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Anika gained her consciousness and opened her eyes. She noticed that she is in a dark room. Everything is of grey and black in shade. She felt something weird with the place. She was looking around when suddenly she noticed a presence behind her.

She immediately looked back and saw Shivaay sitting on the bed behind her and looking at her with a smirk. She got scared and shifted away from him on the bed.

A- What do you want? Why did you brought me here?

S- Well, we'll play KBC later, first eat something. I'm sure, you must be starving.

A- I don't want anything.

S- Don't act stubborn and have it.

He looked into her eyes and started compelling her but it doesn't affected her.

A- Why are you looking at me like that?

Shivaay moved away a little from her. He was totally confused that why she didn't got compelled.

S- Umm.. Nothing. Eat it or I have other ways. I think you saw enough last night.

Anika got scared and nodded her head.

Shivaay left the room in confusion. He closed his eyes and sent a message to the priest to meet him. In no time, the priest apppeared in front to him.

P- How can I help you, my lord?

S- I tried compelling Anika but it didn't affect her. How is this even possible? She's a human after all.

The priest smiled a little.

P- My Lord, she might be a human but she has supernatural powers which are hidden till she turns into a vampire. We can compel only the ones who are weaker than us but Our Queen is the strongest of all.

Shivaay nods in understanding.

P- My Lord, there'll be full moon in four days. We have to convert her into a vampire that night so that she can gain her powers and concieve your heir. Now I'll take your leave.

Shivaay nodded his head and allowed the priest to leave.

Shivaay went back to his room where Anika was standing near the window looking at the rising sun.

He went and stood behind her.

S- What are you looking at?

Anika was startled by his sudden appearance and took some steps back. She was about to fall from the open window but Shivaay held her immediately and pulled her towards himself. She bumped into his chest. Shivaay wrapped his hands around her waist. Anika looked into his eyes. She slowly raised her hand and touched his cheek.

A- I don't know who you are but still I'm not feeling scared. I feel some connection with you. I don't know what it is.

S- Just so you know I'm a Vampire.

Anika's eyes widened. She was about to step back when Shivaay tighened his hold on her waist and pulled her more to himself.

A- But why did you brought me here? What do you want from me? Look I don't think my blood will be tasty for you because I've really low haemoglobin and low RBC count and maybe platelets too.

Shivaay looked at her for a moment and then burst into laughter.

S- Seriously? You are standing in front of a vampire and you are telling him your blood report. Look I won't feed on you. I've enough stuff in my refrigerator.

A- Then what do you want from me?

S- A heir.

Anika's eyes widened in horror.

A- What?

S- Yes. You'll be the mother of my heir.

A- Look. I always wanted a normal life and I don't want to do ding ding with a vampire.

S- That's your destiny. You are THE VAMPIRE'S QUEEN and this is your fate. You were born to meet your fate which is me.

Anika was totally confused. Till yesterday she had no one in her life and now she is a Vampire's queen.

Suddenly an arrow came from the window and hit Anika in the back. Anika screamed in pain.

A- Ahhhhhh...

Shivaay was too shocked to register the happenings but Anika's scream brought him out of his shock.

A- Ahhhhh... It's pai...n...ing.

S- Don't worry. Nothing will happen to you.

Shivaay pulled the arrow out from her back and Anika again screamed in pain.

A- Ahhh...

Shivaay bit his wrist and forwarded it to Anika's mouth. Anika looked at him confused.

S- Drink it.

A- Nooo... It's... gro... gross.

S- Do you want to die?

Anika shook her head in negative.

S- Then have it.

Anika firstly hesitated a bit but she drank a little blood from his wrist and her wound started healing.

A- There's no pain now and my wound is also healed.

She said touching her back.

S- Let's go. You need some rest.

Shivaay picked her up in his arms and made her lye on the bed.

A- Will someone kill me?

S- No. I'll protect you. Always.

Anika smiled a little.

S- Now Go to sleep.

Anika nodded her head and she drifted to sleep.

Shivaay looked at the arrow and noticed a note attached to it.

"Vampire's Queen. Not bad Shivaay. Looking forward to her funeral.

-Your best friend or best enemy,
Daksh. "

Shivaay crumbles the note and threw it in anger.

He immediately contacted OmRu and asked them to meet him.

He went to the Living Room and saw OmRu already there.

R- What happened, Bhaiya?

O- Yes Shivaay, you called us so urgently.

S- Daksh tried to kill Anika. He hit her with an arrow.

R- What? Is bhabhi alright?

Shivaay nodded his head.

S- I made her drink my blood.

OmRu sighed in relief.

O- Don't worry, Shivaay. I'll increase the security in the forest and near the mansion and I'll order them to spread some wolfsbane around the mansion so that no werewolves can come near mansion.

Shivaay nodded his head.

S- Thanks OmRu.

R- What are you thanking us bhaiya? Its for our bhabhi's aka our queen's safety and we'll do anything for that.

Shivaay smiled and hugged them.

R- So when are we meeting her?

S- Here you go. You can come out Anika.

They looked back and saw Anika eavesdropping them hiding behind the stairs.

A- Sir, I... I... Wa.. Was....

S- It's okay. Come here and meet them. These are my brothers, Omkara and Rudra.

Omkara and Rudra bowed before her.

O/R- Hello My highness.

Anika stepped back in fear and crashed into Shivaay's chest and Shivaay held her by her waist.

A- What are they doing?

S- They are giving you their respect because your are their Queen.

A- Ummm.. But I don't like when someone bows in front of me.

OmRu chuckled.

O- It's okay bhabhi. If you don't want then we'll not bow in front of you but you have to get habitual to all this as the whole vampire clan will bow in front of you.

Anika slowly nodded her head.

R- Okay, we're leaving now because I was having a date with a hot girl when you urgently called us here. Bye.

He went away in the blink of an eye.

O- Okay. Even I'm not going to be the third person so I'm also gonna go. Bye.

He also went away. Anika was too shocked with the happenings.

A- They are also....

S- Yes. They are also vampires. Now I'm hungry. Let's have something.

Anika looks at him scared.

S- Don't worry. I won't feed on you.

Anika sighs in relief.

Shivaay opened the refrigerator and took out a blood bag and poured it in a glass and started drinking it.

Anika looked at him keenly. Shivaay noticed her gaze.

S- What happened?

A- Ummm..... What is this?

S- Human blood.

A- But I thought that vampires drink directly from human body.

S- That's true but I don't believe in harming innocent people so I either drink blood from blood bags or animals unless I'm very hungry.

A- Oh! So you are a good vampire.

S- Yes.

Anika nodded her head and was looking here and there when she saw a purple plant kept on the table.

She picked it up and went towards Shivaay.

A- What's this?

Shivaay turned to look at her but by mistake it touched his hand and his skin burnt and he screamed in pain. Anika was shocked.

S- Aahhhhhh...

Anika immediately threw the plant on the floor. Anika held Shivaay's hand which was burnt. She looked as his hand healed.

A- Did I hurt you?

S- Never touch that again. It's vervain. It's harmful for a vampire. It can burn them.

A- I'm sorry. I ... I... Didn't....

Anika had tears in her eyes because she never had a intention to hurt him.

Shivaay cupped her face.

S- It's okay. I think OmRu forgot it on the table.

A- But if it's harmful for you than why you kept it in home?

S- To protect us and especially you from the bad vampires.

Anika nodded her head.

A- I didn't mean to...

S- Shh... I know. See I'm healed now.

Shivaay showed her his hands.

S- Let's cook some food for you.

A- Do You know how to cook?

Anika asked him surprised.

S- Of course, I'm very good chef.

A- Wow. I never thought that I'll have food made by a vampire. No hard feelings.

Anika said with a chuckle. Shivaay also chuckled back.

S- But you have to spend your whole eternity with me so get habitual to that and I'm sure you're not going to regret it.

A- Will you also make me a vampire like yourself?

Shivaay looked at her for a moment. He averted his gaze from her started chopping some vegetables.

S- What would you like to have? Italian? Mexican? Chinese?

Anika understood that he's ignoring the topic so she also didn't bug him.

A- Anything you want to cook.

S- Then I think, pasta will do. Right?

Anika nodded her head.

Shivaay started making Pasta.

A- So you are Vampire's King?

S- Yes. Proudly.

A- How did you become a vampire?

S- I was born a vampire because my parents were also vampire.

A- Hmm.

S- Okay. Our dinner is done.

Shivaay served the pasta on two plates and gave one plate to Anika and took one for himself.

A- You are also going to eat.

S- Yes. So what if I'm a vampire, I still can have tasty food.

Anika chuckled and started eating.

A- Ummm... It's yummy. I never ate something so tasty like this. For this food, I can live with you forever, even if it means till eternity.

Anika said while looking at him and he looked at her and their eyes locked.

S- Anika...

A- Sir...

Shivaay frowns at her.

S- What's this with sir? Why are you calling me that? Call me Shivaay.

A- Ok. Shivaay.

Shivaay smiled as he felt something different when she called him by his name.

A- Umm... Can I know that why do you want me to be the mother of your child? I mean...

S- I think you are very fond of Amitabh bachchan, that's why you are always ready to play KBC. Don't worry, you'll get all your answers with time. For now, let's get you to bed because you need rest.

Anika nodded her head.

They went to Shivaay's bedroom and Anika layed down on the bed. Shivaay covered her with the blanket.

S- Sleep.

Shivaay was about to leave when Anika held his hand. Shivaay looked back at her.

A- Can you sleep beside me? I'm scared if someone tries to kill me again. I feel safe with you.

Shivaay smiled and lied down beside her. Slowly Anika drifted to sleep. Sleep was far away from Shivaay's eyes. He was admiring Anika's angelic face whole night before he drifted to sleep.

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So here you go with shot two. ☺☺

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