15. Till death do us part

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His voice was all I could hear at that time. My heart jumped like it has been waiting for him to speak this from years,  and take me away with him.

I closed my eyes, as extreme nervousness took over me.

But it looked like he too was in a similar position, for he croaked out after a long time, "Princess!"

That did snap me out from all subsidiary thoughts, but it was too late to open my eyes for he was already behind me. Still a little distant, yet very near.
I saw him through the mirror before me,  and he was looking at me with an unexplainable emotion in his eyes. He was scanning my body up and down. And it suddenly made me nervous. Something I have never been, when it came to my attire.

What if he doesn't like it!?
My heart started pounding at an unhealthy speed.

"P_Prince!", I uttered with difficulty. And that brought him out of his daze and look directly at my face, which was well hidden from him.
As if on queue, I saw a frown on his face.

He came forward and held my veil.
"Remove it. I want to see you.", and without waiting for my response, he started lifting it.

I immediately backed away, and held his hand, "No! You don't get to see my face. Not right now."

He looked taken aback at that, "Why!?"

"That's a ritual."
"I don't believe in such silly rituals!", He growled and came forward to unveil me.
"Prince you'll have to do!", I seethed, "It's my wedding and I abide by everything."

He frowned, and kept his hands on his waist, "Then how I am going to make sure you are my Princess!? There can be anyone behind the veil."

"Oh god! Can't you hear my voice!"
I expected a romantic conversation on our first meeting after days. Hell, anything but this!

"No!", Was a straight reply, "But I will believe you're my Princess, if you do something of her kind."

God!? Can I strangle my groom just before our wedding!?

"What special should I do!?", I seethed.
"Ummm.. something like seducing me. My Princess used to do that alot!"

If glares could kill, he would've been dead by now!
I took my hand and hit his shoulder, "Jerk!"
Of course it was like I threw a flower on him! For he laughed like a maniac.

I huffed and turned around not wanting to face him. But it was too late as I was pulled back, and strong arms encircled me tightly, "That's like my Bella!"


I couldn't help but blush. His games have no end. And I am always swayed away.

"So Princess!? Ready to marry me!?"
I grinned knowing the game is in my hands now.

"No!", His hold suddenly loosened and he turned me to face him.
A frown was already marred on his adorable face. Now  when I see him actually, I couldn't help but glance up and down in awe. He emits beauty.
And when he's dressed for his wedding, with me, he appears ten times more handsome.

"Hope you had your fair share of staring Princess.", With a smirk, which soon falted, "But tell me why no!?"

Embarrassed I looked down for a second, then looked up at him, "What will you do if I agree!?"

He rolled his eyes, "The groom is the only one who has to persuade everyone."

Smilingly I shifted back to give him space.
And then smiling, he sat on his knee. When he looked up, his eyes were filled with adoration, affection, pride, and may I mistook something strange as love.

"Bella!", He breathed, and my silly heart started pounding again.
Your man on knees before you, persuading you to be his forever, is a sight to behold forever.
Half of the world must be jealous of me right now.

"Will you come with me to the Roshan temple so I could claim you as mine forever!? I promise I will make you the happiest woman on earth, with all the love and luxury of this world."
He forwarded his hand and all those plans to irritate him evaporated in thin air.

I gave him my hand, and he smiled a wide smile.
God! I can give him the world, so he always smiles this way.

"Wear your crown Princess, for one last time. I want to kiss you with the first ray of sun."

I went towards the vanity and picked up my crown. Wearing it, I held his hand by his elbow, and we stood before the mirror looking like one perfect couple.
Can this be any better!?

"Let's go!"


"The epitome of beauty, the soul of our United kingdoms, our loveliest, our future queen, the kindest, Princess of Jonathan. Please bow down your heads, as PRINCESS JONATHAN BELLA  comes to view, in hands of Prince Roshan!"

Applauds, roars, and cheers followed.

"C'mon!", Prince pulled me with him.

I held my wedding gown to give some space for my legs to walk freely, and entered the premise with head held high.
Thousands of people were gathered here, and I smiled automatically knowing we'll have so many blessings before beginning our new lives.

We stood on the centre balcony, and my eyes drifted to father. He was sitting beside king Roshan. Both of them talking about something simultaneously clapping as we presented ourselves to the kingdom.

Announcements began.

"Now I would request our bride and groom, to give up their present titles, as Prince of Roshan and Princess of Jonathan."

Our fathers came and stood beside us.

I removed my crown and kept it on the pedestal they would now be sitting for a while.
"I, Princess of Jonathan kingdom give up my title of king's only daughter, as I release this crown of my rights. This crown will be adorned on the head of the daughter of the new king of the United kingdoms of Jonathan and Roshan."

Loud roars and cheers followed.

Acknowledging them, i moved back and saw Prince looking at me with a look of disapproval.
I came and stood by his side, "What happened!?"

He ignored my question and went forward.

Removing his crown from his head, he revealed his soft hairs, that cascaded elegantly on his forehead.

"I, Prince of Roshan kingdom give up my title of king's only son, as I release this crown of my rights. This crown will be adorned on the head of the son of the new king...",
And then he turned briefly to look at me before continuing,
"...and the new queen of the United kingdoms of Jonathan and Roshan."

My heart stopped beating at his declaration.
Although he made a blood promise with me, that indirectly declared that I will be his queen as well as his first wife, the one who'll give birth to his first child, I didn't feel the right to declare it openly.
Probably that was why he disapproved of my words.

Smilingly I looked down.
Did I even deserve this gem of a man!?

I felt his hands interwining in mine.
"You distance me from yourself quite often Bella."

I looked up at him immediately with regret.
"I am sorry. I didn't know if it's appropriate to declare that Prince!"

A smile broke on his face, "I am no Prince Bella...now you have no option that to address me by my name."

I rolled my eyes at him and focussed on the announcements.

After few minutes, the most awaited announcements was maid.
"We would now request our bride and groom to head towards the sacred Roshan temple, and tie themselves together."

This is it.


Each soul lined up to make way for us, as we headed towards the temple.

Fathers came forward, "Both of you know how to perform the rituals!?"
We nodded in answer.

"Good! Don't leave each others hands on the way. And be done with your vows before the sunrise.", We nodded, and taking blessings from them, left.

At the first step, we both bared our feet.
And holding hands, and smilingly glancing at her, I  climbed the first step.

There were total of three thousands stairs as the temple was situated on a hilltop. They say, that the very first ray of the sun falls on the place where we will marry.

I looked back to see everyone glancing at us with adoration.
I was scrutinizing everything, when Bella lost her balance suddenly.

It took me no time to hold her by her waist, "You fine!?"
She breathed in and out, "Yes Prin.....uh..Mahir. I am good. It is just the gown. It's very flowy and gets tangled with my legs often."

I looked behind to actually find the gown flowing like an endless river.

She stood straight, "I'll walk fine now."

"You won't.", I declared and without giving any clue of my intentions, I picked her up, in my arms, making sure her hand is still in mine.

She squealed, "Mahir!! What are you doing!?"

My heart was beating wildly looking at her. I couldn't see her face, yet feel every line of it.
How in the world did I get so lucky!?

"Put me down!", She seethed.

"We have to climb three thousands steps my prettiest! And why do you think I made this gown so long, when I could have made it quite easy for you to walk."

"You did this knowingly!", She was surprised.

"Yes I did.", No I didn't. But God happened to be quite happy on me today.


"Thank you!", And with that I started climbing the stairs.


"Put me down Mahir. You'll hurt yourself and I don't want a damaged husband.", She complained the nth time.

I sighed, "Bella you weigh nothing. I think we'll have to work on your diet after our wedding."

"Oh god! This man!"

I grinned, "Already tired of me!? I had so much in store for you."

She hissed and the nth time looked away, "I hate you!"

"Thank you!"


I finally put her down, on the last step of the temple.

The temple was beautifully decorated with roses and wax candles. The portrait of god was lighted with oil lamps.

There was no trace of any human, but small birds were lined up on the top watching our union. They were chirping as if happy.
The water from the waterfall beside the temple made sounds making the atmosphere exceedingly serene.
And among all these wonders of nature stood my bride in all her beautiful glory, hiding herself behind a veil.

I can't wait to pull it away and see the face, that lightens up my whole world.

We walked in with silence.
Silence was speaking quite alot.
There were two pedestals kept before the god, and we both got seated on them side by side.

Everything used in the worship was kept before us.
We joined our hands, and closed our eyes in unison to pray.

"Dear lord,
We vest the responsibility of our union in you. We swear to fill our parts with dedication as you join us forever. We will not only cherish each other, but make sure our union does great to the world. We will bring good humans on this earth and make sure they remain under your power. We want your blessings for the unearthly union of our souls. Please come and bless your children."

We slowly opened our eyes and together worshipped the lord, giving away whatever we could.

As the worshipping ended I turned to her, and looked at her with the eyes of my soul.

As I make you my wife today, I promise you all the happiness of this world. I will do my very best in treating you like the queen you are. I will stand between you and the world, as a wall to protect you from all the harshness and cruelty of this world. I will shower endless love on you. I will never leave your hands. I will cherish you even after death parts us. I promise you loyalty, love and care. From this moment onwards, I hand you my heart so you keep it safe with you even after death do us part."

I took her hands and picked up the wedding ring from before the lord, and placed it on her finger.

Bringing her hand, close to my lips, I kissed the ring and claimed the one wearing it, as mine.

She looked up probably meeting my eyes,
As I make you my husband...", Her voice was shaky, as if she's been crying.

No! My Bella never cries.

"As I make you my husband today, I promise to stay by your side till my last breath and even after that. I will make sure every harm slashes with me before reaching you. I will protect you as your queen and give my best to make this world an easy place for you. Today, I will not only take half of your name, but also half of your pain, sorrow, happiness, and every feeling that exists. If anytime even the whole world turns against you, I will not. I take your heart and give you mine.
I promise to love you, cherish you, and stay loyal with you forever. From today, you will be my sole reason to stay in this world, till death do us part."

I was lost in a daze, as her words took their place in the most precious corner of my heart.

She picked up the ring, and placed it on my finger.
Holding my hand in both hers, she took it and attached it to the centre on her forehead.

The world ceases before us.
Everything stops.

I close the little distance between us, and lift her veil. She lifts her eyes to look into mine.

And at that particular moment, I realized something.

This woman before me, the one who's now my wife, had successfully brought me on my knees, with my heart presented to her.
I love her.

The realisation was big and beautiful. And I wanted the earth to stop, so this becomes a beautiful end to this world.
But I knew it won't. So I did it on my own.

I stopped both our worlds.

I placed my lips on hers.

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