3. I give myself to you

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"This was how you were planning to meet me Prince!?", I heard her say in a accusing tone, and that drew my attention from the driveway.
Even with raging eyes, this woman before me looks terrific. Hell! When I am going to get enough of her looks.
"You wish Princess. The plot made by our fathers is the last thing on my to do list."

"Find a way out of this!", She banged her hand on the table between us, "Otherwise the end of this war between the two kingdoms, will be the beginning of a war between us."

I smirked, "You're threatening me princess. Don't forget, the peace is yet not made."

"I am warning you! For the good. Of both of us.", And with that she stormed out of the tent.

I should have realized father will come up with something like this. His hatred for Elena, and this newly discovered love for 'the feisty princess', with added flavours of kingdom's interest had to lead into this.

My guard entered the camp, "Your highness, we have a letter from the duchess Elena."
I rubbed my head in frustration, "God forbid! It's not even twenty four hours, I left the kingdom."

I signalled him for the letter, and took it.
After opening the scroll, I began reading,

"Dear Love,

I realize you'll be angry, but believe me this place looks barren without you. I apologize for my behaviour that night, and I don't hold any grudges for you chose a woman over me, that too in my own room.
I always remember you saying that I am the queen of your heart. And I am ready to claim it.
Come back soon.
I want to wake up with you kissing my lips.
Your El misses you."

I rolled my eyes at the clichéd letter.
This woman messes up with my brain.
How a woman who claims to love me, has no problem with me fucking other women?
This is these instances that I doubt her love.
How can I make a woman with zero self respect the queen of my kingdom?



"How father!? How can you throw me in this abyss?"
"It's not an abyss child! It is where you belong. Tonight the news of your engagement with the Roshan prince will become a festival for both the kingdoms. A festival of peace!", My father said as he held me by my shoulders.

I don't cry. Never. Except the day when I was born, or the day when my mother died. But today I felt the urge.
God knows if I have a curse, my tears never come out. Instead they burn my insides.

"Bella! Hear me out child. You know how I met your mother!?", I shook my head in no.
No one told me, how this king met her queen. Seeing my father was a king, while my mother belonged to the family of peasants.

"Your mother had this extra love for nature. You see why I prepared so many gardens after her death. She used to roam in these forests always, and I was a newly made excited prince. I was on hunting, when I stumbled upon a rabbit. The rabbit's quick motion disturbed my horse and it caused me to fall off it's back. I being the ruthless man I was, aimed at the rabbit and pulled the arrow. Your mother saw this, and she simply lost it. She anyhow managed to save the rabbit, but her curses didn't stop. She was oblivious to me being the Prince. However, her beauty intrigued me . And to see her again and again I made hunting my daily practice. That pissed your mother more. And she began hating me. Then on my 24th birthday, when my father granted me a wish, I asked him to let me marry the peasant girl. He allowed. And despite of your mother's disapproval we married. At that time, it wasn't love from my side. Well hers was perfect hate. But gradually our wedding, staying together made our lives so entangled with each other, that there's no other woman I admire, except you the exact copy of her. It's not always love and wedding. Its sometimes wedding then love."

I sighed and collapsed on the chair, "What about Damien?"
"Damien is not your partner. He's just an infatuation for the over gentlemanly tricks he does."

I scrunched my eyebrows, "Dad I don't understand how you are so sure about everything!?"

"You will know in the evening my sweet!"
With that he left.

How am I going to deal with this situation?

The sun was about to fall, when I was called.
Dressed up in a beautiful princess attire, realising my responsibilities, I came out of the tent, where My father, Prince Roshan, and his father was waiting for me.
I greeted the elders, simultaneously feeling the eyes of that Jerk Prince on me.

"We would walk to the Eternity well.", Father announced and we followed. Behind us, was the army of Roshan's and Jonathan's cheering happily behind us.
While both the fathers were chatting like good old friends. Indeed they were.
The two silents and sulking were just me and the one walking beside me.

We walked to the Eternity Well and stood at the same place where we were standing yesterday.

"The priests! Please perform!"
Two royal priests came forward.
"To the power vested in us, by lord Eternity. We would perform the engagement of two souls.", His father came forward with a ring and so did my father.
"The ancestors of Roshans and Jonathans once saved a human form of vampire, Eternity with his wife, who were drowning in the swamp in this well. As a Thanksgiving, Lord Eternity swore to bless the couples of these two kingdoms with the bond he shares with his wife. On the day of your wedding, he will bless you with one wish. For now, we pray for him to bless these rings, by which your souls will be attached."
They started chanting some lines, and the diamonds on the two rings brightened suddenly.

"The Lord blesses you Prince and Princess!"

The crowd burst in cheers and Father took back the rings from the priests. People started dispersing and soon there were just four of us.
"Shoot your questions children!", His father said.

"Father how are you so sure of us being soulmates!? Which we clearly aren't?"
Father rolled his eyes at me, "My sweet. Didn't you see the blessing casted on your rings. Isn't it much of a proof!?"
"I think we should tell them.", The other king suggested my father.
"Tell what father?", The Jerk finally spoke up.

"Twenty years ago, when you both were four and two, being notorious you both came running here together. You saw the well and one of you threw a stone in it. That is considered as a grave sin. So when the chance to take punishment came, you both didn't let each other get punished taking the punishment on yourself. The Lord was impressed seeing your 'love' for each other and so he connected your souls partially. Then and there your union was established. But things went downhill and the two kingdoms got in a war. Therefore, you two couldn't live together, but were always meant for each other."

I swear I would have fainted if I was a little delicate at the moment.
"This is so.. Unbelievable!", I heard the prince say.

"It will become believable the moment you both wear these rings.", And with that they walked away after keeping the rings.

We stood in silence for what seemed like hours. It was already night. In our kingdom, the wedding, engagement all are performed privately. With just the bride and groom. And nature as a witness.

I heard him clear his throat and looked up, "I think we should exchange rings."
Of course we have no option.

But I have questions to ask. From him.
"You sure you want me as your queen?", He looked deep in my eyes, and I coul see he was quite serious this moment.
"Are you sure you want me as your king?", He replied with a question.
I looked away.
"I don't know. This all is so sudden."
I heared him sigh, "I know it is. But our fate is sealed. Together. Probably 20 years ago."

Giving everything a thought, I turned to him and offered him my hand, "I give myself to you."
He searched my eyes for some hesitation but there was none.

The people come before us. Their interests come before us.

He nodded and took my hand in his. Picking up the ring that had his name engraved with the blessed diamond, he slowly made me wear it.
He leaned then to kiss the diamond, and claim me as his.
But as soon as his lips touched the stone, everything blackened before me. I couldn't see anything for few seconds and then again brightness came, where the man of my dreams stood.
But this time no darkness was surrounding him. Everything was as clear as crystal.
His brown eyes looked back at mine, "Can't take your eyes off me, feisty Princess!"
The man who has ruled my dreams, vision, and life since I remember was none other than Prince Roshan Mahir!!

My eyes snapped open and I came face to face with the real one, who's not an illusion. He was looking straight at the diamond in my hands, "It looks beautiful!"
"It certainly does!", I wasn't looking at the diamond though.



I forwarded my hand to her, "My turn Princess."
She nodded and took the ring.
The ring had her name encrusted. And as much as I hated this in the beginning, this moment looks all too real.
"I give myself to you Princess!", I declared and she made me wear the ring. Taking the hand in one of hers, she leaned a bit and touched the diamond on the centre of her forehead.
But as her skin came in contact with the diamond, a curtain of darkness filled in.
I thought I am losing my consciousness, but then suddenly light appeared again, with the woman of my heart on display.
I missed her in the last few days.
But when my eyes moved from her silver anklets towards her face, anticipating darkness, there was none.

Instead there was a pretty frown, formed on those red lips, who have been swirling in my mind since the morning. And those eyes, staring back at me with a mischievous glint, "Missed me Jerk Prince!?"

I was speechless.
It is her.
The woman I have been thinking about is Princess Jonathan Bella!!

I opened my eyes to look at the reality because it looks better than imagination.

This was what Father was talking about. My soulmate.
My queen.

"Let's go back!", I offered her my hand and she took it.
Together hand in hand, we came out of the woods, no words exchanged between us, just a subtle silence.

But our thoughts broke when loud cheers, and celebrations were heard.
Our fathers stood with proud shoulders, and a glint of appreciation.

"Bless you health your highness!", Everyone cheered for us, "Roshan and Jonathan are one!"

Everyone looked quite happy and ecstatic.
When I turned to see, I found the princess smiling to herself.
"Why so happy Princess?"
"My people are happy."
"But what about yours?"
She looked up at me, "I have found mine."


It was time to leave.

"Bless you my child. I hope you become the king of power and wisdom.", The Jonathan king blessed me.
I nodded smilingly.

"Call my Bella!", He yelled to his guard who went immediately.

"Take care of her. Although she's quite independent, I have always kept her under my watch. She's quite precious jewel of mine."

"With my life Jonathan king!", I swore to him.

Just then, Princess came out in her military attire.
Damn! Is there anything this woman can look less desirable in!?

"Father! Bless me!", She kneeled in front of him, and he took out his dagger.
Keeping the dagger on her head, he said, "Bless my child oh lord. Be with her!"
Keeping the dagger in its case, he gave her, "Bella, my fierce daughter! You get this dagger, Raven, I received from your grandfather when I married your mother. Do not use it to shed blood of your enemies. Instead shed your blood for your loved ones."

She took the dagger, and kept it in her waistbelt.
"I will write to you Father!"

"Of course my sweet! I will be waiting!"

My father too shared pleasantries and we walked to our horses. I looked at Thunder, who seemed quite excited.
Rubbing his mane, I cooed, "What's up friend!?"
He neighed in response and bobbed his head up and down.

I felt a presence behind me, and turned to find the Princess observing our exchange, "Are we being clingy Princess!?"

She rolled her eyes, "Clinging to you is worse than Clinging to a thorn cactus. I have to go on your horse Prince, since we are already engaged."

"Oh Oh Oh but Thunder doesn't accept anyone on his back but me. And I think you are too heavy for a horse. You should take an elephant.", I joked.

"Ah then you should take a rat for the little Prince you are!", Retorting well, she proceeded towardsThunder, who shook immediately sensing someone foreign.

"Told you Princess!"
"Don't jump to conclusions Prince!"

She reached his mane and started smoothing it out, "My boy! I won't hurt you. I promise!"
Thunder grunted initially but to my surprise, calmed soon.
"Thunder! I am Bella!", And he bobbed his head up and down as if nodding.

She looked up and smirked at me, "I see you gave your horse the manners you clearly lack."

"Then why don't you marry him.", I scoffed.
"I wish I could!"

I sighed and climbed up my horse.
I gave her my hand then, which she slapped away, and climbed on Thunder with ease, sitting with her back pressed to my front.
Her fragrance immediately engulfed me, and so did her warmth.

I held her by her waist as I pulled Thunder to begin.
"Now princess hold tight. Or you'll fall and increase my work."

She held the reign above my hands, and we started moving. I noticed her turning her head back to take a glance of her Father's camp. There was sadness on her face.
And for an hour or so, she didn't utter a thing.

"Princess!? Do you remember the story Father told today? That we were defending each other near the well."
"No!",, Came a vague reply but I was happy that atleast it did.
"I remember but a little different version of it."
"Huh!? What it is?", She asked.
"I remember you throwing me in the well, not the stone.", I heard a chuckle.
And then she said, "I wish your story was based on true incidents."

"Hmmm...So my dear princess...Tell me something about you!? I mean we will be travelling for 11 hours, and I would want you to keep me awake, else Thunder doesn't carry sleeping people."

"What do you want to know? Ask?", She said.

"Your family?", I asked.
"My family is my father. My mother died when I was ten. So I don't know much about her. My nanny and maids also love me alot. I wonder how I will manage without them.", She told, and I made a mental note.

"Your hobbies?"
"I like to paint. My castle back in Jonathan province has all the portraits I made. It helps me to relax."

"I never had friends. Because of security and safety, I was home schooled. Also people relate less with me because I like fighting, sword fight, chess etc."

"Damien. Prince of Connor Province. I met him in a annual fair few years before."

"Any future aspirations?"
"One completed with arrival of peace for my people. I want to go out of the country on vacation may be. But I know that isn't possible for royalties. I want to learn more sword techniques. And many more."

"Any expectations from your wedding?", Silence followed then.

The questions ended there.
I was somewhere glad, she doesn't expect anything from me. My reluctance towards her did fade a little when I came to know she's the same woman from my dreams. But does it change the fact that I love Elena. Or will it change that she loves another man.
I am wondering how Elena will receive this news.
Because I am sure the news of my wedding will reach the kingdom, even before we reach there.

"Prince Roshan? All okay there?"
"Oh yes! I was just wondering how our lovers will react to this.", I told her.

"We'll have to abandon them.", A sadness filled voice of hers said.
The thought of abandoning Elena triggered something in me.
"You'll have to abandon Princess, not me."

I felt her getting stiff instantly.
"Oh so you'll be the king who has multiple wives!?", That sounded more like her conclusion.
"If it is needed to keep my loved ones close.", I almost regretted it, "Will it bother you to marry sich king Princess?"

I heard a chuckle seconds later, "I am coming with you to be your queen. Not your wife or lover."


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