon is at its full power. We have to go to the centre part of this Vampire world so that the shield can be effective at all parts of this world.

Anika nodded her head. They headed inside the forest with their Vampire speed.

Finally they stopped at the centre of the Vampire world.

P- This is it.

A- What I've to do now?

P- Your highness! You have to close your eyes and focus on the feeling of protection.

Shivaay and Anika's eyes fell on the black clouds which were covering the whole sky. They looked at each other and nodded.

Anika closed her eyes and concentrated on the feeling of protection. Suddenly a shield started forming between them and the cloud. Shivaay was shocked to see this. It was something new for him. Finally the shield separated the Vampire world and the black clouds.

Anika opened her eyes and smiled.

A- It's done.

P- Thank you, your highness. You saved us from the big calamity for the time being. (To Shivaay) My Lord! I think you should address the community and tell them that the situation is under control as they are very scared.

Shivaay nodded his head. He held Anika's hand and they went towards the castle.

Shivaay forwarded his hand and Anika hooked her arm in his.

A- Shivaay, I'm scared.

S- Don't worry. I'm always with you.

Anika smiled widely.

S- Shall we go?

Anika nodded her head. They stated walking towards the throne with linked hands. All the people bowed their heads as their King and Queen entered the assembly Hall.

They were surprised to see their Queen with their King as no one was aware of their marriage. Some girls were heartbroken and some were happy that finally they'll be saved from the calamity.

Shivaay made Anika sit on her throne and he himself sat on his throne beside Anika.

S- I'm here to announce that Finally our Vampire Kingdom has got a Queen, Mrs. Anika Shivaay Singh Oberoi. She is the most powerful Vampire.

Anika closed her eyes as she concentrated on some mind thoughts.

G1(thinks) - Oh no! Our King got married. I thought he will choose me as his Queen.

G2(thinks) - King is looking so handsome. I just wish that he would have chosen me.

Anika opened her eyes and smirked at those girls and their eyes got widened in fear.

S- For now, you don't have to get worried about the calamity as our Queen had formed a Shield with her powers which will protect us and Our heir is on the way.

Everyone cheered in joy.

S(to priest) - Arrange the feast for the people. We should leave now.

The priest nodded his head. Shivaay and Anika started leaving and everyone bowed in front of them.

Shivaay and Anika disappeared from the Vampire world and reached the real world.

Shivaay and Anika headed towards their room. Anika was about to faint when Shivaay held her and got worried about her.

He made her sit on the bed.

S- What happened? Are you fine?

A- I don't know. Since I've performed that magic, I'm feeling weak.

S- It's okay. It's because of the intensity of the powers. Here drink this.

Shivaay said while biting his hand and forwarded it towards her.

Anika drank some blood and felt relieved.

S- Feeling good?

Anika nodded her head.

Shivaay made her lie down on the bed and lied down beside her. Anika hugged him and rested her head on his chest.

A- I never knew that you have such a high girl following.

Shivaay looked at her confused.

S- What are you talking about?

A- When you were announcing me as your Queen then some girls were thinking that they were expecting themselves to be your Queen.

S- Really?

Anika nodded her head and they both bursted into laughter.

S- I never knew about it. Now I feel special.

Anika hit his arm lightly.

A- Don't you dare feel special about them because for me, you are the most special person.

Shivaay looked at her with a smile and kissed her forehead.

S- I love you.

A- I love you too.

They drifted into sleep after sometime.


Anika was taken to the Vampire World for her delivery . It was finally the D-Day when the Vampire heir was about to take birth.

Shivaay was standing in the balcony in front of Anika's room where she was giving birth to the baby. Anika specially requested Shivaay to wait outside as she knew he won't be able to see her in pain.

He looked at the black cloud which was now double of its size. OmRu stood beside him and patted his back to keep calm. Shivaay looked at them and smiled.

After few hours, Shivaay heard a baby's cries. He sighed in relief. He entered the room and saw Anika lying on the bed and beside her was the Vampire heir, who was wrapped on a white cloth.

Shivaay went near Anika and kissed her forehead.

A- Our baby, Shivaay.

S- Yes our baby.

A- He looks exactly like you.

The baby suddenly started crying and Anika saw his fangs. Anika looked at Shivaay.

A- Is it normal?

Shivaay nodded his head.

S- He is the Vampire heir and that too the most powerful one.

Anika smiled. The baby opened his eyes which were red in colour.

Shivaay and Anika smiled and kissed the either cheeks of the baby.

The priest entered the room and he bowed in front of them.

P- Congratulations My Lord and Your Highness.

S/A- Thank you.

P- I think it's time to destroy the black cloud. It's rapidly growing.

A- Now?

The priest nodded his head.

S- But how will we do it? The baby doesn't know his powers.

The priest smiled.

P- My Lord! Our Prince is born to destroy the evil and protect his people. He knows everything.

Shivaay and Anika looked at each other and then nodded their heads.

A- Let's go.

S- Anika, are you fine?

Anika nodded her head. Shivaay held the baby in this hands and supported Anika with the other.

They reached the centre of the Vampire world which is the forest.

They stood in the centre and all the Vampire's made a circle around them at a little distance.

Shivaay and Anika were looking at the baby. The baby closed his eyes and raised his palm in the air. A bright white light escaped from his palm which directly hit the black cloud.

There was a loud explosion and the cloud shattered in millions of starry lights which started falling.

Everyone was surprised with the view. They were really happy.

The baby smirked. Shivaay and Anika kissed his forehead.

P- We are free from the curse.

Everyone cheered happily.

S- Here is our VAMPIRE PRINCE, Ansh Singh Oberoi, the son of VAMPIRE KING, Shivaay Singh Oberoi and the VAMPIRE QUEEN, Anika Shivaay Singh Oberoi.

The crowd cheered in joy and excitement.

Hello everyone. 🤗🤗

Here you go with the epilogue of this book. 😔😔

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I don't know what crap I've written. 😅😅

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Thank you everyone for reading and supporting this book. It means a lot to me. I hope this book entertained you well. 😘😘

Love you all. ❤❤

Bye bye. 🙋🙋

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