Chapter 1: A Broken Dream

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Heya! It's new story time! You all know the drill! I own no characters from Boku No Hero Academia! But I will be adding OCs here and there. If a character is unfamiliar to you then they are most likely mine. I do however own the main plot! Not much of this will stick to the main plot of the original. Thank you! And with that let's begin. 

~Your POV~

I grabbed my bag and slung it over my shoulder. I walked out of my house discreetly to not wake up my mother. I walked to school, almost an hour early. Next year I'll finally be free from this hell hole. Next year I'll go to high school. And while that may be worse I plan on going to a high school far away from here. Specifically away from Kacchan. I noticed a few students on campus, but not many. I just leaned on the small brick wall of the school gate as I pulled out a book I was currently reading. Some time passed and I felt a tap on my shoulder. I flinched at the contact before smiling at the boy. "Morning (Y/N)." Izuku greeted cheerfully. I pulled out my phone and typed something quickly, showing it to him. 

Me: Good morning Izuku. 

He nodded, still smiling like always. He held out his hand to me and helped me up. I gave him a quick nod, typing 'thank you' and showing it to him. "Anytime. C'mon let's get to class." He said. I nodded again. I didn't talk much. My mother didn't like it when I spoke. So I've learned to be silent. Sometimes I'd build up enough courage to talk to Izuku with my actual voice. I would hum to myself every now and then whenever I was listening to music. But even so it was rare. Like I said mother doesn't like me talking. She said that because I couldn't warn dad about the car coming right at him I shouldn't be allowed to speak at all. Complete and utter bull s*it I know. But I can't do anything about it. I couldn't fight. I couldn't tell anyone because of my fear. I can't run away because I know I wouldn't be able to survive on my own. The heroes can't save me. And the police, all they'd do is throw mother in prison. Then what would I do? I'm stuck. I'm weak. I'm helpless. 

Class continued as it normally did, Kacchan throwing regular insults at everyone, bullying me and Deku, and so on so forth. Sometimes I wish I could punch his lights out. But I'm not strong enough. I'm not nearly strong enough. Kacchan could easily overpower me. He was too strong. And his Quirk....I need to stop thinking about this. I refocused on what Izuku was saying. We were walking home together like always and he was currently trying to cheer me up. "Relax (Y/N). Don't let what Kacchan said get to you. I'm sure that if anything you'll make a great hero one day." He said. I smiled at him, mouthing 'thanks'. But the truth was I gave up on that dream long ago. Unlike Izuku who still tried. I didn't blame him or think lower of him because he still pursued his dream. It was awesome really. It was so cool how he could continue going for it where I had given up. Truth was Izuku was way stronger than I was. I shook my head slightly pulling out my phone. 

Me: Izuku you're way stronger than I am. If anyone of us is going to become a hero it'll be you.

He seemed to brighten up slightly. But my smile held sadness. Because it was true. Izuku had a way better likely hood of becoming a hero. Even without a Quirk. He's stronger than me. Then again everyone is stronger than me. At least in terms of strength that is. I pulled out my book and continued reading, unaware of all the s*it that was about to go down. 

~Time Skip~

When All Might told Izuku he couldn't be a hero because of him being Quirkless I was upset. I was beyond upset I was downright p*ssed. But just like always I just grit my teeth and looked away. All Might raised an eyebrow at me. "What's up with your friend? She hasn't said a word during any of this." He pointed out. I got out my phone and typed. I walked over to him and basically shoved the phone in his face. 

Me: I don't speak. At least not often. 

After reading he nodded slightly. "I see. Are you mute?" He asked. I shook my head pulling the phone back and typing a new message quickly. 

Me: No, not really. I just don't speak because of....reasons. 

D*MNIT! WHY DIDN'T I TELL HIM ABOUT MY MOM!? I thought, furious at my chickening out. "Alright then. I won't pry." He said, patting my head. I was seething at this point. But just like always no one realized it. I began typing furiously on my phone causing both Izuku and All Might to raise an eyebrow. 

Me: And I may not look it right now. 

Me: But I'm p*ssed. 

Me: Izuku is the kindest person I know. 

Me: And so what if he doesn't have a Quirk!?

Me: Hell his motives are more noble than most heroes I can think of off the top of my head. 

Me: And let me tell you I can think of a lot of heroes. 

Me: And at least he didn't give up on his dream. 

Me: Unlike me....

My arm was tired of shoving the phone in his face so I just put my phone away and quickly ran behind Izuku, afraid of being yelled at. "(Y/N) are you okay?" Izuku asked. I shook my head, putting on a brave face. "I'm...fine." I muttered quietly. He brightened up slightly since I had spoken but still gave me a concerned look. All Might was shell shocked by the messages I had typed. Or at least I'm assuming that was what it was. I began typing on my phone again before showing it to Izuku. 

Me: Don't listen to him, Izuku. 

Me: You're a bloody good tactician when you want to be. 

Me: If anyone can be a true hero that stands for justice, it's going to be you. 

Me: You're a great friend. And no matter what you haven't given up on your dreams. 

Me: You deserve the world Izuku. You really do. 

Me: Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. 

Izuku started tearing up before wiping the tears away. "Stop it (Y/N). You're going to make me cry." He said. 

Me: It's the truth. 

He laughed slightly, hugging me. "Thanks. I needed that." He said. I pulled away, not really a fan of physical contact. But I nodded, smiled, and gave him two thumbs up. "C'mon. Let's hurry up and get home." Izuku said. I nodded and we completely forgot about All Might up there on the roof, leaving him behind as we walked down the stairs. 

~Time Skip~

Me and Izuku wandered around the city on our way home. Getting a bit turned around. But All Might's words still hung heavy on our minds. That is, until our depressed silence was cut off by the sound of explosions and fighting. Izuku sighed and continued walking, clearly not in the mood. My head whipped around however, hearing slim noises. Wait...The slime villain that me and Izuku ran into! But...what's with the explosions? Heroes wouldn't be that careless and there's no way the slime villain can.... My thoughts trailed off as I contemplated possibilities. Then it hit me. "Kacchan." I mumbled quietly. Izuku shot me a look. "(Y/N) did you say something?" He questioned. I grabbed his wrist and started dragging him to the fight. When we got there we saw Kacchan in trouble because of the sludge villain. Oh Blaze. Oh Blaze. Oh Blaze what do I do? Why aren't the heroes doing anything!? Don't they know how to improvise!? I thought, trembling slightly. My eyes scanned the area as a started twirling a pencil in my hand, a habit I had when I was thinking. Izuku looked from me, to Kacchan, to the villain, then back to me. I GOT IT! Once I stopped twirling the pencil Izuku knew I had a plan. I got out my phone and typed quickly. He nodded, eyes sparking with determination. "Let's do it." He said. I ran out first quickly grabbing the villains attention. My mind raced in panic. WHAT AM I DOING!? I screamed at myself as I threw the pencil at one of the sludge villain's eyes. Bull's eye. "OW! D*MN BRAT!" He shouted, tossing sludge at me. I quickly dodged and noticed Izuku running for Kacchan out of the corner of my eye. I tossed a second pencil at the villain's other eye, hitting it too and temporarily blinding the villain. I then rushed and started trying to pull Kacchan out of the sludge while Izuku tried to dig him out. "Deku! Musei! THE HELL ARE YOU TWO DOING!?" The Devil shouted at us. Musei. Meaning voiceless.... I thought, flinching at the nickname. I didn't pay attention to it and continued to try and pull Kacchan out. Once I was able to move him a little bit I pulled harder and finally pulled him out. "WHAT!? NO!!!!" The villain roared, eyesight returning. But before anything could happen, All Might grabbed me, Izuku, and Kacchan and pulled us out of the way as he punched the slime villain away. After that it started raining slightly. Blaze forbid how powerful is All Might? Currently me and Izuku were getting chewed out by the heroes. But I wasn't having it this time. "You know what..." I mumbled quietly, but loud enough for them to hear me. "Unlike you we actually did something. Civilians could've been dead if we hadn't jumped in because the rest of you apparently didn't know how to do your jobs." I hissed, still weak and quiet. The hero DeathArms gave me a look. "We had to wait for back up. None of us had Quirks suited for this job-." "Then improvise dumba*ses!" I snapped, raising my voice ever so slightly. "Attack the slime's eyes, where it wasn't slime! Check if water some other form of liquid could effect it in any way! Just because the situation isn't what you were meant for doesn't mean it's okay to just sit around doing nothing while people are dying!" I said, louder than I had spoken in a long time. "Even the basic child knows how to improvise! So are you telling me none of you could've thought up a strategy!? You're Pro Heroes for Blaze's sake!" I hissed. "If you can't improvise, something even a child can do, either you need to go back to hero school, or reevaluate your current job." I spat. "Two children did the rescue." Izuku pipped up. DeathArms glared at him instead of at me. He flinched slightly but continued anyways. "Two children came in, and did your job for you. We're the ones who rescued Kacchan. So (Y/N) is right. If two children with no prior training can manage a dangerous rescue that you yourselves were having trouble with you might want to pick up a couple of job listings. Consider changing your career." Izuku spat. Oh d*mn! Even Izuku is p*ssed. I thought. "I don't mean to tell you how to do your jobs, but if you can reach someone, try. At the very least try." I mumbled. Hiding behind Izuku again. After that we were sent home. As we were walking home Bakugo showed up. Needless to say I ran. Devil, devil, devil, devil! I thought in a panic.

Once I had gotten home I didn't even look at mother. I ran straight to my room. I pulled out my phone and plugged in my earbuds. I played my music and began to relax. I couldn't help but smile slightly. I listened to my music for a long time until it was time for dinner. I made sure to not smile, nor speak, I didn't even make eye contact. I went back to my room, listening to music while doing my homework. Once that was done I just sat at my desk, thinking. Heroes are so useless at times. Even me and Izuku did more than they did. I thought. Why is it that villains seem more human to me now a days?  The heroes seem more like robots. No emotions. Programmed for one thing. But villains aren't just. They still break the law, and they kill people! How is it that both sides are wrong! And the police are too slow. Detectives are only useful after someone is attacked. It's all wrong. All wrong.... My thoughts trailed off. Nothing is as it should be. I thought. I just....I just wish there was a way to beat the system. A cheat code. Or something. I got out my computer deciding to surf the web. Nothing much but recent news. I continued searching. Looking for anything to brighten my mood. That's when I found something. One word popped up in a recent news report. Vigilante. That word is unfamiliar to me. I thought. I decided to type it into the search bar. 

Vigilante, Noun: A member of a self-appointed group of citizens who undertake law enforcement in their community without legal authority, typically because the legal agencies are thought to be inadequate.

I noticed a couple of news articles underneath it, including the one where I first saw the word. I clicked on the one I saw earlier. And I read. I continued reading until my eyes hurt. I leaned back in my swivel chair and rubbed my soar eyes violently. I had read three articles about recent news reports of vigilante activity. But I was still having a hard time processing most of it. "OI BRAT! GET TO BED!" Mother screamed from downstairs. I got up instantly and changed into my night clothes. I put my stuff away and began to shut off all the lights. I crawled into bed and closed my eyes. Drifting into darkness, shutting down immediately. 

My eyes snapped open as I sat up. I was in my bed, but everything around me was grey scale. There was no color. "Heya kid." My head turned to see a tall female sitting at desk, facing me. She was smiling at me brightly. She was wearing a long purple dress with a green belt and purple high heeled boots. She had purple fox ears sticking out of her long curly purple hair. She had sun kissed skin and slitted green eyes. Her eyes seemed to be almost glowing. I also took notice to the fact that her fangs were longer than a normal person's. But then again she didn't look anything like a normal person. I also found it odd that she was the only thing with color in the room right now. My eyes scanned the room quickly. My mind raced, trying to figure out what was going on. "Whoa kid. Slow your thoughts down slightly you're giving me a headache." The women said, rubbing her temples. I nodded, mouthing an apology. She titled her head to the side. "You can speak here kid. No one is going to hear you but me. Unless you sleep talk. And I doubt that." She said. I shook my head slightly. She sighed. "Stubborn huh? Alright then." She said, snapping her fingers. A white board appeared into my left hand and a marker appeared in my right. "You're right handed right?" She questioned. I used my dominate hand and wrote on the white board. 

Me: Who are you?

I showed it to her. She laughed suddenly at my bed side in a flash, literally. "The name's Violet Kage. Nice to meet ya' kid. Let me ask you the same thing." She said. I wrote my name on the board for her. "(Y/N) huh? Can I call you (Y/N)?" She questioned. I nodded. "Thanks." Kage-san said. "So kid. I saw you sass those heroes today. And can I just say I'm impressed." She said, sitting on my bed side. I avoided eye contact quickly. "Hm." She hummed slightly. Her eyes glowed a little brighter before fading back down. "I see." She said. "Well then (Y/N). Expect to see me more often. We're gonna improve that speech of your's. You need to be able to talk y'know. It's an important skill to have. Also confidence. Confidence needs some work. But don't worry kid. I've got your back from here on out. But I have to run now. Sweet Nightmares!" Kage-san said cheerfully. She snapped her fingers, and just like that she was gone. But now I was standing somewhere else. I'm not sure where. But I saw a shadowy figure in front of me. The figure stood tall and strong, but I was able to make out they were female. The female's hair was (H/C) and she almost looked like a hero. She wore a (F/C) suit with a hood and boots that matched. Her utility belt had multiple forms of weapons on it, a gun, a few knives, and bags that I guessed had either other weapons or medical supplies in them. She pulled out a piece of cloth from one of her bags, but I quickly realized it wasn't a cloth. It was a mask. She tied the mask on before turning around and facing me. I couldn't make out her face. Not just because of the mask but because my vision was blurring. I don't know why, but I felt the need to reach out to her. So I did, my hand slowly lifted out towards her. She mouthed one word. A word that seemed to ring in my ears. 


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