Chapter 8: Nightfire

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~Nightfire's POV~

"Answer the question. You've been tailing me for a while now. Are you with the League or not?" I questioned in a growl, pressing the knife closer to the stranger's neck. She hissed a little in pain. "Who is this 'League', you speak of? They sound like lame little b*tches." She growled with a smirk. I suppressed a laugh, keeping my mask up. "Do you mind letting me up, this is a very awkward position, and my neck is hurting." She said casually. I growled a little, closing my left hand around her wrist as a little smoke rose from it. She grit her teeth, wincing in pain. "I'll ask again: Are you with the League of Villains? Final answer, make it count." I hissed in annoyance. "Alright, alright. Chill out. I'm not a member of the League. Now will you let me up? And release my wrist! This suit may be fireproof but that still hurts like a b*tch." The female said, a little frantically. I let go of her wrist and let her stand up, still keeping my knife to her neck. "Emitter type Quirk. Not a human lie detector. Something to do with fire." She mumbled under her breath, examining her wrist. I glared at the back of her head until in a split second, she kicked the knife out of my hand before punching me in the jaw. I stumbled back with a curse before hearing a weird noise. Like fabric moving. When my vision cleared I finally got a good look at the female, trying to ignore the scarf that had begun to move without her touching it or giving any verbal commands. My eyes widened a little, as a smirk came to my face. "Now I recognize you. Karma. The Number 1 Vigilante." I said calmly. I lowered my guard, standing normally. "That's a relief. I was worried there for a second." I added. The female 'tch'ed in annoyance, but I was perfectly content. Oh wait....villain.....yeah I'm probably getting attacked. The scarf returned around her neck, a sign that she had calmed down a little. Though I did notice her hand hovering over three metal poles on her utility belt. Albeit, she was doing so discreetly. "So you know me. Good, that'll make this easier. Are you with the League?" She questioned. I shook my head. "Not in the slightest. Shigaraki is a childish b*stered. I'd never willingly work under him." I hissed. "Willingly." She pointed out. "Odd choice of phrasing there." She commented. I chuckled a little. "Alright. That was perceptive of you. But the answer remains the same. I'm not in the League." I said. Karma smiled. "Truth. Next question. If you aren't in the League, then who are you? Hero? Vigilante I haven't heard of?" She questioned. I rolled my eyes, crossing my arms with a sigh. "Oh shame. You don't know who I am? Geez. The others do their jobs a little too well. Alright. Let's play a little guessing game. No and no. I'm not a hero, nor a vigilante. Try again." I said. The female vigilante did not look amused in the slightest.

"Information-, no that doesn't make sense. Villain." She said. "Correct. I am a villain. But not a member of the League of Villains." I said. She hummed a little before stiffening. She slipped into a guard, getting her Bo staff together and her scarf started defying gravity again. "Are you with Nightfire!?" She questioned. I sighed a little with a bored expression. "Got it backwards sweetheart. I'm not with Nightfire. I am Nightfire." I corrected. Her expression changed again, to one I wasn't familiar with. Not fear, nor panic. Her expression was....intense. Eyes shining with an emotion I've seen on many others before. Excitement. But her stance and posture showed a strong will, as well as being highly alert. She was tense but not out of fear. Is this what others call determination? Hm...was that a glint of suspicion in her eyes? Or am I just imagining things now? She hummed a little, eyes carefully analyzing my form. "I find that hard to believe. Granted, Nightfire has never been seen by heroes nor vigilantes before. And any leads have been proven false on multiple occasions. Very few things are known about this alleged, 'rising villain mastermind'. But out of the few things that are known about him, perhaps I can deduce whether or not you're being honest. After all, one can't be too careful. Many have claimed to be Nightfire in previous cases, in order to intimidate a hero or vigilante. But they've been proven as posers after being easily defeated. Or they wind up dead the very next day with messages saying that, quote, 'this is what happens to fakes'." Karma said. She leaned on her staff casually while her scarf settled back down around her neck. I heard a small beep from her head set. She smirked a little. "Your face doesn't appear in any databases I'm running it through. So you've probably been off the grid for a long time. Leading me to believe you've destroyed any record of your existence years ago. Otherwise I'm positive something would come up, with an appearance as unique as your's. Heterochromia isn't exactly a common thing. And a burn scar like that would definitely be a telltale. But I'm not finding any records nor files. No eye witness accounts of suspicious behavior. Nothing. Cautious, secretive, and mysterious. Yet you give off this aura of power. Not only that, but above average height...." She muttered. She pulled out a notepad from her belt as well as a pencil and started jotting something down. "That leaves the likely-hood of you being Nightfire at....hang on let me give you a solid figure..." She trailed off. "65%. Not terrible, but not impressive either. A little above the half way mark. Leaving the chances high. But not high enough for concern. Let me rephrase: Not high enough for me to take you seriously." She commented, glaring straight through me. I smirked a little. She's sharp. Definitely Karma alright. High perception skills, her hit was strong enough to knock a normal person out, nor would a normal person have been able to sense her watching them. She's been on high alert the entire time she's been talking with me. I'll have to be careful with her. I thought.

"Alright. I'll be asking you certain questions. Answer them honestly and truthfully. And maybe I'll believe you." Karma said. I raised an eyebrow. "Hm. That's odd. Why should I care what you think or whether or not you believe me?" I questioned. If it was possible, her smirk seemed to grow. "Because if you are Nightfire, I might consider staying a little longer. Call me curious. Cuz Nightfire's patterns are different from most other villains. I may want to stay and talk longer. And I have a feeling, that you're equally curious about me. Otherwise, you probably wouldn't have asked that question. Nor would you still be here. Another thing I noticed is that your eyes flashed when you realized who I am. So here's the deal. If I deduce that you are Nightfire, if you can convince me, I'll stay to answer any questions you have about me. But expect more questions from me in return." Karma said. I chuckled a little. "Alright then. That's hard logic to argue against. You have yourself a deal Karma." I agreed. If I can play my cards right, I wonder how much information I can get out of her. Karma is a big, powerful figure in the underground. And I probably won't get this chance again. I thought. Her face shifted from a smirk to a monotone expression of calm serenity. She swung her Bo staff around to rest on her shoulders before resting her hands on it. "Nightfire, from my sources, has killed close to at least 38 people. What are the majority of victims, heroes or villains?" She questioned. "46. The number is 46 Karma." I corrected, matching her expression with my normal emotionless mask. "The majority were villains working under Shigaraki. Only about one or two were heroes that got in my way. As for vigilantes, you're one of the first I've encountered. I've only encountered one vigilante before. And he wasn't exactly a vigilante. I'm sure you're familiar with the hero killer Stain. I ran into him when I was younger. Trained under him for about a week before moving on. He got captured almost directly after. 16 of my victims were female. 30 were male. Males tend to be more rash than females. So they're more likely to end up dead. I try to avoid resulting to killing if at all possible. But sometimes people just don't get the message until you show who's more powerful." I explained. She blinked a little, shock flashing in her eyes. She hummed a little to herself before pulling her hands off the Bo staff and getting it off her shoulders. She propped it against the wall of the alley before writing a couple of things in her notebook. "Nightfire's Quirk is undetermined. But judging from his name, and from some burn marks on the bodies, we can safely assume his Quirk is fire based." Karma said. She lifted her wrist slightly. "I can plainly tell from earlier that you do have a fire Quirk. But what is your Quirk exactly?" She asked. I smirked a little, lifting both my hands. "It's been a while since I've used both aspects of my power. I have a tendency of using them separately." I said. A small flame danced in my left palm as ice formed on my right. "Half Hot, Half Cold. I produce hot air on my left side and cold air from my right. If the air is hot enough it combusts into flames that I control via Pyrokinesis. I lower the air to freezing temperatures, then control that via Cryokinesis." I explained. Karma pulled out a completely different notebook from the one she was originally holding and started flipping pages quickly. She found a page and started jotting something down. "If that's the case, why is Nightfire the alias instead of something hinting to both your powers?" She questioned while writing. "That's a part of the mask. My codename, 'Nightfire', hints that I have one power. Something dealing with fire. So if I pull ice randomly people won't expect it. It also hints at the conditions in which I will use my fire. At night. During the day I stick to ice, the complete opposite of fire. And at night, I use my fire to create the mask of a terrifying and brutal villain. That way, if someone knows me, both of me, then they will dismiss the idea of me being Nightfire. Because we have two different powers." I explained. Wow. I'm talking waaaay too much. Dabi would f*cking murder me if he found out I was revealing this much. I thought. She nodded a little. "That's...actually really clever. The kind of thinking I'd expect from a villain mastermind. But you're not in the clear yet." Karma said. She put away the second notebook, bringing back out the first.

"Nightfire's motives are unclear. We don't know why he does what he does. So let me ask you this: If you really are Nightfire, why are you a villain?" She asked. And there's the motive question. Knew that one was coming. I thought. "Hm...'Why am I villain'? I just am!" I said with a smirk and possibly having a flash of insanity in my eyes. I sighed a little looking back. "Long ago, I grew up just like anyone else. Adoring heroes, putting them on a pedestal. But unlike everyone else, I grew up under pressure of one day becoming a hero. I was the son of a Pro. A nasty hero who only cared about himself and his image. But he wanted to use me in order to realize his goals. He drove my mother to madness. Ignored all of my siblings. Everyone in the family had a small hatred for him. My mother is the one who burned my left side like this. Poured boiling water on my face because all she could see when looking at me....was him." I explained. I sighed slowly, unconsciously brushing the burn with my hand. "I had both my parents Quirks. I was the perfect child. But I didn't want that. My mom didn't want that. And my eldest brother, he sure as hell didn't want me to grow up under those circumstances." I smiled a little. "So, in the dead of night, my brother escaped from the house. And he took me with him. He risked everything to take me with him. To get me out of that house. And I'm grateful that he did that. He saved me. My older brother became my hero. And that was when I first had that thought. That later served to become my ideals. Heroes protect everyone. But who protects the heroes? Not eachother, they're always competing. Vigilantes? You make their jobs both easier and tougher. Cuz they have to try and catch you, but at the same time you ease the villain capturing aspect for them. So who protects the heroes? Every hero needs a villain. A villain....that can control other villains. So that's what I became. And it's fun to be what I am." I explained.

Karma was silent. But I thought I saw a faint flash of recognition in her eyes. A small smile came to her face. Not a smirk like before, this one held a more sorrowful tone. "Heroic Villains. I knew they existed. Just like Villainous Heroes." She muttered to herself. I raised an eyebrow and she sighed. "Moving on." She said in a serious tone. "Tell me something that only Nightfire would know. Something that only a leader would be aware of." I smirked a little. "You're worried about me being a stand in, aren't you?" I questioned. Karma smirked. "One can never be too careful." She said. "True, true. Alright then." I said. I closed my eyes thinking. Only something the real Nightfire would know, huh? I thought. "Will the number of people working under me be satisfying enough?" I questioned. "I suppose." She responded. I opened my eyes. "We're a small organization but bigger than most will first assume. There are 65 of us in total. Not including myself. I make 66. We're smaller than the League but we're more officiant and there are less power scuffles. Unlike with the League, we have one clear leader, that's me, instead of one man child coming up with plans of vengeance with no true clear goal. Our numbers increase almost daily as we find more villains wandering the streets and get them to work for me. It's quite easy to get them to follow you. Probably because they'd rather work of a proper leader rather than some privileged childish b*stered. Or they'd rather just fall under my leadership instead of getting their a*ses handed to them by a certain brutal vigilante." I said while smirking directly at Karma. "Lots of people are scared of you. So you kinda make my job easier too." I added. "I also have spies in the League of Villains. The man you say me meeting with was Dabi. He's been a member of the League for years now but he only went to the League under my request. So I could get a spy in there early on before I began my work as Nightfire. I also have members who work under cover. They double as heroes as well as villains. So I can keep tabs on both the League, and the heroes." Right after I said that my phone started ringing. "Ah. Speaking of there's one of them now. Do you mind if I take this?" I questioned. Karma narrowed her eyes at me. "Put it on speaker." She hissed. I nodded taking out my phone and putting it on speaker. "Hello?" I questioned. "Sir thank God you're alright.....NIGHTFIRE WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU!?" I sighed a little. "Before you ask, no I didn't get captured, I'm perfectly alright not harmed in any way, the meeting was a success, the only reason I'm not back yet is because I ran into a....situation. One that I couldn't pass up." I said. Jiro sighed a little before speaking in a flat monotone voice. "You ran into Karma didn't you?" She asked. "What? Pfft. No." I said rolling my eyes a little. "YOU LIAR!" She shouted at me. "Well anyways I'll be back before the sun gets up so just chill will ya? Later Earphone Jill." I said. "NIGHTFIRE YOU HANG UP THIS PHONE AND I SWEAR I'M GONNA-." *CLICK* I stuffed the phone in my pocket before looking at Karma. "You heard nothing." I growled. She tilted her head to the side before putting her notebook away as well as the pencil. She grabbed her Bo staff and snapped it back into three pieces before returning it to her utility belt. She sighed a little, crossing her arms. "I'd say the likelihood of you being Nightfire is now high enough for me to take you seriously." She said in a low tone. "You still have doubts?" I questioned. "A few. But not many. It's definitely more likely that you are Nightfire than you're a fake. But I've been taught to look at things from every angle possible." She stated. She then closed her eyes. "I'll humor you. Ask me a few questions but make it quick. I'm surprised you got a call before I did. It's way past my patrolling hours." She said.

I nodded a little before thinking of my first question. "Who are your teachers, and are they still alive?" I questioned. "Violet Kage and Crimson Saigai. The two current Fox Reginaes. They're indeed alive. I think their Quirks make them immortal or something. But when they found me years ago they decided that I'd make their perfect successor. So I started training with them. And now I'm here. Years later. As the Number 1 Vigilante on the circuit." Karma explained. Crimson Saigai. I've heard of her. Very violent. Intelligent too. Highly manipulative. So much blood filled the streets those days. I thought. "I'll fire one of your questions back at you, how many do you work with?" I asked. "Seven. We're a very small group but large by Vigilante standards. Most Vigilantes work alone, which is why we're more commonly associated with foxes. But me and the others all work as one unit. The D.D.V. Dream Demon Vigilantes." She explained. "Do you ever get into fights? Are there any power scuffles?" I questioned. "We spar together all the time. But infighting is not allowed. We can scream and curse at eachother and argue all we want. But not physical fighting. We decide things by the toss of the coin." She said. She pulled out a gold coin from her pocket and flicked it into the air before catching it and tossing it to me. I caught it and looked it over. One side had the tail of a fox, the other had the head of a fox. "That's how we settle most arguments too. One pulls out his or her coin and tosses it in the air. We call out what we think it'll land on and who ever called the right side is the winner." Karma explained. I tossed the coin back to her. "Interesting system." I commented. She caught the coin, sticking it back in her pocket. "Very." She agreed. "And there aren't any power scuffles. Crimson and Violet run the D.D.V. well and I'm the one they're training to be the next leader. The chain of command is clear enough." She finished. I nodded a little. "Alright then. Now then, something I'm sure everyone is curious about-." I was cut off by her raising her hand a little. She pressed two fingers to her earpiece. "Roger that. Karma is in route. Hold back until I get there." She said. She nodded a little. "Yeah I'm still out. Don't question it. Hold your position until further instruction." She added. She dropped her hand. "I have to cut this short. Duty calls." She said. I nodded a little. "Before you go. Let me finish my question. What's your Quirk?" I questioned. She smirked while snapping her Bo staff back together. "I think you mean my apparent lack of a Quirk." She said calmly. My eyes widened in shock and she smirked, glaring at me with highly amused eyes. "Greetings. My name is Karma. The Quirkless Vigilante, and the next Fox Reginae."

And with that she bounced up to the rooftops. Leaving me stunned. I slowly began to smile. "Quirkless?" I muttered in awe. So powerful and talented. And she's Quirkless? Wow.... My phone started ringing again and I just hung up instead of answering. Quirkless. I thought. I began the trek home. Pondering over my latest encounter.

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