39.Bringing hell on Earth

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It was disgusting to look at. The corpse before me. The corpse of another military commander of Ravens. It is a popular fact about him, that he was a rapist and showed no mercy at women. Well, I made sure my men make him incapable of touching another woman even in his next lives.

"No the only one left is that bitch of a king, who refuses to come out of his hideout.", Andrew scowled.

I signalled the guards to bury the body somewhere deep in the earth and turn to him.

"You know how much that frustrates me. I long to be with Bella! Heck! It's been two months now! And she's going to be four months along soon. I want to be with her."

He sighed, "Emily said that Marcus has learned to call me Papa! You know how much I want to leave but I can't."

I couldn't help but feel for him. All we have done other than this ruthless killing is trying to learn about being father. Andrew has been sharing his experiences with Marco, and we have been missing our families terribly.

"Oren, make some strategy fast and present it to us. I want that king out of his hiding ditch as soon as possible."

Our millitary commanders left to work and we left the battlefield.

Wars had different mental impacts. It is really thrilling in the battlefield but it is equally depressing afterwards. It is not a beautiful feeling to kill people, however bad they be. But being a king comes with certain responsibilities, that include killing too.


The next morning was late to come, or maybe I couldn't sleep today. Something was bothering me. I hope Bella is fine.

Abram, my military commander was sleeping in the same camp as me, as he wanted to protect me. I did not succumb easily to the demand but I had to.

I sat up in my cot, and looked at Abram who was sleeping soundly, but I was sure a single sound shall wake him up. He was that alert.

May be I should get some fresh air.

I did not alert Abram as per the protocol. There are guards outside and I barely need protection.

I walked out of the camp and came in front of the guards who seemed to be talking among themselves. As soon as they saw me, they bowed before me and I nodded in recognition.

"What can we do for you your highness?"

I thought for a while, "I need one of you to go and fetch a pitcher of water from the river. I feel thirsty."

One of them, who I was familiar with nodded eagerly and left with a pitcher. Another guard seemed to be deep in thoughts. About a yard away, I saw another group of guards probably entertaining themselves.

"I haven't seen you before. Tell me your father's name.", He looked like a eighteen years old guy, fresh in army, but I don't remember fighting him to recruitment. I generally remember those who I have fought.

"In.. Ingrid Roshan my majesty."

I have heard of him.

I nodded at him and he fled immediately as if intimidated.

Soon after the other guard came with the water filled pitcher. I took few sips from a glass and then looked at where the guards were, "Where's the other one?", I asked the guard.

"Your highness! He must be here somewhere. Should I call him?"

"No no Minaz!", He looked surprised when I took his name. Ofcourse I try to remember as much names as I can. I am a king for god sake, "Tell me how is it working with him."

"Uh your highness, he seems inexperienced but I am sure he'll get used to it soon."

"Inexperienced..", I mumbled.

I need to keep an account on the guards posted just outside my camp.

"Y..your majesty! You are out here!", Abram gasped from behind me.

I turned, "Do not worry man. I am still in one piece."

"Ofcourse my king but the pro..."

"Ugh! Don't rant about the protocol now...I know I know.."


After the battle for the day was over, and I had already taken a bath to wash of the remnants of killing, I was heading back to my camp.

I hope the dinner is ready because I was extremely hungry.

I sat on a chair by the bed, and looked at the scroll on the bed, that immediately made a smile make it's way to my face.

My queen has that special power.

I picked up the letter that announced us being pregnant, and god forbid, but everytime I read it, it made my heart skip several beats.

We are going a have a little prince or princess soon.

I was ecstatic and de......

Just then, a little commotion behind me halted my thoughts and I looked behind me to see a the same unfamiliar guard from the morning, standing tall in front of me.

It was my personal time right now, and no one dares to interrupt me.

"What are y....", My eyes landed on a dagger in his hands, and even before my reflexes could react, his dagger slashed hard on my right shoulder.

My anger skyrocketed like never before. We have a traitor that plans to assassinate me. Hell no!

The wound he gave me was not big enough, and so I stood up to fight back, and picked up my sword.

"How dare you!!", The weak dagger fell on the ground making him armless and that was my chance to show him his place.

I saw Abram enter the camp and soon enough, the man was in arrest and being beaten profusely.

I looked at the wound on my shoulder, and then my eyes landed on the dagger. Just as I was examining the dagger, my vision started to blur.

I held the side of the chair, and my crown. I removed the crown and kept it on the bed, so it doesn't fall with me. And just as I was done, my body collapsed hard on the ground.

Guess the dagger was not just an ordinary one.


"Oh no no! 'Ex'-Prime Minister Achilles! It doesn't matter anymore. I have personally looked into your work reports, and to be honest, I am ashamed at why I did not do it before."

He looked baffled, and I loved every bit of it.

"The king will not be pleased."

My conscience smirked, and I smirked from the secret chamber, "The king is no Boss of me! We rule together. I am not below him."

The fact seemed to vex him off but he knew better than to retort. Lately, I have taken over all his portfolios, and today, I fired him from the post of prime minister. My conscience was delivering him the same message. 

Everything was under control here. Elena has admitted on paper, that the child is Achilles' on the condition that I release Darius of all charges on him, which I gladly did.

Now I am only waiting for Mahir to come and carry out with the rest of the plan. I am also going to sit down with Darius and discuss with him about Elena.

I have also sent a mission to search on the supposed family of Mahir's uncle, who may be the cause of all our sorrows, revolving around the death of our mothers.

My baby has been doing good, and I feel like my belly is protruding a bit. Or even if it is not, then I can feel the baby inside me.
And the feeling is immensely beautiful.


I was resting in the secret chambers this evening when suddenly I felt a strong pain in my right shoulder. So strong that it made me gasp hard.

My thoughts immediately went to Mahir, and my body shivered in the realisation that he must be hurt.
Or may be not.

I left the bed immediately and started walking back and forth. The commotion soon caused my conscience to knock on the doors of the chambers and then stroll in.

"I feel something wrong."

I nodded, "I do too. I felt a sharp pain in my shoulder. I hope Mahir is alright."

We had no way to connect to Mahir. I so wish I had some supernatural powers to go myself and look at what happened.

He promised me that he will come back unscathed. May be it was just a graze by something sharp. He is a king. He is a warrior. He will deal with it.

I tried convincing myself in all possible ways.
And my conscience looked more frantic than me. Ofcourse she's the inner one.

"What should we do?"

"Let us send Darius to find out if everything is alright."

I agreed immediately. I just know this feeling cannot be ignored.


I stood behind in the chambers as my conscience instructed Darius to go and check up on king. He immediately understood our concern and left to execute the order. I couldn't be more thankful of his presence right now.

I only needed to know that he is alright. Preferably a letter in his writing that scolds me for overthinking. And an assurance that he will be back from the war soon.

The worst part was waiting for Darius to come back. I felt extra urge to puke my guts out at the mention of food.

It was ridiculous. My peace was completely destroyed.

And somewhere, the practical part of me, knew I am not going to receive a good news.

And that is what happened when Darius came.

"My queen! The king was attacked my an undercover man, who used a poisoned dagger on the king. The wound was not big, but the poison has induced a coma. The king is unconscious."

I held his necklace of pearl around my neck, tight. I have not removed it since he left. My body became numb at those words. My knowledge of body sciences says there has been not a single case recorded where a man has returned from the coma. My own mother was in six months long coma before she breathed her last.

This was definitely something that hit me like never before. I felt the same pain I did when my mother died. It was so bad..

"Bella! Did you hear that???", My conscience came in frantic and sobbing. Her face softened looking at me and that's when I realised I was crying myself.

It was no point of me, without him. And I knew no way to live without him. The day he entered my life, it was all about him for me.

"Y..you have to go to him.", She sobbed.

I shook my head, "You remember the promise I made with him? I am not allowed to leave these chambers!!"

"Oh! What is the point of promise without him?"

"It is. For us. For him."

"No! You can't do that! Will you be fine with the thought of him dying there?"

The word 'dying' had me. I was so angry at my own conscience that I could kill her. She has the virtue to think only of the heart. I have to be calculative. Seriously calculative.

I took a calming breath and thought of him. For him, I am capable of bringing hell on earth. And so I shall do.

I looked at the pearl necklace around my neck, and suddenly I knew what I have to do.

"What are you thinking?", I looked up at her as she asked.

"He made me promise that I can't leave these chambers, but not you. So, you will be going."

She looked at me in incredulously, "Don't you know I am capable of nothing other than representating you physically in your world??"

I smirked at her, "And well, I don't need you for more love!"


A/N- From this onwards, certain chapters shall be in Narrator's POV since Mahir is unconscious and Bella, well you'll know soon.

I apologise extremely for the delay and the wait. I have not been doing good in my personal life. Something I cannot lament about here, but as I said I write to escape, and now I actually want to escape.

Thank you for being patient with me.

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