F.O.X.1 The Lazarus Effect (One)

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Computer files could be deleted. Paper files could be burned to ashes. Witnesses could be killed, and Lewis was a witness. He slunk through the streets and alleys of Vanguard, unsure of whether to be hasty to keep some distance between him and the vixen—in the process, exposing himself to the undercover Mainstream spies he noticed nearly everywhere, or to be slow and discreet to avoid them and let her catch up with him.

She said she wanted to help him, but he had seen her file. It was only information for a few months after the F.O.X tests, but what he had seen was ghastly enough for him to know she probably only needed him for the chip.

The same chip he knew was acting like a beacon, calling out to her.

Lewis sighed, then ducked behind a truck, moving with it to avoid the unmistakable Mainstream guys on the other side. They didn't have guns, and for the first time, he was thankful for the Vanguard rule that said only their soldiers could carry guns in their territory. Knives, daggers, and whatever else had not been included. Which meant if they found him, they would have to get close to him to do the actual kill.

Getting the chip out of Mainstream had not been an easy task, and there had been two times he almost got caught. Not to mention several other heart attack-worthy moments that had been real close shaves.

He had left Luna at a nearby pet shop, where the owner was all too willing to watch over a former resident.

The city was crowded enough that Lewis could blend in with the civilians, although he knew that might not last long. Just as he thought of all the possible ways he could be hacked to death if he was caught, Lewis realized he was at a dead end. The people after him had encircled him slowly, herding him away from the streets to exactly where they wanted him; a dark alley whose only open end was now blocked by five burly guys, each brandishing a large knife.

"Lewis Barrow. We've been searching everywhere for you. "

"Is there any chance we could agree? I mean, do you know how much we could get if we blackmailed respective dictators for this data? "

The same guy from before spoke, "Why didn't Mainstream think of that?"

The fact that he had a sense of humour didn't make Lewis feel any less scared, not to mention that they were moving closer.

"God I wish that vixen were here right now, " he only murmured to himself, but when he saw her drop from the rooftops and land silently behind them, he thanked whoever had listened.

Her strikes were fast, precise, and deadly. The closest one to her received a sharp blow to the back of the neck, and the crack that ensued certified Lewis of his death before he collapsed backwards in a heap. He should have fallen on her but she had already moved on, now with a recently acquired knife, which she used to quickly slice the back of the next one's knees and then a jab through the skull.

She left the knife there.

The other three had backed away, now with their backs to Lewis, who was waiting for an opening to bolt. It was one of the few things he knew how to do.

If only they could all focus on her and her only on them...

The vixen's voice brought him back to harsh reality. She was talking to them! Lewis had expected more blood and bone. No negotiation.

"Leave here while you still can."

"I am not listening to a girl even though she's a mercenary." Who hired you? Mainstream can double your pay. "

"The offer is still on the table for the next five seconds."

The big guy shrugged. "Same this way."

Lewis saw her sigh. Not exhaustion. She was bored.

He would be just another person who had stood in her way. Before she could act on her threat, there was a gunshot. She fell to her knees, holding up two fingers to the side of her head, and when she checked, they were slick with blood. Then she fell.

"And that is how you kill a fox."

From around the corner came the speaker. He was not dressed like the rest, although Lewis knew where to look on his crisp black tuxedo to see the MM.

Lewis didn't want to see, but he flicked his eyes at her body on the ground.

A headshot.

No one survived that.

Meanwhile, the leader was arguing with the one who had shot Vivian. This isn't bloody Cafri, you fool! You can't just fire a gun in the middle of Vanguard. We must hurry, soldiers, must be on their way here as we speak. "

We can take them out too. Have a little fun. We put the girl down, and both the chip and the thief are in our possession. What could go wrong? "

"I guess you're about to find out."

She was up.

And she was angry.

"What the... "

She landed a right hook on her would-be killer, but Lewis saw him lean away just enough that the blow didn't do as much damage as it should have. And Lewis was sure her next target, who wasn't as quick, had some serious brain damage if he wasn't dying already.

The three left kept their distance from her, which meant they were closer to Lewis. He hoped they kept their attention on their impending deaths. With his luck, of course, one of them didn't and turned, snarling as he charged at Lewis.

Combat had never been Lewis' strong suit. Come to think of it, it had never been his suit at all. But he knew to move out of the way when someone was bringing down a steel blade on your neck.

There was an ear-splitting bang as the blade met a concrete wall, followed by a sharp crack when Vivian drove her knee through his elbow. It was a rather gruesome sight for Lewis. His attacker automatically dropped the blade, clutching at his elbow and trying to place it in a position that induced less pain. It seemed weightless as the man held it close to his chest, groaning in pain.

Lewis turned his attention back to her.

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