The Price of Humanity

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Hayley had never considered herself as much of an athlete. Yes, her line of work did require a certain level of agility, balance, and flexibility to get in or out of difficult places and situations, but that was just it. She could do fast sprints and gracious feats of athleticism if need be, but this was something else. The woman chasing after her wasn't going to give up after a few minutes, and she definitely wouldn't be making any errors that would allow Hayley to get away.

She was running between the corridors of the buildings in Sector Thirty-Four, trying to lose her pursuer. She made sharp turns and doubled back several times, but the imposing figure in black running across the rooftops always caught up.

Of all the five Commanders of Vanguard Evelyn Alavez was the most underestimated. Unlike the others, she didn't have a military background, could just barely shoot the target if she had to, and knew only the basics of advanced weaponry. In short, she relied on her own ability over that of machines. Keeping up with the teenage girl running below wasn't too difficult. She could've pushed closer immediately, but Hayley Grant's file marked her out as intelligent and unpredictable. The fact that she worked for the most elusive person on the planet made the Commander a bit cautious and she kept her distance. She didn't want to get caught unawares.

Her target tried to lose her several times by circling around and even hiding at times, tricks that should've worked on any other person. Evelyn had spent years running through these streets though. She knew every hiding place, every dead end, every path. Her plan was to wait out the girl and let her tire herself out, and then she would pounce.

The loud pop of gunshots in the distance distracted Evelyn and she took her eyes off the girl. Guns had always bothered her, and she never carried them even now. Up ahead was the perimeter of soldiers that had been set up around the Sector to contain the target. The young Commander had been surprised to find the vixen there. It was an unwelcome obstacle, one that Evelyn wouldn't dare go up against. The soldiers would distract the vixen long enough for her to capture Hayley. When she lowered her eyes, the girl was gone.

She climbed to the ground, listening for footsteps but heard none which meant Hayley was hiding somewhere. She had probably realized that she couldn't outrun Evelyn. It would've made things easier if Hayley wasn't a trained fighter. Her file mentioned break-ins into some of the most guarded locations in the world, most involving big battles with security guards that always ended one way.

Evelyn heard a grunt, and out of pure instinct, she ducked low. A steel bar arced just where her head would've been, and she quickly stepped back. Hayley had been hidden right behind her, within the shadows of the apartment beside them.

"Stand down Hayley."

"I'm not going anywhere with you people," Hayley huffed, now holding the bar with both hands. "I know what you will do to me."

"We just have some questions we want you to answer, about Athena." Evelyn watched for a reaction in the moonlight on Hayley's face and saw none. She was good.

"I don't know any Athena."

Evelyn was moving as soon as Hayley's arm moved backward in preparation for the swing. The heel of her palm smashed into Hayley's wrist, forcing her to drop the bar. Hayley reacted much faster than expected and drove her elbow forward, aiming for the side of the Commander's head. Evelyn tried to pull away but she want fast enough and the hit caught her mouth. She ignored the sharp tang of blood and pressed forward. One hand locked around Hayley's tired left hand and the other struck once to the side of the girl's neck. She collapsed in Evelyn's arms as the sedative was released into her blood.

"Well done. I'll take her from here I suppose."
A silhouette leaning causally against the opposite wall had been the source of the voice.

Evelyn drew her knife and held it out in front of her.
"Who's there?"

Haraka stepped into the moonlight, a wicked grin on his face. The Commander recognized him immediately. Bounty hunter. Assassin. Killer. Bogeyman. He was the perfect nightmare of anyone he came across, and Evelyn was no different. Fighting was not an option. He was much bigger than her and an expert murderer. She could outrun him, but that would mean leaving Hayley behind. The knife in her hand quivered slightly as she struggled to compose herself. She was wishing then that she had agreed to carry a gun.

"This area is surrounded," she said. "You won't make it out with her."

As if on cue, the sound of shots being fired came again, much closer this time. Haraka pointed in their general direction. "You hear that? That's the sound of a path being cleared for me. Right now you're the only thing standing between me and my target. So move."

"You'll have to kill me to get to her."

"As you wish." Haraka produced a pistol and aimed it at her.

Evelyn threw her knife just before he fired. Haraka dodged, but his aim was off and the bullet struck the wall behind Evelyn. The Commander surged forward and kicked the gun out of Haraka's hand. A quick blow to his gut had him reflexively bending over, and all she needed was one kick to his head to put him out. The next moments were just a blur. Haraka rose quickly, avoiding her foot and in his hand, Evelyn saw a glint of silver as it rushed towards her. She was already off balance from missing the kick and the best that she could do was fall backwards.

The blade struck just as Vivian ran into the corridor. Haraka saw her and went for his gun. She backed away as he fired continuously, memories of her fight with him at the bridge resurfacing. She had just fought off half a squadron of soldiers and was bleeding from the effort.
She had been shot several times and was only just recovering. If Haraka had nanotech weapons one hit would be lethal. She came out as the shooting stopped just in time to hear the motorcycle engine start and see Haraka zoom away with an unconscious Hayley with him.

Vivian was too injured to chase and she had no gun to shoot with, so she let them go. Her concern went to the Commander on the ground with a knife sticking out of her chest. The edges of the knife blade glowed a sickly green that made Vivian curse.


Vivian had been there on Evelyn's first day. She had only been nineteen at the time, a teenager brought into the world of war to become a major piece on the board. Vivian hadn't approved, but her opinion had been overruled by the other generals. As she knelt beside the dying woman Vivian realized just what was being lost. Of all the leaders of the Vanguard, this was the one she could call good. As far as she knew Evelyn had never once taken a life and had refused to partake in any capture-to-kill situations. She had even said no to using guns in her missions.

Vivian took off her watch and strapped it onto Evelyn's wrist. The Commander couldn't speak due to the blood slowly filling up her left lung, but she shook her head furiously.

"You deserve to live," Vivian told her. "There aren't enough good people left in the world."

Vivian then inserted a code into the watch, an emergency line that would connect directly to the Harbor. It was a tracking beacon that could be turned on in case of capture, and once it was activated there was no off switch. In only a few minutes the nearby forces would swarm the area. Even then, the Commander would have probably died by then. Under normal circumstances, she would have left the knife in place so that Evelyn wouldn't bleed out. At the moment though it was pumping lethal nanobots into the Commander's body, and although it was only a little amount since the knife hadn't gone in deep, if they reached her heart she would die.

Vivian pulled the knife out and quickly pressed her hands over the wound. The nanobots swarmed her own body instead, eating away at the flesh of her palms instantly. She grit her teeth in pain as she felt them finally penetrate her skin and go into her blood. The screen of the watch turned green as someone from the other end answered the call.


It was the President herself.

"I need your help," Vivian forced the words out of her mouth.

"I didn't think you would ever need to use this line, so that means it is serious. Speak."

"Commander Alavez has been stabbed with a nanotechnology-based weapon. She needs medical assistance."

"How do I know this isn't a trap?"

"No. You know I wouldn't call if I didn't have to. And I know you've got drones and armored vehicles headed over here at this moment. More than even I can take. I'm not calling for my sake."

There was a short moment of silence before the President spoke again. "There isn't enough time to attend to such an injury Vivian. You've given yourself to me for nothing."

"Don't you lie to me," Vivian growled. "I know you've been working on the F.O.X serum again. Bring it."

"You are in no position to make demands Vivian."

Vivian exhaled and looked down at Evelyn. The Commander's face had gone pale from the loss of blood. "If you save her, I will willingly fight for you again." Evelyn's eyes went wide and she shook her head. Vivian looked away.

"That could also be a guise to come in here and kill every one of us in our sleep," the President insisted.

"Damn it Julia you know I'm telling the truth!"

The use of her first name was enough to convince the woman on the other end of the line. She answered with only one word.


Vivian's hands were starting to go numb as the nanobots worked their way upwards, impeded by her healing which slowed them down. She heard the soft whir of the drones first,  and when she looked up more than a handful were hovering above her. Amongst them was one F360 jet.
The armored vehicles came next and rows of soldiers leaped out, taking positions all around her. The lasers from their guns all centered upon her body but she didn't care. Only when two petrified doctors in white lab coats approached did she back away and let them take Evelyn. The Commander hadn't lost consciousness thankfully, and she gave Vivian a small wave as she was carried away.

Last to arrive was the President. General Eric was the only one with her that she recognized, and he had a smug look on his face that she wanted to swipe off with her fists. All the soldiers saluted when the President walked out of the car.

"What about you Vivian?" she called. "Won't you show respect to your leader?"

Vivian slowly raised her right hand to her forehead and saluted. She then started walking towards the President. All the soldiers cocked their guns.

"Guns down." Ordered the President. "She won't harm me."

Vivian was silent as they drove back towards the Harbor, her thoughts muddled by the presence of nanobots in her blood. She recognized the driver, having met him once in an elevator while at the Harbor. A silver briefcase was strapped into the passenger seat beside him. It bothered her what he had been doing inside the Harbor then, and why he was here with the President now, but she couldn't think straight.

One thing was clear through all the pain though.

She couldn't stop this war right now even if she wanted to.

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