Lawton Milo

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Name: Lawton Milo

Nickname(s): N/A

Age: 18

Birthday: December 19th

Height: 5'5"

Weight: 142 lb

Hair: Russet-red, cut short and spiked

Eyes: Onyx

Crew: Red-Haired Pirates

Role: Swordsman/Fighter

Epithet: "Little Red"

Bounty: 125,000,000 beli

Appearance: Rather built for his age, he weighs a surprising amount from muscle mass alone, which people find hard to believe due to his unimpressive height. He's inherited most of his father's looks, sporting tanned skin, red hair, and black, friendly eyes. He's pock-marked with various scars from years of training and adventuring with his father's crew, though most are too small to notice at first glance. One scar in particular captures people's attention when it's visible, as it cuts across the whole of his back in a jagged line. Milo is, frankly, unbothered by it, but he tires quickly of questions concerning its origins, and so he rarely allows it to be seen by people other than his father and Benn. Typically, Milo dresses plainly in a loose, black button-up shirt and tan cargo shorts, and he'll go barefoot when he can get away with it - which is most of the time when he's aboard Red Force. He wears a wristband bearing the symbol of the Red-Haired Pirates that he rarely ever takes off; as a result, he's lost it in the baths quite a few times and nearly had a panic-attack over it.

Personality: Milo takes after his father in this department as well. He's a cheerful, slow-to-anger kind of guy, who's perhaps a bit too dense when it comes to reading the atmosphere. Simple things go over his head, such as when people are cross or upset with him, but he excels at reading people's danger level. That's often the first thing he'll notice about someone, and he'll toss out a seemingly random number that equates to how threatening he finds them. He's not overly witty, and he doesn't easily comprehend jokes, though he'll just claim he didn't find it funny rather than admit he didn't understand. The only thing that ever seems to bother him is a person: Monkey D. Luffy. Milo, though he won't easily admit it, is overly jealous of Luffy, seeing as he seems to hold a special place in his father's heart. He also holds something of a grudge for Luffy possessing Shanks' hat, as Milo thought he'd be the one to inherit it.

Preferred Method of Fighting: Milo's never wanted to fight with anything other than a sword, like his father, and he's never been good with anything else, either, so that's worked out in his favor. His blade, Arashi, gives him a few feet of reach to make up for his shorter arms. He's not as agile as his father, nor is he as graceful, but he has brute strength on his side, and he can hold his ground even when faced with a barrage of assaults; he's not the type to dodge as a result and prefers "weather the storm" instead. His quick reflexes make up for this trait of his and usually allow him to counter before something lethal slips under his guard.

Devil Fruit: N/A

Short History: All Milo has ever known is Red Force and her crew. Shanks tells him his mother dropped him off one day and demanded that Shanks take care of him from then on. She left after he reluctantly agreed, and she never came looking for them again, though Shanks has visited her home island quite a few times since then. Milo hasn't cared much himself, the sort to not really care for someone who doesn't care for him, and whenever Shanks has docked on said island he's gone about his business as he usually would. If his mother is still there, she's never approached him - at least, he's fairly sure she hasn't. He has no idea what she looks like, so he knows he wouldn't recognize her either way.

He grew up under the tutelage of Benn and Yasopp, as well as the rest of the crew, so he's knowledgeable about the world and culture and such, but hand him a sheet of math problems and he'll start to sweat pretty quickly. History is a favorite subject of his, and really they're the only type of books he likes to read, so when he's not training or partying with the crew, he's usually got his nose buried in a book about the history of some island they've visited.

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