18. Your soul mine.

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*before you read this chapter I would request you to read the previous one again. And if you don't want to read the previous one, at least read the second half of it that is Mahir's pov. Then only this chapter would make sense.
Thank you.
Sorry for the delay in updates.
Give me your reviews and then I will tell you all what was the reason for my absence.
Repulsion will be updated tomorrow, if not today.


I came out of the bath chamber dressed in a simple silk gown. That was all I was allowed to wear right now.

"Your highness! We have arranged everything. Please have a look!"
I nodded and turned my glance to the dress for the night and the jewellery selected by none other than my husband. His choice is exotic. He knows what would make me look heavenly.

"When will I get ready!?", I asked one of the maids.

"Your majesty must be coming. The servants have gone to escort him."
"Rosa!?", I fiddled with my fingers, "Do I need to know something!?"

"Umm...your highness! As we already told you. It's the husband who decorates his wife to present her before the almighty. You don't have to touch anything before it is touched by him. Your chariot is being prepared. You will leave with his highness in a few hours."
I nodded and took a place before the mirror.

My skin had this inborn redness in it. Someone would think my whole body is blushing. Well, it's not entirely false. My partially wet waist long hair are cascading down my shoulders. And I have nothing but this silk gown on.

I hope he doesn't take the revenge of the other night.

I heard a knock on the door, followed by an announcement, "Your majesty is here! All the woman are requested to immediately leave the queen's quarters!"

Yes! I was already given the queen's quarters. Though Mahir was against this, as he wanted me to stay in his quarters only, but that has to wait. My things will be shifted in his quarters after he declares me as his first wife.

The quarters were emptied in a matter of seconds. And then when the doors opened, he came in.
He was dressed. Already. He had his sword in his hand as he walked in the room. Except the crown of the king, he looked no less than a king. And all this I was seeing through the mirror.

He locked the doors and I looked down waiting for him to come and leave some comment on my undressed state. I heard some shuffling behind me.
He probably kept his sword on the bed, and then I felt him behind me.
Unable to keep my eyes down, I looked up, only to meet his eyes through the mirror.
He had a stoic face on looking straight in my eyes, never diverting to my exposed body.

This was a little unexpected. But I thought that may be once in our lifetime, he decided to be serious and complete this ritual like a gentleman.

I smiled a little at him, but he immediately looked away towards where the things were kept.
I was taken aback. He was acting indifferently.

I turned and saw him accessing the things kept to dress me up.
He turned to look at me, "Yes!?"
My voice died in my mouth at his tone. It was the same tone he uses with all others. Kingly and stern.

Getting no reply from me, he turned back to his work.
I stood up immediately and strolled to where he stood.
Keeping a hand on his forearm, I tried to grab his attention. He looked at me, "What's wrong!?", I asked.

"Uhm... nothing! Let's get you ready.", His hands held my dress as he walked towards the changing curtains. He was subtly ignoring me.

My heart dropped at the realisation and I believe the colour of my face faded.
I came forward and took the dress from him. I walked behind the curtains followed by him.

Untying the knots of the dress, I started to put it over the colour coordinated silk gown. The dress was off shoulders and nothing I daily wear. I needed help.
Watching my struggle, he came forward and helped my hand from getting in the dress.
I bent down a little to correct the orientation of the skirt, but he was already on his knees doing so for me.
He flicked it again and again so the dress assumes it's flowy shape. But all this while maintaining no eye contact with me.

What happened in one night!?
Did I overdo it yesterday!?
Yes I did.
No man would like to be left hanging like that. And I did just that. That was so crude of me.
I played with his attraction for me. Now he will fight it and eventually no more find me attractive!

My heart dropped at the realisation again.
"It's done.", The chain of my thoughts broke with his voice.

I wanted to cry. But I could not.
Remember I don't cry!

I came in front of the mirror and so did he. He made me sit down gently and picked up a wooden comb and started detangling my hair.
I looked at myself in the mirror. And anyone after seeing my face would know, that the grief of this world has been showered upon me.

He was facing difficulty doing my hair, and so I helped whenever I could. I started doing my hair up, when he removed my hands, "Let them down!" .

I nodded briefly and left them down.
He wasn't looking at me with that love, and it suddenly made everything tasteless.
I don't know now, what he was doing because I lost my interest just like that.
My shoulders slumped and my head bent down.

How will I manage now!?
With him, and his smile everything looks so easy to fight with. Oh God!

"Ouch!", I squealed as I was pulled up in a move.
So much so that I was standing before him, my hands around his.
Before I could realize, his lips landed on mine.

I was shocked, but the feeling of him drowned me in as easily as the grief few seconds before did. It was a harsh kiss!
One that shows craving and want. Craving as if he has wanted me from all his life. As if we were born just to live this particular moment.
At that moment I realized that I love him so madly, that the thought of him away from me, simply tears me apart.

We parted when he thought I would die of breathlessness.
"You won't let me resist you. Would you!?", I looked up to meet his eyes, and my heart jumped with relief when that indifference in them was absent. There was love! Just love.

"Why do you have to resist me!?"
He tightened his hold on me.
"Because you make me insane! I just want to ravish you like there's no tomorrow! Especially after the little incident you pulled yesterday, every atom of my body wants you."

I sighed, "So you decided to ignore me and act as if I don't matter to you.", I broke his hold and stepped back.
"Bella you are what I have longed to have in my life. It's overwhelming for me, when I finally have you. On top of that, you leave me just after you push my most dangerous buttons. Now when I knew I will be seeing you in such an underdressed state after a sleepless night, you want me to make myself completely a gone case!?"

I looked up concerned, "You couldn't sleep last night!?"
"That's the only thing you heard!?", A discreet smile adorned his face, and I felt like my soul was back in my body.

"Uhm..dress me up fast, and then I will take care of you. We have a lot of time with us.", I turned towards the mirror to see what all was left.

He was looking through the mirror and smiling beautifully.
"As much as I love to see you smiling dear husband, I have to get ready."
He nodded and then picked up the jewellery that was for me to wear.

I was done in no time. Everything was done except the veil, which I kept for later.
"How do I look!?", I asked him.
"Just like my Bella would!", He turned me and kissed me on my forehead, "I'll have to protect you from all the evil eyes out there."

"Okay! Now let's take you to bed. You need to sleep for a while."
He looked at me with arms folded, "You think I will do that again after making a fool of myself just yesterday. You and bed together, are to be avoided for a while by me."

I rolled my eyes and held him by his elbow, "C'mon! I don't care about your baseless reasons."

"You would have known how baseless my reasons are, if you saw me after you left my quarters yesterday."
I smiled mischievously.

"You're a sore loser, dear husband!", And with that I pulled him towards the bed, and laid him down.
He looked at me attentive and alert. As if I will attack him anytime.
I chuckled to myself, and he frowned at my amusement.

"Don't worry Mahir! I will make up for all the teasing I did.", I said amused to which he just groaned and turned his head away.

I sat near his head, and slowly kept his head on my lap, "Bella your dress!"
"Shhh! You are more important!", I shushed him and he slowly relaxed his head.

I rubbed his scalp gently, occasionally trailing my hands on his face. And in no time he was sleeping peacefully.
Our fingers were interwined, and all I could think was that even if I die at this moment, it wouldn't matter. For I have the love of my life with me.


"Mahir! You understood everything!?"
I nodded, "Yes Father! I did."

"The chariot would leave you both after some time. And then you both will have to walk to the well.", I nodded.

All preparations were done, and as soon as Bella comes we would leave.
I walked over to where Andrew was standing. I don't know why but I noticed that he was a bit tensed today.

"What's wrong Andrew?", He looked up and then gave me a fake smile, "Nothing... everything is fine."
I decided to push a little, "Everything cannot be right when you are standing so tensed here."

He sighed and his shoulders slumped, "Ravens are about to declare a war on Tesonia, Mahir."

"Is that all Andrew!? You think those Ravens would be able to do anything? It's in their nature to declare wars and then surrender to us. On top of that you have full support of mine and my army."

He nodded, "I know that Mahir. But now when Emily is my wife, and I have Marcus, I don't feel like fighting in a war. We are warriors Mahir! We can be killed any moment."

"You are scared that you will lose them and they you!?"
He nodded.
"Don't worry about that Andrew. This is not your first war. And if it goes out of your control, all you have to do is send me a message. I will myself take over the battlefield."

"That is not my concern Mahir. My main concern is my wife and child.", I couldn't come up with anything to say in that matter.

Suddenly he turned to me, and kept a hand on my shoulder, "Mahir Emily was a peasant girl before becoming a queen. She knows nothing about military, warfare, inheritance and all important issues. If something happens to me, while I am still in the war, it would be a great problem for her."

"Andrew why are you being so pessimistic towards the situation!?", I said bewildered.

"No! Listen to me Mahir! Marcus, I know is like your own son. If something happens to me, I would willingly hand over my kingdom to you, so you can take care of it and my family, until Marcus becomes eligible enough to take over. And I want you and Bella to be his guardians at that time."


"Promise me Mahir!! That's a promise of a brother to a brother!", He held my both shoulders, "Will you do as I said Mahir!?"

I was troubled from inside but nonetheless nodded in affirmation. Ofcourse I would do that even if he never said it. But why is Andrew being so negative about everything.

He smiled a huge smile, and pulled me in a hug, "You took my worry away, Mahir!"

"That doesn't mean you get to think all that foolish stuff! After the crowning ceremony, I would myself look into this matter and we will deal with it together."

He nodded and we broke the hug, when someone approached me.
I turned to find Tyler panting heavily, "Your majesty! Can you please give me some time?"

I nodded at Andrew and walked to Tyler, "What happened? Is Bella alright?"

"Yes Your majesty she's fine. This is something else. I would appreciate if you come to your quarters with me."

I furrowed my eyebrows at him, "Tyler Bella is about to show up! I have to be here. What is so important that it can't wait till I come back!?"

"Believe me your majesty! I would have never approached you if it looked any unimportant to me.", He said exasperated.

I thought for a moment, and nodded, "Let's go!"

We walked hastily to my quarters, as Tyler escorted me.
"Your majesty! Here!"

We were in the quarters and when I saw what was before me, I was furious to no extent.

"What the hell are you doing here!?", I seethed.

She walked up to me, "Your majesty! I have something to tell you..."

"Leave my quarters instantly!!", I yelled.

"Tyler please leave the room. I need to have some privacy with the Prince!", She purred.

Tyler moved a little, "Tyler! Stay here!!", I yelled raged and his steps halted.

She appeared with those fake crocodile tears, and stood before me.
I smirked knowing her antics.
Sorry woman! But those tears don't appeal to me anymore.

"Your majesty! Our love was not something perishable. We are going....!"
I stopped her by my hand, "Stop that shit Elena! For now I know how hungry you are for the power that comes with me. The word 'love' doesn't suit your tongue."

She sobbed, "I knew you would not listen to me. That's why I brought this."
She forwarded to me a red coloured scroll, "Please read this. You will know why I am here.", And with that she left.

I looked at the scroll in my hand irritatingly. Anything touched by that woman seemed to burn me.
I threw away the scroll in the trash and walked out of my quarters, "Tyler! Make sure my quarters are properly locked. And this kind of trifling matters of intrusions should be dealt well before reaching to my ears. Or it would cost you alot!"

He nodded meekly, and I came out.

Just then, my eyes fell on the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. And just like that, all the anger was swept away from me.

I smiled to myself and walked forward to where she was standing. I took her hand in mine, and kissed her on the forehead before thousands of people.
That's my way of announcing to the world to stay away from what's mine. And to not look at me even, for I am all hers.

She looked up and smiled brightly.
"Let's go!", I told her and after bidding bye to everyone, she climbed up on the chariot. I followed her and took a place beside her.

As the chariot began to proceed, our kingdoms roared in happiness. She leaned on me and I engulfed her in my arm.
"Today I will make your soul mine, dear wife!"

"And I will make your soul mine!"

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