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Obviously, I wasn't allowed on this mission of theirs given that my cranium had a massive crack and my body was still healing from the sudden loss of symbiote balancing my systems. Fury and his troop of behind-the-scenes officers were monitoring all the four superheroes vitals and the blue-black screen showing the scene ahead of them from the cameras installed in all their suits.

My eyes never left the end of the screen with Eddie's steady heartbeat and the front of his motorbike zooming past traffic signals, heading straight for Roosevelt Island.

A cybernetic arm prodded itself into view, a small earpiece of some sort resting on his hand. I looked at Fury curiously.

'Comms to connect you to Eddie,' he explained. 'Thought it'd be of help.'

'Thanks.' I said gratefully, inserting the minute piece into my ear all the while hoping it did not get lodged into my eardrum. Instantly, I heard the conversation on the other end.

'So, you all haven't watched the new Star Wars movie?'

Multiple groans ensued without for Eddie who laughed out loud. Scott mumbled something about teenagers and went silent.

'This is exactly why I wanted you out of this field trip. Because of your indifferent pop references.'

'But, Mr. Stark - fine! Mr. Brock?'

'Dunno but I'm sure Laura's seen it thrice already.'

'The lady is twice as intelligent as all you, already. Except you, Mr. Stark.'

'Why thank you, kid.'

'I'm right here, y'know. Just because I'm hitching a ride from Tony doesn't mean I'm not here.'

'Hold on, tiny dude. We're at the belly of the beast.'

And, a belly of the beast it was. It was a worn down building with creepers and vines hanging off the ends. The glasses were plastered with the growth of mosses and ferns, the door seemingly blasted open. The scene was clear and then we heard Scott speak.

'I can sneak in through the third floor's opening. Tony, think you can run a perimeter check?'

'Got it, chief. Pete and Brock, wait for my signal; you don't what this dude has up his blue sleeves.'

My eyes followed to the middle screen with Scott's monitor, the live footage visible to all of us back at the headquarters. Scott had used the vines as an advantage to sneak using his flying-ant, Ant-onio Banderas, and landing right where Tony wanted him to. Iron Man circled the large base leaving a trail where he went.

In the meantime, the conversation between Eddie and Peter had upped a notch. But seriously, thank God that this was only being heard by me and Fury at the moment. I thanked him once again for independent auditory cords.

I caught hold of a well-dressed officer-nerd currently typing away on his device. He raised his eyebrows. 'Could you get me a bottle of the strongest alcohol you own?'

'Scuse me?'

'You heard me. Chop chop, Science Fair.'

He shot a look of disbelief to Fury behind me and I heard him say in a hassled voice, 'Get the woman what she wants.' The male scrambled off faster than he could say 'vodka' after shooting the black-caped man a salute.

I turned to Fury amidst the commotion that had been ongoing on the screens. My smile went sheepish. 'I need to up my senses if I have to get to work.'

His meandering eye turned narrow. 'So, is it destructive or recovering?'

'Neither,' I mused. 'I just like the feel of it. Don't rat me out to Eddie.'

A frosted-glass bottle made its way into my line of sight, the straight label of orange and red reading out Sunset Rum. I rolled the bottle around in my hands with a pucker. 'This is one of the strongest liquors in the world.'

The boy murmured. 'You asked for it.'

'Scoot away, Earnest Jones. Before I call your mother.'

The boy turned redder than ever, his hands fisting on wither sides. 'Fury, who the f - '

'Mr. Jones, we are in the middle of a life or death crisis so given the time limit, I need you to hold on to your nerve.'

I cracked open the seal and lifted the mouth of the bottle of my lips. Everywhere the liquor traveled down my gut, it burned pleasurably and igniting my senses to life. I shook my head at the buzz of energy, wincing at the burning sensation after.

Mr. Jones (of course, he looked like a Jones) scrambled off to his desk, rubbing a hand down in his face in all tenseness. I focused my gaze back on the screen where the iron-armored superhero had found an underground opening into the floors of Tel-Kar's ship.

'You see that door?' Tony scoffed in Layman's terms when the comms went silent after his orders. 'A few meters away from it is the trap door to the sewer lines of my dad's electromagnetic testing labs. I sense heat signatures which should presumably be our missing alien.'

'You just want us to break in?' Peter asked, his heart rate rising on the chart. Poor kid - he was dealing with otherworldly creatures and wanted to save the world with webs.

'Just,' Tony sighed and landed on the terrace with a thud. 'Get in.'

There had to be a catch. Tel-Kar and Sin had bonded, given that Sin was able to bond with anyone at a faster rate. But, Tel-Kar was strong. Strong enough to withhold the symbiote in him using his mental abilities. That's what Fury was saying - the Kree wasn't just strong. They were noble, they were warriors with a vengeance. So to separate the symbiote and the host - we need to use another metaphysical force. A force that could part the symbiote and the host - safely.

I knew that the sounds that harmed Venom would deem useless against Sin's genetically engineered supermind. We needed something else that had to be done. Another energy. Another source.

'Fury,' I said with a wondering voice. 'You said the Skrulls have designed weapons to eliminate a Kree soldier, right?'

'Yes but we cannot kill Tel-Kar,' he finalized. 'He's an asset to us. I need him alive for interrogation'

Fair enough. 'What about potential harm?'

Fury went silent, looking back at the holographic screen in front of him. He tap-tap-tapped his fingers against the glass. 'You got something there.'

'Please tell me you've got a stash of stolen Skrull weapons around here,' I pleaded with my eyes. It was our only way out.

A small smirk lit his face ultimately stunning me. That was the first time I'd seen him with any sort of happy expression. 'The SHIELD ain't here for nothing, Laura. Follow me.'

- ♣ -

[ w/n: you guys I'm crying. This book is so close to my heart and I can't believe it's coming to an end. Just. A. Few. More. Chapters. Fuck, I don't want to finish it. so I was thinking....if you guys want one shots or head-canons of these two -feel free to buzz me through the PMs! I'll gladly write it for you. Until next time. Love juuuu.]

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