21 | BUDDY

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'So, you and Eddie took the A-train to Familyville, huh?'

I was surprised to see Carol at the door, looking casual in a tank top and some sweats, leaning against the doorframe with a small smile playing on her lips. She was the kind of person who was thespian yet erudite at the same time, a stormy look to her easygoing state and someone I would idolize within moments of conversing with. Tall, built and fierce - she really was one of the mightiest heroes on the planet. 

I smiled back in greeting, making room on the sofa by bringing my knees to my chest. The long leather seats overlooked the short virescent span that enveloped to the city skyline miles ahead, somehow the Stark HQ managing to conceal itself in plain sight. Carol took her invitation to join my side, settling over the cushion with her back against the glass window. She was still grinning when she watched my expression change into an odd smile.

'I gotta be honest, I didn't see it coming,' I shared, pushing the hair away from my face with a single sweep of my palms. 'He wasn't giving off anything.'

'Why do I find that hard to believe?' She said, pinching her lips as if to conceal laughter. 'Women like us always find out.'

'There's a category?'

'Superheroes, family disappointments turned neighborhood hero,' she shrugged indifferently, tilting her head. 'Ring any bells?'

'I'm no superhero, Cap,' I replied with congeniality. 'Siding with Eddie was more of an obliged favor. I don't think it's the way of life for me.'

'Because being the cozy little housewife with ET up her ass is the way to do it?'

Is she patronizing us?

I was shocked since that was my nickname for Venom when I'd first gotten to know about the entire symbiote situation. My guess was great minds think alike. I blinked out my trance, shaking my head. She probably didn't mean for it to come out that way.

'If you put it that way . . . ' I made a face, the skin on the sides of my neck pulling up in disfavor. She laughed lightly at my reaction, crossing her arms over her chest and I joined in with her, ceasing my legs to my chest. This was the different side of Carol I was experiencing, the one aside from stone-faced, hard-hitting Captain Marvel. I asked her the first question that hit my tongue after the laughter subsided. 

'What's it like from up there?' 

She exhaled out her nose, long and hard. Her eyes were set on nothing, filling with wonder that seemed too great of an experience to wash away easily. She shook her head in awe, pursing her lips.

'Feels like you've never been freer,' she disclosed, shutting her eyes to savor the scene behind her eyes. I had my own smile on my face when I saw her in tranquility. 'It's like taking a car out to the desert and seeing how fast it can go. That need to find the edge of me. And if I fly far enough, I'll turn around and look,' she fluttered her eyes open, gracing a reminiscent smile on her lips, 'at the world I belong.'


'Or that,' she chuckled, brushing a strand of blond hair behind her ear. 'I was caught in the moment.'

'It was a good moment,' I raised my brows. 'Made me jealous.'

'Maybe I could fly you up to Alpha Flight sometime. See the view, meet the cadets,' she offered and I couldn't figure if she meant it or teasing me. 'And introduce you to my flerken cat.'

'A what now?'

'A cat but with tentacles and fangs,' she nodded like it was the most obvious thing in the world. She made a noise when I didn't respond, gawking with shock. 'Goose is one of a kind.'

'I'll say,' I said, with widened eyes. 'She sounds pleasant.'

'Absolutely. Does that win me an invite to the wedding?'

I nodded, grinning largely. 'The fantasy one, yes. I'll have Goose as my ring-bearer and all.'

'Oh, she'll be honored,' Carol added, playing along. 'I can pitch in and rock a bass guitar solo.'

'And I'll be wearing disco-ball inspired suit with spiky hair.'

'Oh,' she puckered her face, 'the church called, want its authenticity back.'

'It can kiss my punk ass.'

A beat passed before we burst out laughing again. She reached out, clamping a hand over my shin and doubling over into fits of chortles. I paused for a moment, shifting so my feet hit the cold marble tiling and following her motion.

'Ladies, if I may interrupt,' Vision walked in, not through the door but through the wall and making it seem completely normal. His cape flowed close behind him, landing on his feet after his short hover. 'We've got a situation in the city. Seems our Xenophage has struck again.'

Carol was on her feet in moments, her face hardening into a leveled stare as she acknowledged Vision. 'Get the team to suit up. Ten minutes and we meet at the Quinjet.' She turned her gaze to me, her expression meaning business. She nodded once. 'That means you, too.'

I smirked favorably. 'Copy that, Cap.'

- ♣ -

[ w/n: and, they're off! the friendship between carol and laura was hard to phrase since they're both complex characters. i tried, did it work? you are not ready for the next one- 

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