Taryn Barlow

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Name: Taryn Barlow

Nickname: Abominable Barlow

Age: 20

Birthday: November 30th

Blood Type: AB

Species: Human/Mage

Height: 5'5"

Weight: 128 lb

Hair: Frosty-white hair bound in a long braid, draped over one shoulder

Eyes: Cerulean blue, flecked with gray

Guild: Polar Fox

Classification: General Mage

Appearance: With her average height and slender build, Taryn doesn't come off as particularly striking, but her pretty face is enough to get people's attention. She keeps her lengthy white hair in a braid, draping it over alternating shoulders for convenience's sake, and dons a bright white, mid-thigh length dress, ruffled at the bottom, with thin straps and a tight bodice. Around her waist she wears a tactical belt and a pair of goggles around her neck, which she sometimes straps over her eyes, especially when her magic is active.

Her guild mark - in a dark scarlet - rests on the back of her left hand.

Personality: Taryn tends to come off as rather unhinged. She's a bit of a sadist, enjoying "playing" with her opponents when in a fight before ultimately finishing them off, and when out of a fight, she's just as unorthodox. She's sometimes unresponsive, preferring to stare, and sometimes a complete and unreasonable chatterbox with whomever she's speaking with. She also has a habit of touching people inappropriately, whether they're male or female (though she prefers "teasing" the guys), and has a rather foul mouth when she really gets going.

With her magic, she's utterly brutal when she wants to be, and she has a devastating amount of power behind her proverbial punches. The reason she's yet to advance to S-Class is only because she likes hanging out (torturing) the more average mages of her guild, and thinks she'd have to act slightly more proper if she became S-Class.

Magic: Ice Magic - hence her nickname

Short History: [redacted]


Likes: Cold places, cloudy days, playing pranks on her guildmates

Dislikes: Heat, crowds, losing her goggles/belt

Other: She hums to herself quite often, though she's terribly off-key when she actually tries to sing, and people usually throw things at her to get her to shut up

Character Song: End in Tragedy [Set It Off]

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