18 | HOME

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[ w/n: I've spoiled you enough with triple updates. see you all later! hope you enjoy this one. ]


'To all the boys and girls I've ever loved since I'm no sexist pig,' May raised her wine glass to the air, with a fry hanging from her lips. 'Screw off till the world's end.'

It was nine in the evening of my six month anniversary with Eddie. In my hands, was a tall half-pint with red wine filled till the brim, nearly overflowing and a table full of junk, greasy food from various different outlets. Sin loved meat, anything that was soft and juicy to pluck off. One too many times, he had mentioned about heads and organs but that was way out my comfort zone. If I'd agreed to have him quite literally nest inside me, I had to set some ground rules.

My very cynical roomie got ahold of my calendar, finding out that it was a very important day and decided to poke fun at me. She called in on a girl's night but did everything a boyfriend would do. She bought me a flower, she bought cheap wine and common cheese from the dollar store. 

'Hear, hear,' I laughed and clinked my glass with hers. 

'But seriously, Sharp. If he asks you to take him back, would you?' she asked, lying on her back in the carpet and playing with the long straw on her lips.

'Before twelve tonight,' I slurred. 'Heck yes.'

'Then why the fuck did I buy all this?'

'For us to eat and celebrate my job offer. And because for once, you're wearing pants around the house!'

'Oh,' she looked down at her legs wide open and sheathed in pajama bottoms. 'Oh, yeah. I'm just going to slip them right off - '

'No,' I squealed and threw my head back into the couch and placed the cup on the side table behind me. 'No, I think that's it. Whatever happens next is just... what happens.'

Yes, very, very drunk. 

She giggled. 'Ah, I love it!'

Lolling my head to a side, I looked at her. 'You never told me you liked girls.'

Her knee stuck out of the mattress, her hands sprawled on either side of her head as her grey eyes remained etched on the ceiling. 'You never asked, dummy.'

'I'm asking now.'

'Well, it happened when I was thirteen. Saw this cute girl in the hallway and it just clicked. I told my parents after high school, they kicked me out. Bastards didn't even accept me when I graduated from college with distinction.'

'Oh my god, May. I'm so sorry.'

'Eh, it's all good. I'm doing just fine without them. No need to be sorry, you cute shit.'

I chuckled. 'So, you're technically a virgin?'

'Ha no, missy. I'm what they call a pansexual. Brilliant beings, we are. There's something so good about having that inside - '

'T. M. I.'

'You're talking, Miss I-hate-foreplay!'

I gasped. 'No, you didn't!'

'Oh yes, I did. Eddie, you play me one more - ' I didn't let her finish that sentence, chucking a pillow at her face. Getting up from the couch, I adjusted my shirt and pointed at her.

'I'm too sleepy. So, I'm gonna head to bed.'

She slurred something inaudible, rolling into the carpet and I stumbled in my footsteps. 'May, get to bed!'

'The food?'

'Bed. Now.'

She made a two finger salute and struggled to pull herself off the ground. The empty green wine bottle was strewn over the food, the stench of oil making Sin rumble with hunger. I opened the door for her and watched as she crashed face first into the pillows. 

And I followed the same when I fell into my bedding, pulling the covers into my chest. Falling into a dreamless sleep.

- ♣ -

It was twelve eleven in the morning when I jolted awake to the sound of the buzzer at our front door. I groaned and pushed my head deeper into the mattress, hoping whoever who disturbed would disappear.

But no. The person just wouldn't give up.

Let's eat whoever it is. Easy kill.


The walls inexplicably thin so I heard her whine under breath and go silent. 'No!'

'I'm busy!'

When I didn't hear her answer, my sleep washed off with all the focus that was centered on her answering. I shot up from the covers, slipping on my fuzzy socks and pulled a robe over my sheer top. I was half-asleep when I pressed the answer button on the buzzer and moaned out a hello.

I got no answer.

I tried again. No answer still. Just mechanical silence.

I groaned again and tugged the door open with unintended for, letting it bang shut behind me. Oh, whoever woke me up was so in for a good clocking. 

My legs were steadfast on their pace down the stairs and up to the front door. Pulling the front door open with a growl, I looked down into the street hoping to see someone familiar in the distance. I scanned my sight and even Sin used night vision.

Near you.

Far ahead, down the porch stairs was an easy to recognize motorcycle, with a taped X over its headlights. A figure was leaning onto the balustrade near the porch, just a foot away from me and breathing deep breaths. His heartbeat was too fast to be normal and he took off his hood to step into the light.


I was dreaming. I was definitely dreaming and hungover. I wanted to know what it time it was but I couldn't remember what I saw when I woke up. Was it before twelve? Was it?

'Laura, I can't do this space situation. I'm going nuts and I want to be done with it - '


' - I can't, I just. Yeah, baby?'

I smiled with my teeth tugging my lip. 'Happy six month anniversary.'

Eddie's pearlie whites shined in the dimmed lights of the porch, his skin stretching and forming beautiful shadows over his face. His pretty eyes were hooded so I couldn't see the brown of his irises, only the smile.

'I love you so much, Laura. I was such a bitch, trying out to figure it all out when it was already there! I knew I loved you - '

That was all I needed. All the confirmation I needed. Just those few words to get my heart lighter than a feather. My legs become jelly as I lurched forward on tiptoes and threw my hands around his neck. My lips pressed into his, pushing his apart and moving it with his.

I rested my forehead against him, Eddie's arms gathering my waist. 'I love you, too. God, I love you so much.'

I don't know how long we stayed there, my feet resting over his and his lips set over my hair. It was the cold September chill that started to set in his bones along with the coldness that seeped from mine. Eddie's lips chattered at the attack of the cold, my robes serving as a thin barrier.

'Let's go home, Laur.' He murmured into my hair. 'Come with me.'

'You've got to beg more than that, Brock.'

'I'll . . . get on my knees for you?'

'Wouldn't that be a picture to keep.'

I felt his warm lips lower, lower and lower until I didn't feel his chest pressed against mine. I heard the faint thud of his knees hit the ground, his gloved hands still grasping mine. I restrained chuckles when he looked up at me with eyes that swam with so much emotion. 

'Laura baby, please come home with me.'

I bit my lip with heartfelt humor, my hands cradling his cheek with spasms of chuckles.

'Of course, I will. But this is gold!'

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