33. Send me in the dungeon or tie me to your bed!

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I held her tight to myself. She was the only ounce of sanity left in me, "How can they do this? My mother was taken away and then they took away you!"

She looked up from my embrace, "We can't blame them Mahir. Though they seem to regret their actions now, there was a time when they themselves were oblivious to the reality. They loved our mothers, Mahir."

"I can't believe there is someone on the face of this earth who is roaming freely living their life, after killing my mother twenty years ago!"

She looked in my eyes determined, "Now, they won't. It is not just your battle. My own mother sacrificed herself to cut this trap. Now when we are one, we will make sure justice is delivered to them."

"This is not small Bella. Now when I know this, I realize my life has much bigger problem than that Elena and her fatherless child.", I said exasperated, "And I am busy proving some worthless shit, instead of what really needs my strength. I don't know who hates us so much!"

I felt something shift and she suddenly sat up, "Mahir...father said that it was the night before our engagement was to be announced. And this Elena thing began just after our wedding. I feel like someone doesn't want me and you to stay together."

"Yeah...and that also means Elena is not the only one plotting. Or as Darius once deduced that may be Prince of Connor, Damien has something to do with it. Twenty years ago, even they were children."

She nodded, "I agree. Elena is just a bait."

There is something off about everything. I think I am misjudging someone.

Then I remembered one thing, "Bella have you properly checked this suite!?"

She looked at me skeptically, "Uhm...yeah...I have been living here."

"No!", I shook my head, "C'mon I have to show you something."

We got out of the bed, and I asked her to wait inside.

I have ordered that no one has to enter this suite, but the door always remains open because I know nobody would dare to.
Even though, I closed the doors today and asked the guards to make sure no one disturbs us.

I went inside to see Bella all puzzled.

I opened the door to our closet and I took her inside, "So Bella, this is something only I know about. A spell mother used in my quarters and my father's while we were still in our castles in Roshan. Like the treehouse you saw that day, it was a result of a spell, and so when this suite was prepared and our wedding was being arranged, I came here one night, and performed the same spell here."

Her eyes widened at that.

I took her hand in mine and opened the curtains to the bath chamber, "Come with me.."

Behind the bath chamber was a wall inscribed with Arabesque pattern, unlike all the other walls of the fort.

"Push this wall with all your strength.", I said.

"Huh!? Wall!? Mahir how will I push the wall..", She said making a face full of disbelief.

I chuckled, "Just try once."

She shook her head at me, and went forward to push the wall. Using both her hands, she applied a lot of strength, but I am sure that wasn't even needed.

And I am proven right, the moment the wall shifts a little and then eventually splits into two..

Her jaw drops at that, "Mahir! How!?"

"Magic Bella Magic!", The same way my mother used to say while I was still a child and  oblivious to all this.

I held her hand, "You, me and no one else can go inside this place. Not even a fly."

I held her tightly, "This is the place I made so when I am out on war, or at anyplace where you couldn't reach me, you'll have a place to protect yourself. If anyhow I lose a war or get killed then the enemy will conquer. But before they can, you will hide at this place, and see all what is happening around you without letting anyone know of your presence."

She nodded her head still in shock. But as expected she soon recovered and then scrunched her face, "Why do you think I will hide? I am a warrior dear king! And a warrior fights."

I rolled my eyes, "okay my feisty warrior, but to fight you'll have to figure out things first."

I took her inside and then along the hallway that had intrinsic jali work. She stood there and looked through the small holes in that wall.

"You see Bella, as you stand here and watch our servants working, no one from there can see you standing here.", I held her hand and took her forward and then we came in the royal kitchen, "See the ladies cooking there. You can watch them but they can't."

"But Mahir how is it possible!? I have seen this particular wall from the kitchen. This jali pattern is there."

I nodded, "Yeah, that Jali pattern is there but that's it. For them, this is just a design around the walls of our suite, but they won't know the secret behind it."

For the first time since we entered, she smiled, "Not bad husband!", She poked on my head, "It works more than I imagined."

I narrowed my eyes on her, "Should I be happy you're appreciating or angry that you thought of me as a fool."

She pouts those lips of hers, "I never said you're a fool. It's just that the only time your brain works on its full potential is when you go all pervert on me."

"Ha! Getting pervert on you is my side profession dearest!", I pull her against the wall and cage her between my arms.

She smiled slightly, affectionately and not mischievously, "Keep smiling like this, you look so good. It was literally killing me to see you hurting."

My eyes soften at that.

She wouldn't admit it but I know knowing everything has hurt her too. She too is angry like me, but she wouldn't show it because she doesn't want to escalate the situation and encourage me in doing something silly. Since the time, we have returned after hearing our fathers' revelation, she has been by my side allowing me to comfort myself.

"Bella, to be honest I was prepared to hear something worse than this. Because the way my father hid things from me, I always knew it is bad. But I was never ready to be disappointed like this.", That gloom surrounded me again and I had just started feeling low when I get a kiss straight on my lips.

I am taken off guard but I wouldn't say I don't like it.
"Mahir! C'mon show me more of this secret place."

An attempt to distract me. A successful one at that.

I nodded taking her hands and then from the kitchen area, we come to the courtyard where Tyler was having his dinner.
The other guards too were sitting with him while having some conversation.

"What would his Highness do to the duchess guard?", One of the guards asked.

Tyler mused, "Something terrible. They know the duchess is lying."

"Hmm..I always said she's a vile woman. Remember that time when I needed to leave for my village because my mother was ill. The duchess didn't let me meet the king, because he was resting in his room."

Tyler looked at him skeptically, "That is not her mistake. Why would you think his Highness will care for his sleep more than your dying mother? You should trust him. He is the king, but he understands from where we come."

"I am afraid to face him though. He has a temper.", Another guy comments and Bella chuckles at that.

Tyler again glares at him, "So what do you expect a king to be like? You should be happy we have a queen who knows how to calm him. You saw how she let all the mob culprits go."

They all agreed to that, "The queen is literally a gem. They both are so young, one would find them lacking in experience. But yet they manage to win our hearts every time.", another man said. He was my father's guard Chase.

I feel Bella holding my hand and then pulling we away, "We are unnecessarily evesdropping their conversation."

"Let me listen Bella...!!", She glares at that and pulls me away out of the courtyard.

She holds my hand like it's not mine but hers. God! This woman.

She walks ahead of me, and unintentionally my eyes fall on her back. Uhm...okay, I should snap back to my decency but when do Roshan Mahir and decency really get along!?

I stare at her like a creep, enjoying how elegantly her body sways as she walks. Like a seductress.
That flowy gown only adding to her beauty, and long hairs resting just above her hips.

"Mahir...can they hear us!?"

"Mhmm!", I am too distracted by her moves. Her words don't get to me.

"If this is here, then we must decorate it..."

"Hmm!", How will her body feel flushed against me..

We stop suddenly but I am too captivated to look away. As her body stops swaying, their is a moment when her back straightens a little, and her hair go even down acting like a shield from my pervert eyes.

Yeah! Scumbags! Wait till I ask her to trim you the fuck away.

"Why do I feel so hot suddenly?", She mumbled to herself and turns to look at me, only to catch me staring at her bottom.

When I finally look up and meet her eyes, she narrows her eyes at me, "What are you staring at Mahir?"

I blow whistle looking anywhere but her and walk past her to focus on my surroundings instead of my body that is currently burning with desire.

I feel her gaze on me, and suddenly I am pulled back and pressed against the wall. Okay tables are turned.

Though she doesn't use much strength but I would love to be pinned on the wall by her if she does so.

"You were staring at my hips you pervert!!", She glared at me.

I put up my hands in surrender, "They were swaying alot! I swear I tried to be a decent husband but they literally begged me to check them out."

She narrows her eyes, "And what makes you think I will believe you?"

I chuckle, "Then you can punish me my queen. Send me in the dungeon or tie me to your bed."

"You should have a check on your sass!"

Well I had a better retort, "I'd rather itch my scratch love!"

Her cheeks turn red in record time, and she removes her hold from over me, and then turns away in embarrassment.

I want to kiss that blush away..

"I think I have another purpose this secret place can be used for.", I smirk enjoying her flushed state. It's not everyday I get to see her fumbling and searching for words.

I lean close and take away her personal space, "C'mon let's go out to our bedroom unless I arrange of a bed in here..."


"No Bella! We have a work at hand! My kingdom already needs a prince or a princess!"

Her eyes widen at that and I can't stop laughing at how enjoyable it is.


"Can't you both stay a little longer?"

Father shook his head, "We just came to see you. Take care of yourself child. You are important for us."

I nodded and turned to my father in law, whose eyes were somewhere else. King's office.

I don't know what to do. I tried to convince him so much to come out and greet them, but he wouldn't listen to me.

I spotted Tyler and walked over to him, "Tyler go to the king and tell him to come and greet the fathers or else forget he has a wife.", he can't work well when I be soft on him.

Few moments later, he came out with Tyler escorting him.

He glared at me but I shrugged, "He is here father."

He came and stood beside me.

His father smiled at him but he maintained a stoic face.

I heard them sighing defeated.

"Rosa!", I called out.

She came out in the matter of a minute, "My Queen!"

"Rosa is the breakfast table done?"

She nodded, "Yes your highness. You should head over to the table."

Both fathers walked ahead and I came beside my husband, "Will you behave or I have to play dirtier?"

"I don't want to talk to them.", He retorted.

"Then you better be prepared to not talk to me when they leave.", I threaten him.

He scoffs and then we settle around the breakfast table.

We start eating when his father speaks up, "Bella do you know what your husband suggested we must do before our empires went into an alliance?"

I shook my head.

"I'll tell you...!", He says, "He suggested we burn down those fifty villages and teach them a good lesson."

My father choked on his food, and I had to stop to pat his back. I looked at Mahir to see him completely embarrassed.

And if that could help, I burst into laughing. That probably lightened the situation because his father smiled and he smiled too seeing me all hysterical.

My father coughed lightly and drank some water, "Such a hot blooded."

"Yeah...and at that time, I had no fullstop to him. The rivalry of Jonathan and Roshan would have gone to another level if I handed him the leash."

My father chuckled, "Thank you Henry...you saved us."

Mahir, on the other hand huffed to himself, "I didn't do anything yesterday? Did I!? So stop assuming I am a directionless elephant."

"I also didn't want you to hate Bella, just because she's the heir to Jonathan's. You were already promised to her and with a connection established by god. I wouldn't do something like breaking your connection with her. I have lived without your mother long enough to know what it is to feel incomplete.", That got into Mahir's head because I could feel guilt surrounding him.

He looked down at his plate, "I am sorry father. I was overwhelmed."

"I know Mahir. But I also know who shall keep you in check.", He looked at me briefly and smiled.

"Your father, Mahir is still suffering and so am I. Our queens were taken away from us half way. Sometimes these thoughts make me worry about Bella. I believe you with protecting her.", My father says sternly.

Mahir nodded, "I will protect her with my life."

That offended me, "I can protect myself!"

Both my father and my husband rolled their eyes, while my father in law was having too much fun with this.


"Mahir! Darius is still in the cell.", I reminded him.

He nodded, "We should visit him. Tyler told me  Elena has not left his side since yesterday."

"You hit the correct point."

He smirked, "I know I did."

He asked Tyler to prepare for our visit to the cells and minutes later we walked together to the cells that were beside the dungeon.

Mahir didn't want to bring me here, but let me admit, I wouldn't allow him to be in the same room as that vile woman, in my absence.

There were not much prisoners here because we have had only one justice day since we moved here. But as we came forward to the end, I saw Darius sitting on a chair.

His nose was bleeding, and he had a black eye. His head had a injury, I was sure would be hurting him alot. He was not in a good condition and that made me rethink of king's plan.

"Mahir...I don't.."

"Shhh! Those are battle scars. No one beat him up. He fought with one of our soldiers.", He told me smiling.

"But that must be hurting!!", I couldn't help but feel troubled.
"Don't worry Bella...talk to him yourself, you'll see what he is upto."

We walked inside the cell, and despite closing my senses towards her, I finally saw her sitting with a first aid on the floor beside Darius, trying to cover the wound on his leg.

"Tsk tsk tsk! Duchess Elena! Years of knowing you but I never realized you are so caring for your servants?", Mahir says grabbing their attention.

She looked up and one can tell she was crying profusely. She immediately moved back from Darius maintaining a distance.

Mahir left my hand and went towards Darius, "So!? Did you decide whether you want to tell me anything about her or not? You care about your mistress more than your own life?"

Darius looked at him with determination, "I don't know anything about Duchess Elena."

Elena's eyes widened at that. Darius briefly looked at her and she pleaded with her eyes. He shook his head briefly smiling at her.

I know Mahir too noticed the little exchange. It was Darius' way to tell him he knows something.

"Okay then! I will stop being kind now.", He said in a wicked tone, "And Elena will not be allowed inside."

"Tyler!!", He came running at the king's command, "Her entry is prohibited here. I think I will have to deal with this guard on my own. Bring my dagger."

"No! No! Your majesty! Please! He will die of injuries!!", She cried joining her hands and for a second I felt pity for her. She is really in love with Darius. Even a blind man can tell.

"Why duchess Elena? As far as I know, I can't kill you because you are pregnant. He isn't. Bid him farewell for one last time. I see you have developed a liking towards him."

Tyler and another guard forcefully escorted her out of the cells.

"Darius!", He said gently, "How are you?"

He smiled, "Better than ever my king!"

He went out of the cell and left me alone with Darius.

"Is it hurting too much?", I asked him.

He stood up on his wobbly legs, holding the bars, "My regards dear Queen!"
I went forward and made him sit properly, "I am very sorry you have to do this for us."

"My queen! I would do this all over again for our king. He is my family!", He smiled.

Mahir came in with a first aid box and started cleaning his wound, "I told you to get some injuries, not succumb near to death."

"It wouldn't look real then. Though Mateo is a good fighter. We promised for another fight soon.", He mused.

Mahir chuckled, "Yeah...not expecting better from you."

"Uh..your highness...did you hear from Alexis? I am very scared for her. She has a temper, and if Elena does something, she will definitely blow our cover."

He nodded, "She is in the town, living at Elena's place. I have summoned her today. When she comes, I'll bring her here."

I offered them some help and settled beside Mahir to wrap bandages on his wounds.
The brotherly affection was oozing out of Mahir. Whenever he talks about them, I have seen his eyes lighten up with love.

"I think you should go to infirmary. No one will know. Elena will get the impression that you are still in cells, while the royal healer repairs you."

He shook his head, "I won't need any treatment dear king. Just please ask Alexis to bring one herb that she uses everytime on me. It is literally magical."

"Okay I will.", Mahir agreed.

After he looked fine, we stood up, "Did she tell you something Darius?"

"She did my king.", He stood up and leaned in the wall opposite us.

"Yesterday when I was brought here and she saw me, she literally regretted doing this baby thing. She said she doesn't need anything, title or wealth, and that we run away from here.
When I accused her of hiding something from me and that I am suffering for her deeds, she burst into tears.

She admitted it is not King's child, and that they were never together for a month or two even before the queen arrived in Roshan kingdom for the first time."

I felt so much relief that I had no words to express it. And I was not the only one, because Mahir sighed, "Finally!"

"Did she tell you the real father Darius?", I asked.

He shook his head, "My Queen! She didn't tell me that. And the reason to this is that she is scared I will not like it. I have tried to assure her that it is fine but she's hesitant. I will make sure I have the name of the conspirator soon. But it feels like she hates the child, whoever's it is. She says it got her into this mess."

"Yeah! But we need to realise that the child is an important link to that man. She will have to keep it or reveal the name of that man.", Mahir mused.

"She needs to be watched carefully. She may abort the child.", There eyes widened at what I deduced, but none could deny it.


In short, King got laid😂🤣

Thanks for reading

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