35. Husband

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"I cannot blame the world for shattering heart and walking over it,
When it was me who let the window open just because the world seemed beautiful at first."

A horrified gasp escaped from her lips making Baraq close his eyes wince. He couldn't quite decipher Nazreena's words. Opening his eyes, he looked atbher making her nodnherbhead in approval. Frowning he turned, shocking everyone with his words.

"Ya Allah, rehab." Everyone's eyes widened seeing a sinner asking help from the Almighty.

Layla couldn't understand why she felt happy for Baraq when he took their God's name. She just felt as if her lungs revived making her take deep breaths and calm herself.

Nazreena's eyes shone with amusement as she cleared her throat and began talking clearing the air to the tightness of her own throat, "whatever I said is true, that is why I need both your help. Because, Layla is too pious to even think evil about the current thing going on and Baraq doesn't care about it. And if I even dare to let anyone know about The Jinn's Cave. They will probably end up using everything to their own good. Which is something,

I can't allow in my watch." Nazreena's words deadpanned at the ends making the couple understand the gravity of the situation.

"They are humans, right? Then there is a chance my parents will come back, too?" Layla's breathy voice echoed in the enormous room.

"Maybe, but I an assure you that if you help us, then we will fulfill any demands or wishes you want." Nazreena sighed not knowing the behind story of Layla.

Desperate to be answered she hastily nodded her head.

"You mean, if I agree to do whatever you want me to- you will fulfil my any wish?" Eyes shining with hope as she desperately neared Nazreena. Her fingers shaking as she got hold of her veil.

"Yes, anything." The words flew out of Nazreena's mouth confirming her promise.

Baraq stood there with crossing arms and scrutinizing the scene infront of him. Eyes shining as if he has never seen those desperate-ness in any eyes. It was as if like, she wanted something different from the world, which no one could give her.

"Tell me what do you want, Layla." The words caressed her gently.

Holding onto a choking sob, she rubbed away the blurry stinging tears from her eyes.

"Bring back my family. Please bring them back. I can't live without them, the emptiness is choking me. Please bring them back." Her cry of beg echoed in the dark, empty evenings. Stunned silence bestowed upon them.

Not even breeze dared to disturb them.

Nazreena blinked her eyes at her wish, next she barked out the laugh drawing Layla's eye brows closer.

Her shoulders shook with laughter, she tried to conceal but when Hafsa joined her, she couldn't cease her laughter anymore.
The sounds of laughter burned insides her. She felt her words burning to ashes. It burned her so much that the tears began to melt.

What was her fault? She only asked for her family. The world didn't did her justice.

Everyone was laughing around her. The laughter burned her insides. It's aggresive flame made her temperature reach its peak. But soon, it melted away seeing him standing still. His eyes darkening on the source of laughter as if he was the being disrespected.

It was first time in her life, someone stood by her side.

But, she wasn't the only one to feel the burning sensation numbing her senses. Baraq too felt burning sensation but it was different from her. His fire could burn down the world and her fire only burned her.

"Enough," his gravel voice deepened stopping Nazreena from he laughter session.

"Either you promise to give her what she asked for or forget about we helping you." Drawing Layla's hand in his grip, he firmly held her and began to walk out making Nazreena realise. They weren't some puppets who will bow down their head to obey her any demands.

Nazreena huffed out a breath on Baraq's words, and narrowed her eyes on his rigi form.

"I can only try my best." She announced with her head held. Even in the times of miseries, she held the power of not bowing her head to anyone.

"But, I guess we have a little surprise for Layla." She continued making Layla turn around to face her with her eyebrows scrunched together.

Turning her body to face her properly, she waited for Nazreena to continue what she was saying about. Baraq glared Nazreena, slowly shaking his head in denial.

"The man standing beside you is your husband. The one you married. The one who hid the fact from you, that he is your husband."
Stunned silence followed after her words. Layla could hear her heart beating as if it was on marathon. Blood rushed into her ears making her suddenly feel hot all over her body. Shaking her head in refusal, she grabbed her niqab with her eyes widened.

"That is not true." Her words came out in whisper as she stared at him with her dark brown wide eyes.

"Think about it, why he was with that night and not your husband. Because he is your husband. I even have a proof. Kaif." Sinister smile crossed over her face as she called Kaif, who walked gingerly towards the scene. He felt Baraq's eyes boring holes into his skull and he knew once Baraq meet him out of this palace that will be the last time he would be seeing earth.

"Baraq is your husband Layla. I was the sole witness of your nikah with him."

Her ears rang as all the flashback came hitting her. The way he barged into his room where she was aloud to stay. The way he always followed her and found her. The way he always cam to her house, whenever he willed. She connected all the dots.

Then her eyes widened.

A lone tear slipped out from her eyes when she realised how idiot she was. Baraq lied to her and she believed it. How more idiotic can she get?

One moment she was grieving over the fact that she was given false information and the next moment a sound of loud clap resonated in the room and Kaif's and Hafsa's eyes widened with Nazreena's slightly amused on the scene infront of her.

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