Chapter 4 The Note

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          Marinette's  POV:

              Marinette has no answers as to how the vase got where it did or how she did not notice it until recently. She thinks there is no way someone other than Nathaniel gave it to me is there?  She shakes her head because she knows her ex-boyfriend never gave her such a thing.

          She recalls he always gave her more practical gifts like clothes or imitation jewelry.  She knows he never gave her anything she could consider romantic other than the framed photo fo her and him together well that and the photo album.   She sighs when she recalls the day she told him she longed for affection.  She remembers how he got angry.

       Marinette's Flashback...

         "Nathaniel, why can not you be more affectionate?" Marinette asks.

        "Affectionate, that is not my personality type.  I am uncomfortable with it," Nathaniel says.

        "How do you know if you never even tried to hold my hand or kiss me?"  Marinette asks him.

        "Do not ever ask me for physical contact again,"  Nathaniel yells at her.

         "I can not believe you not want to be closer to me after all this time,"  Marinette blurts out.

             Marinette looks at him as if she does not even know him anymore. She can not believe he did not propose.  She refuses to believe he is against kisses or other means to show love.  She thinks is that it does not he love me?

            Nathaniel thinks, goodness Marinette, what is wrong with you?  I thought you were okay with no romance in our relationship?  I mean sure we went out many times over the years since we met, but that does not mean I want more from you.  
          "Marinette, I have this feeling you believe there is more to us than there is right now,"  Nathaniel tries to explain.

          "Whoa, you mean all this time you let me think that you felt something for me and it was all a lie?"  Marinette asks with tears in her eyes.

          "Sorry, Marinette, but you have it all wrong.  I do not intend to marry you, so you can forget any romance, but we can still enjoy each other's company,"  Nathaniel responds.

            "What?  How could you lead me on like this?  I thought you loved me!  I know I love you,"  Marinette blurts out.

           "I am sorry, but I do not love you at least not in this romantic sort of way and..." Nathaniel says.

           "Why do not you just tell me already, why you are afraid to love me?"  Marinette asks him.

            "Marinette, it is not that I am afraid.  I just have no feelings of love for you, " Nathaniel confesses.

         "I think it is time we went back to the way things were before, you know," Nathaniel remarks.

      "Nathaniel, I do not understand," Marinette replies.

     "Oh, but you do, you know it as much as I do that I want us to be just friends," Nathaniel says.

         Marinette looks at him as if he has grown horns or something. She did not expect this from him, not on her birthday of all times.

          "Marinette, consider us to be broken up as in we are no longer together,"  He states.

      "Do not tell me you are dumping me here in public on my birthday!"  Marinette screams at him.

    "Fine, then, Marinette, I am breaking up with you and yes, it is final today.  Oh, and Happy Birthday," Nathaniel says with a hint of sarcasm. He walks away.

      Marinette is left in shock and tears after what he did to her. She can not believe this just happened to her...

    End of Flashback...

       Marinette sighs in defeat. She can not seem to stop her thoughts that perhaps it is her fault that things went south with him.  Maybe if she had not insisted on affection he would have dumped her.  Then, again he could have just used this as his excuse since he planned to dump her all along.  She hears he already found someone new.

        She is about to toss the vase to the side in the hopes it will shatter completely as her heart has already.  She can not bring herself to drop it.  It looks too nice to ruin it no matter what might have happened in her past.  Granted the breakup was hard and on her birthday which was just weeks ago, but still, the item was too valuable and nice to damage it.

        She notices there seems to be a bit of something blue towards the back of it.  Strange she did not see this earlier.  She wonders what is it anyway?  She gently tugs at it so that it falls off into her hand.  She realizes it is a slip of blue paper.

       "Whoa, it is a note," Marinette says to herself.  She is glad she did not see this with Alix in the room otherwise there is no telling what that girl might say about it. She did not some teasing for it that is for sure.

    The note reads as follows:
       Dear Marinette,

       I   know we were never together, and chances are our paths will never cross again, but I hope you have a great birthday.  It probably does not mean much coming from me.

    I   always knew it in my heart that I want to be more than friends with you, but you were always with someone else.

It is okay, I understand that you are special, pretty, and well not much different than this vase.

Sorry, if this bothers you to have me give you something.  It is not like you see me as someone important in your life.  I feel silly about not being able to give you flowers to store inside this pink, glass vase in the first place.

   You deserve not only jewelry, but flowers, chocolates, and other goods.  You deserve terms of affection, hugs, kisses, and love.   You deserve the best.

     Here is wishing you both a Happy Birthday and a happy life.


     with love,


    Marinette's  POV: 

       Marinette is in deep thought now that she is has found the note and read it. She does not recall anyone with the initials A.A.   She knows he must have been someone who was friends with her at some point. She also knows the note proves Alix's theory right.  

      She is not sure how to tell anyone else about this because it troubles her. She decides it best to keep the note hidden for the moment.  She slips it into her dresser drawer behind all her socks. This way she can be sure no one else sees the note by accident.  

     The only question on her mind now is who on earth is this A.A. person?   She feels bad she can not seem to recall anything about them.  

      Luka's  POV:

    My cousin, Adrien sure is quiet lately. He wonders what is on Adrien's mind that troubles him.

      "Adrien, why do you shut yourself off so much?"  Luka asks.

      "Cousin, I do not know what you are referring to man, "  Adrien remarks.

     "Oh, but you do,"  Luka remarks.

         Luka sees Adrien shake his head in denial that anything is wrong.  He saw him react this way years ago back when Adrien first found out the girl he likes was into someone else. He knew it was not easy on him.  He begins to think that perhaps his cousin has not gotten over her yet.

   Adrien's  POV:
Adrien thinks I should not let Luka know about her.  It was a mistake to have told him.

        He sighs when he thinks about her. He knows he never should have tried to get close to her.  He begins to wonder if she even remembers him.  He hopes that maybe she might then again who knows.  

      It is not like she ever saw him more than once only she was with another boy.  He could not step in the way of those two. He brought her something then left. He hopes no one else ever finds out because it could ruin things.

       "Ugh, why did I have to see her, or feel things for her? "  Adrien asks himself.

         Adrien realizes Luka is still there when his cousin gives him an annoyed look. 

           "Luka, do not ever tell anyone,"  Adrien says.

          "Do not ever tell anyone what exactly?" Luka asks him.

          "Do not tell anyone about my crush.  I already know it is pointless to pursue her anyway,"  Adrien responds.

     Find out more in Chapter  5

    -Summer out!


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