Keir Sallow

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((The one on the left))

Name: Keir Sallow

Nickname: Yandere A (by a few guild members)

Age: 17

Birthday: November 6th

Blood Type: AB

Species: Human/Mage

Height: 5'8"


Hair: Sea green, fades to almost teal at the ends, shaggily cut, wildly kept

Eyes: A strange blue-green

Guild: Starry Rose

Classification: General Mage

Appearance: Keir is the less put together of the Sallow twins. His hair, a deep sea-green, is messily cut and styled in a way that often has locks of hair falling in the way of his strange, blue-green eyes. His suit- a perfect match to his brother's- is always wrinkled and the undershirt rarely buttoned up all the way. He's never seen with a tie and his black blazer is often hanging open rather than buttoned shut. Many view his unkept appearance as the main difference between him and his twin brother, as when he rarely takes the chance to straighten up, the twins practically identical.

His guild mark is crimson and on the right side of his face.

Personality: Keir's personality has only been defined as "strange." He's rather obsessive, as when given something to lock onto he rarely lets it go, as seen through his devotion to his twin brother, as well as Rhett. Typically this is seen through clinging to the one in his vicinity and not allowing others near them without good reason. When he can't be exactly at their side, he'll be working to be so. Funnily enough, when he is apart from them, though, beyond his one-track mind he's actually a rather easy-going individual. He gets along with most people and can be rather polite and helpful. He's not very organized and can fumble about trying to recall where he left something or how to get somewhere. When one of the two beforementioned individuals are injured- mainly Rhett- a whole different side of him appears. His fumbling nature disappears, replaced with a very violent, very revenge focused individual. It's been said that the only person who can calm him down at such times is Rhett, which makes it difficult given that an injury of said person is what pushes him into such rages. He's much stronger than usual at these times, being able to take on opponents much stronger than those he can handle on a regular basis. He'll do anything to please the two people he cares about, whether or not the solution he sees is actually legal.

Magic: Telepathy Magic; Blast Magic

Short History: 

Keir and his brother rarely speak about their past, although most assume this is because the twins are much more interested in the current state of things than things that have already happened. For the most part, this is true. The twins left whatever it is that they don't want to talk about behind when they came to the guild, and Fiore actually. They were originally from another country. Neither one of them seems to consider their life before they joined the guild to be the current "them." Shortly after their arrival in the country, the duo decided they wanted to join a guild, and happened to stumble across a member of the Starry Rose. With the way their strange quirks tend to attract people (well, until they see the crazy) the twins soon found themselves as members of the guild. It wasn't long after they joined that Keir's other quirks became known through his soon to develop obsession with Rhett.


Likes: Rhett, the guild, his brother

Dislikes: Anything that they dislike

Other: He's the sort of person who could trip over air on a normal basis.

Character Song: Smoke and Mirrors [The Yandere Song] sorta XD

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