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[ spoiled you enough with double updates, hope you enjoy this one! ]


'A little birdie told me you left the building with my ex,' Eddie said, more of a statement rather than an accusation. Right when I tried to take in hand into mine, he had to pop the undesired sentence. I grumbled under my breath, shoving my hands back into my coat pockets. 

Eddie had requested to take a stroll that warm night, just to lay low and smell the roses. Apparently, the night was young and this was the way to do it. We started from the Daily Bugle building, taking a long way around to just walk in each other's company all the way back to our apartment. Of course, being by Eddie's side was always refreshing but when those sullen words came about, I started to rethink my words.

Does Eddie follow us?

'You don't have to keep tabs on me,' I said to him, rolling my eyes. I found a piece of chipped asphalt on the sidewalk, kicking it forward with every stride. 'I'm perfectly capable of handling myself.'

Thanks for the no help, earth trash.

'Shut your trap, Sin,' I murmured. Eddie's arm looped through mine, knowing I was starting to get riled up. I was tugged close, making me lose my balance and rock to stumble into him.

The street we walked on was too silent that night, the only sounds in the air were our own. Maybe because it was eleven and it was a weekday, but we took our chances. My own footsteps were loud and my heels making the case worse. The lamposts above cast moving shadows around us, my eyes watching my feet in a trance.

'I worry about you,' he murmured. 'I'm lawfully allowed to do that.'

'I'm lawfully entitled to punch you,' I retorted back. 'Don't do it.'

He breathily chuckled, unfazed by my warning. I wondered as to why no one took my threats to be empty. 'I will try, Mrs. Brock.'

That name was not doing him any help. My cheeks tinted pink with the reference, his eyes catching the influence. He collapsed into fits of laughter, traversing his hands into my pocket and linking his fingers with mine. I furrowed my eyebrows when he towed me into the alleyway, with a smirk playing on his lips.

'Where are you going?' I hissed, trying to keep my voice low so as to not disturb the silent surroundings. 'Let go, Eddie!'

'Quiet,' he reprimanded, pulling my hand harder, even Sin started to restrict. I tripped over my own feet, my stilettos catching into the gaps between the rocky pavement beyond. My back rammed into the brick wall, his arms bracing against it to trap me to his chest. I looked at him with a combination of annoyance and mischief, my palm thwacking his shoulder.

'What's wrong with you?' I whispered, my hands waving to showcase my confusion. 'You better let me go - 

'It's dark and quiet,' he murmured back, his lips inching closer to mine. With every advance closer, I kept leaning back and my lips being nipped. 'Have some fun, Laur.'

I straightened my back, my eyes intent on his. 'We're neither horny high-schoolers nor are we considering this. Let me go or I swear - mmph!'

His lips had pressed against mine, ceasing talk and kissing me soundly. My hands were prompt in their response to pull on his hair and angle myself better into the kiss, my front pressed into him.

Gross humans.

'Ed, we're in public,' I murmured as soft as possible, my lips hovering over his. He shook his head, with censure. 'You drive me nuts. That dress...'

I couldn't deny, it was a risky piece of clothing. The plum color made my skin look paler than normal and the tight material gave off the illusion of an hourglass shape which I didn't own.

His lips latched onto the region where my jawline met my ear, journeying down the column of my throat. His calloused hands were flat down on my backside, pushing me into him. I gasped when he brought his hands further down to hitch a leg over his hip. His smirked widened into my skin, my legs shrieking at me to support myself. The stilettos were of no help, my balance compromised. As if he sensed this, he did the same with my other leg and my back once again digging into the wall.

'Oh wow,' I whispered breathlessly and once again, his kisses silenced my murmurs. Using a hand, he pulled the long zipper in front of the dress higher to let his manhood crush into me. That extricated a soft moan which I muffled into his shoulder, hoping not to make any noise.

'Ssh,' he said, his lips sloppily leaving kisses that traversed from the edge of my lip, down the column of my neck and finger slipping between the zipper to slide the thin material away. I could feel my head boiling with pleasure, my thoughts going haywire and my slender hands tugging on the collar-side of his leather jacket to pull him closer. Just as I was about to move in to reward myself with another kiss, he stopped his approaches abruptly, pulling back from my skin to meet my eyes. All the humor washed away and I furrowed my brows in confusion when he set me back on the ground, helping me straighten my skirt. 

He's confused.

Of course, not. Eddie would never -

'Is this making you uncomfortable?' He asked in all nervousness, his hot breaths caressing my cheeks. I couldn't help but smile at his worry, tracing a limp finger down his jawline. He was cautious enough not making me push my boundaries to the extreme. A warmth bubbled in my chest with his words, my arms lobbed over his neck.

Something's watching us.

Me being caught up in the situation completely ignored his voice. And judging by Eddie's look, he seemed oblivious and calm as well. 'A little,' I nodded truthfully. 'Not gonna' lie, that did feel damn good. I would've let you finish.'

'Ooh,' he drawled, snaking a hand over my waist. 'I'll keep that in mind.'

I pursed my lips. 'Might save you a lot of arguments.'

'I'm all for it now,' we chuckled in unison and he let out a sigh. 'You have to talk to me, doll. It's not like I'm some savage, I do respect your limits.'

I laughed. 'That's why I agreed to marry you. Why else - '

'You what?'

In the darkness beyond the lane, something was moving slowly and watching us. Eddie was quick to act, pushing me behind him and putting up his body as a shield. I scanned the leeway from behind his arm, gripping his side tightly and finding nobody there. There was a soft drag of feet across the pavement, making me alert. 

'No need for the hassle, guys, it's me,' a boyish voice acclaimed, moving into the light. We heard the familiar snap of a mask, before a flock of brown air and cross eyes were revealed to us. I took in a relieved heave of breath, Eddie rolling his eyes in irritation. It was just Peter.

'How long were you there?'

'About three minutes into eating each other's face off,' he answered me with a short gag. A dark blush lit my face. I cleared my throat, looking down at my feet and not able to form a witty retort. The boy clearly caught us having dry sex in an alley and it was my first. 'And then, I hear the M word. Miss Sharp, how could you?'

'Mrs. Brock,' Eddie admonished and I elbowed his side with a snarl. 'Not now.'

'Don't get your knickers in a twist,' I said to downed Peter. 'It only makes you walk funny.'

'It's a major deal!' He blasted, propelling closer. He was in his spangly Spiderman costume and his face flushed with anger - it was a scene to remember. 'You never told me about the proposal!'

'You didn't?' Eddie asked and I tossed him a sheepish smile. He grumbled under his breath. 'Oh yeah, no biggie. Not like it's important.' 

'Well, now you know,' I turned to Peter. 'I told Tony to tell you! When I gave him your part-time job confirmation.'

I don't think he knows.

I hated it when he was right. His facial expression glowed with the confusion that I could almost hear the crickets chirp. Like a spinning top, my mind raced to conclusions. Wow, I messed up big time. It seems that Peter didn't know about the job part, either. And to think that Tony would've told him the minute he received it.

'Ooh,' I said, making a pained smile. 'You don't know that, yet, too?'

'I got a job?' He said out loud, a large smile spreading across his face. He did a fist pump to the air, all his teeth on show. 'Wicked. Who got me the gig?'

I pointed to Eddie. 'He did.'

'Aw, thank you, Mr. Brock!' He said, laughing. 'This is seriously the most awesome news I've heard all day.' He paused and shook his head, correcting himself. 'After your engagement, of course. Congrats!' He said, waving his arms weakly.

'Thanks,' and, 'thank you,' we said in unison. His hand clasping mine with a smile and he faced Peter. 'Sorry, we didn't tell you sooner. Things were a bit all over the place.'

'Am I the first to know?' 

Before I could answer the question, a sharp scream echoed through the air. All of us went into alert, my legs swiftly moving past Eddie onto the street to observe the scene. Up ahead, a distorted creature with strangely resembled a mighty skeleton of a twenty-foot tall snake was engaged in a battle between an estranged man.


I clamped a hand over mouth to not let loose a piercing scream. A hand pulled me out of the way before it's scorpion relating tail bashed itself over me. It was out of this world, a yellow, disfigured skull with teeth and protruding antlers. It owned an armored exoskeleton with fuzz, seemed receptive to nothing. Eddie pushed me to the opposite side and forced me to stay put.

'Don't move,' he ordered. 'I'm gonna help out Parker - '

'No, you can't!' I upbraided and sprinting to his side, stubborn on my decision. 'Venom's on a burnout, now!'

'I - ' he started to say, looking away and trying to summon his strength. He fisted his hands, tight enough to crush metal but nothing came up. I reached out, caressing his neck to get me to look at him.

'Stay here,' I murmured. I removed my coat, passing it to him which he caught confusedly. 'Call Beck. Tell her to come.'

'Beck?' He spurted and watched as I ripped the edge of the dress that constricted me from movement. The sharp ripping sound making him flinch and the dress' the dress' height coming mid-thigh now. 'What the hell are you doing?

'I'm helping Peter.'

'Are you nuts?' He grabbed my arm to get me to snap my gaze at him. 'You're gonna' get killed - '

'I won't. I have a reasonably more powerful symbiote than yours,' I smirked, moving forward to press my lips to his for a quick kiss. 'Call Beck.'

He visibly ground his teeth and shook his head, frustrated with my non-compliance. I ran past him, trying to figure out what the hell was going on. Peter had already trampled onto the creature, rapidly fighting off the organism's gigantic legged feelers which sensed his motion, clawing his way up its legs.

Peter's sharp command was dismissed. 'Miss Sharp, you shouldn't be - '

Before I knew it, my body had started to rise and extending its symbiote material over my body, manifesting itself into a similar version of Venom. My vision was blocked with the whitened mass crawling up over my face, my eyesight getting clearer and a feeling of strength climbing through my veins. Rather than a muscular vision, Sin's form had substantiated my own and furnishing me the slender illusion with more sleekness and ingenious. More vixen-like, built to trap and kill.

A deafening screech left our lips, bounding towards the creature with talons stretched out. 

'Now feel a Sin's venom.'

- ♣ -

[ w/n: shut your face, we have the first look at SIN in action. this is exactly how I imagine her, but the symbiote is white (not racist, SIN is a *white-hued* symbiote) ISN'T SHE AMAZING, YES, THAT'S OUR BABY LAURA!

and yes, that is another symbiote in the Marvel universe called agony, what's your point? it's just a reference, chill the eff out. WE HAVE SPECIAL ENTRANCE BY A CERTAIN SOMEONE IN THE NEXT CHAPTER, SHE A KWEEENNN ----anyways, how was this one? ]

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