Chapter 1

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[ An otome game is a game allowing you to have romantic interactions with good looking men.

The villainess is a love rival that gets in the way of the heroine's romance with the capture targets. They are usually common in isekai/reincarnation mangas, light novels, and Wattpad. They're uncommon in real otome games.

Heroines are created to be the center being of the game, this is very important for the players as they act as a guide like character who the players can proceed with the game.

Capture targets are characters the heroine/player can pursue romantically.]

I am- well I used to Brianna Yanhame, but now I am a villainess, Aylmer Sylvester. Yesterday I had reincarnated into an otome game.

Luckily I reincarnated as her at the age of seven so I can avoid her fate.

I reincarnated into "My Lovely Rose." I saw the fan art of the villain and decided to play it.

I found the setting, plot, and art wonderful. It has more of a past European setting. Like medieval times but more advanced. Although not exactly like that since it does not include the disaster that happens after the Rome Empire ended.

The game took place in an academy called, "Alvis Magic and Swordsmanship Academy." The name basically tells people what to expect there.

They have other classes too but the main focus is on magic and swordsmanship. However, the other classes are really good too so a lot of people go to that school, not just people who want to use magic or a sword.

But I had mixed emotions about the characters...

Most of the capture targets were engaged. Also, one of them was the crown prince, Doyle Roman Valdis, who not only neglected the work that was given to him but also got romantically attached to a commoner, the heroine.

I don't mean to look down on those of lower status but the difference in status was so drastic.

It was a bad idea because the heroine just isn't capable of supporting him politically.

I get why the prince would want a marriage of love but as the future king, it was an outrageous idea.

I have the same opinion for Daniel Villin, a duke's heir. I didn't respect those two for their lack of responsibility and their inability to think about the actions they're taking especially because they had too much power, socially.

Although Daniel used to be amazing until the heroine arrived. When he fell for her he was only able to think of her.

All logic was gone with him because she knew him well. She said the exact words he wanted to hear.

He never was able to hear them before. He wouldn't even hear it from the people that were always by his side.

He continued to chase those words to enjoy the salvation of being spoiled. He didn't care how reckless his behavior was.

People had problems with Doyle and Daniel but couldn't properly talk to them because they didn't care to listen to different opinions.

I didn't like the morally wrong actions committed by the villainesses and the villain but I can also feel sympathy for them.

Daniel's and Doyle's routes were the most difficult routes in the game.

Doyle's route had a villain, the only villain in the game, and a villainess. I am that villainess and I'm his future fiancée.

The villain is the second prince, Adelio Valdis, I worship and despise him.

Adelio is the school's student council president. I loved how much of a good and responsible individual he was until he slowly became more and more like a villain. It was a slow development but the effect was tremendous.

He despised and adored the heroine as well as his brother.

In the good ending, he and Aylmer got executed. On the friend's route, he got imprisoned and Aylmer got exiled. In the bad ending, he became a tyrant king who married the heroine and executed both Doyle and Aylmer.

Alymer and Adelio never worked with each other. They just had similar goals but different reasons for their actions.

Adelio was the only royal sibling that appeared in the game.

The original crown prince got assassinated at an early age and their younger sister is too young to go to the same academy.

These siblings have the same dad but different mothers. The original crown prince and Doyle are sons of the Queen. Adelio and the youngest sibling are the children of the king's mistress.

For Daniel's route, he had two villainesses, his sister Priscilla Villin and his fiancee Sofia Peltra.

They got along really well and scorned the heroine for being too casual with Daniel.

They can understand that she doesn't know proper etiquette but the heroine was still too improper.

They especially didn't like that they saw the heroine around Daniel too much. So they worked together to get rid of the heroine.

I could care less about the other routes since I don't need to worry about them. Although I want to do something about Daniel's and Doyle's route. I honestly don't want the kingdom to be in a bad condition.

This is where I live now and I want to avoid my bad fate. I need to make Adelio the crown prince.

Luckily I'm not engaged to Doyle and I think I can avoid it. If anything my problem is how I'm going to make Adelio crown prince.

Should I be his fiancee?

No that's not a good idea because he typically doesn't like women. Although he does like having talented people by his side. So I just have to prove myself as someone he can trust.

Wait a minute he never listened to the people by his side when he started going crazy!

I need to make him trust me and I need to raise him to be better. He knew that the people by his side helped him but he never viewed them as trustworthy people. So he didn't care to listen to them.

If only Doyle wasn't such a hopeless case... I would be raising that child instead...

The problem isn't that no one tried to make him better. The problem is that he didn't get better. Aylmer was like a good parent to him- well according to his butler. They weren't awful to the heroine but they sure were blunt.

She was also chosen as queen because she was always a very mature girl. Too bad the king is a horrible father. He spoiled Doyle way too much!

I remember Aylmer first would warn the heroine about her behavior. It didn't work so she tried to intimidate her. When that didn't work she started to harass the heroine. When that didn't work she tried to dispose of the heroine.

She went too far but she knew that the heroine would be an awful queen. She didn't mind Doyle leaving her but not for someone like the heroine. She thought the heroine was a bad influence on Doyle.

Doyle was irresponsible but he at least would do his homework and royal tasks when Aylmer forced him to. When the heroine came along, he stopped listening to Aylmer. Aylmer got desperate and was determined to get rid of the heroine.

She tried to bring the matter to the king but he didn't respond to her.

She also didn't have mature friends. She focused on the prince and the kingdom so much that she didn't make any good friends.

She didn't realize that Doyle's butler would be by her side and give her good advice. So in a way, she was all alone.

She had followers but they helped her do bad deeds and put all the blame on her.

I don't want to follow the same path.

Wait should I also make trustworthy people be Adelio's friends before school starts? Maybe he'll hopefully hear them out too.

If that's the case then I should befriend Daniel, Priscilla, and Sofia. They seem like amazing people to have by my side.

I can help the girls if the heroine goes for Daniel. They can help me if she goes to Doyle. Daniel will also be a helpful asset to Adelio.

That would be killing two birds with one stone!

Now that I think about it wasn't there an event where Adelio and Aylmer got kidnapped? Luckily they got rescued in a short amount of time.

I remember Aylmer telling the heroine about this event so she would give up on Doyle.

It still didn't stop her so Aylmer got furious. So I can kinda see why she stopped using logic on the heroine.

Little did she know was that was a bad idea. The heroine used that info and deepen the bond between her and Doyle. If I wasn't playing as the heroine I would have despised her.

She was genuinely a good person but she did act trashy without knowing it. I guess some people's words matter more than their actions. Although it's hard to respect someone like that. They mean well but they still act in a very toxic manner.

She was an ignorant young girl. She didn't know proper etiquette and she never had many friends because she used to be shy.

She didn't know that she should learn how she should present herself nor was she taught how to be proper.

The villainesses told her she was being awful but Doyle and Daniel told her otherwise.

She couldn't tell wrong from right. She was completely clueless and she didn't think things through in an objective way.

She wasn't able to comprehend the situation and it didn't help that she was blinded by love.

Oh shit! I shouldn't get off topic!

Okay, so now I know how to gain Adelio's trust. I need to be his savior but my dilemma is that I don't know how to protect anyone, myself included.

So I need to learn to use a sword or magic. Learning how to use a dagger too would be good since it's simpler to carry around.

Learning self defense isn't bad either. Although how am I going to learn how to do all of that?

Also, Aylmer wasn't remarkable for her magic. I can't say for sure what the issue is since the game didn't specify it.

Although I think that problem was probably her mana. She did adequately in written exams but not in the practical exams.

That's weird now that I think it... She had the knowledge but she couldn't utilize it... Well, there's no point in dwelling too much right now, I should focus on self defense. Swordsmanship sounds like a good idea too.

I'll figure out the magic predicament at school. I don't want to hire a tutor and then give up. I also don't want to practice by myself. It would be favorable to have supervision for it.

Although I guess it wouldn't hurt to investigate a little. I don't exactly want to stress over it when I go to the academy.

Reading it today won't hurt. It's better to start early than later. I could always practice harmless spells too.

I think she has insufficient mana. If that's the case I should learn support magic. It would help me protect myself and Adelio.

It would be good to be able to use multiple spells. I should also try to make sure I don't use a lot of mana. I want to test out my limit but I don't want to risk getting a fever.

It would be so dreadful if I can't use magic at all. I think it would be very beneficial even if it's not a lot.

Wait but if I want to aid him and I'll be protecting from kidnappers... wouldn't he want me for my swordsmanship skills?

Well if that were to happen, should I just be his knight then? I mean it would be too early for him to want me as a member of the student council.

I would also need to ask "my father" for permission to wield a sword. I need a tutor to understand certain techniques.

I can't just swing the weapon all over the place and hope it'll do its job. I need to learn how to use it so I could protect Adelio.

I should also try to practice some magic tomorrow. I believe my room should be alright since it's not attack magic. I want to keep this to myself so I should wake up earlier too.

I'll just ask "my father" if I can learn how to use a sword tomorrow. If he says no I might need to take measures into my own hands. I hope it doesn't come to that.

Women can learn how to use the sword but it's uncommon. Especially for high ranking nobles such as myself. So I could but it'll probably impact my reputation.

I still want to learn it though but I should probably have a good reputation so I'll keep it to myself if I can.

Welp time to read now!

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