41. Can't wait for you to hold me

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"...the child looks fit and fine.", Elena heard the hazy voice as the tiredness from the mind numbing labour pain subsided. It was as hard as they say.

When she opened her eyes, the midwives handed her the baby, "It is a girl Duchess Elena..."

Even though their reactions looked bland and vague, she was happy looking at her child. The one who lived in her womb for nine months.

Her mind then, shifted back to Darius. He said once that if he was the father, he'd want a girl.

Her smile fell remembering what would King do to her now, that the child is out of her womb. In the course of her pregnancy, she sure witnessed his ruthlessness. Somewhere, she was glad for the presence of queen, who contained the king from thrashing her.

It was later in the evening, when she requested one of the midwife to call Darius for her.

The old lady made a face, "You want to call a guard in the infirmary?"

"So what? I have no one. He is my healers brother, so we are friends.", She can't announce her relationship with Darius. That would put him in danger.

Soon after, she saw Darius coming in and closing the door behind him.
His almost whitish face, and his brown curly locks bounce a little as he comes towards her. She smiles wide at him. She was immediately reminded of the panic stricken face when she went into labour.

His eyes then drifted to the baby lying beside her, waving her hands in the air.

For once, his breaths abandoned him. The baby was beautiful. And not to forget it was a girl.

"She looks angelic.", He said, briefly looking at Elena and then back at the baby.

"..Darius..uh...where were you?", She was sure he was outside the room the whole time. During his labour, she heard Alexis asking for some essential while addressing, "Brother..", which she calls no one else than him.

He looked at her and then diverted his gaze, "I was at the garden, reading some warfare scrolls...why?"

She knew he wouldn't admit. He has not said it out loud in words that he loves her, but she is sure he does. She has seen it in his eyes. She has never felt this worshipped in her whole life. And she loved every bit of him.

"No...nothing...I was just wondering that if you were in the garden which takes atleast five minutes from this castle, how did you come here in ten seconds."

He rolled his eyes, "Think whatever you want."

It made her chuckle. His actions spoke way more than his words. And she knew it well.

She watched him carry her child like his own and deliver his very rare smile for that little girl. She wished he would smile as often as that with her. But he was a focussed warrior, trying to make his way to the top. Something, she was doing too, a few months ago. But recently her life course has changed. Now her destination is no more the top, but wherever she finds him.


"Attention! The queen shall grace us with her presence right now. Bow in respect and regards.", The announcer announced, and in came Bella, wearing a very elaborated gown that separated in layers just below her breasts. To everybody, it was the new style the queen adopted, but it was in reality, to hide her small protruding belly from prying eyes.

Darius stood at the corner, greeting her, and a secret conversation passing through his eyes.

Elena cowered behind a little. She knew the queen wouldn't hurt her, but the birth of her child has now removed the very safety valve that has been imparting her the courage to stand before the king. If the queen knows the baby is born, the king will definitely do. And it wouldn't be long before she is pulled into the trial.

The queen gently picked up the baby girl from her crib, her posture bursting with gentleness. It was hard to point out that it was the same baby who once created a rift between the king and her.

"Tyler! Name a piece of land after her. The birth of a girl is the most auspicious event in our kingdom."

"On your orders, your highness!", Tyler said, leaving the room to pass the directions.

"What are we naming her Duchess Elena?", Bella asked the Duchess.

"Uhm...my queen...I...I have not yet decided..."

"April!", They heard Darius' voice, who immediately regretted uttering the word.

Both the ladies looked at him, and he apologized embarrassed.

Bella was amused and looked at Elena, "What say Duchess Elena?"

There was a blush on her face, and a newfound happiness, "April it is."

The queen hoisted the baby a little, "So little April! Welcome to the world.."


As she was leaving the room, she summoned Darius to her office for a much awaited conversation.

"Sit Darius...", She pointed at the seat across her.

Hesitating, he took the place, because he was aware the conversation would be long.

"So Darius...I hope you are doing good."

He smiled a little, "Yes my queen. I have been doing good. I hope the same for you and the little prince or princess.."

She nodded, "I am only waiting for Mahir to come back... everything is good otherwise."

"He'd be back before we know. He is the most powerful man right now.", There was an adoration in his eyes for his king and his big brother. Something that showed his utmost loyalty.

"Hmm hmm...he is powerful and all..", she mused, "...but at the end of the day, even he has a soft heart, who he has no hold on."

Darius nodded, not realising where the conversation is going.

"And so...Darius...I understand that each of us do. Each of us have a heart. And I know duty and deeds are our prime mottos but there are times when the heart gets involved. And it is never our mistake, or our failure in accomplishing our duties. It is just how we accept it."

The thought hit home. Darius was a well learn-ed man, and he knew what went wrong. But his loyalty towards the king is his utmost priority.
And the fact that the queen could read between his actions, baffled him. Day by day, it was becoming more apparent. That the woman who was to just remain a task to accomplish has messed up with his brain.

But again, he knew what had to be done.

"I am waiting for big brother. The day he comes, this whole mishap will end. Elena would be punished. I will be freed of this duty.", His voice was only audible enough for her to hear.

"Do you want Elena to be punished?"

He looked at her briefly, "She is a treacherous woman, my queen. You or me cannot deny this. She wronged the king. She deserves the punishment. Just because she fell in love with me, doesn't wash her past sins."

Bella knew he is no ordinary man. This guy knew well enough what the king expects of him. And he will never succumb and admit that there might be a little too much heart involved in his task.

Though Darius has something else in his mind too. Something, he wanted to talk to the queen about.

"My queen, when I went to deliver the news for the prince or princess's impending birth to the king, he was with king Andrew. There, he kept the proposal of the queen Tesonia's sister for me. I...I request you to please ask the king to abandon this idea whenever he comes back. He has even invited the lady after the war to our kingdom."

The frantic eyes of his expressed way more than his words ever would.

Bella chuckled, "And why would I do that Darius? Don't you want to get married?"

A tint of red surrounded his face, "Uhm..not now, my queen."

She snickered, amused at the thought that there is something in the world that Darius doesn't want to do according to the wish of the king.

"Well...you know how stubborn Mahir is...he wouldn't agree unless there is a strong reason behind your refusal to marry Emily's sister."

He nodded, sighing. He'd have to think of a good reason to ask the king to drop this insane idea.


The small Blue bottle was discreetly sneaked in the premises of the royal fort.

With that, was a little scroll attached, which was opened to read the text in it.

"Dear Mother,

Things are getting out of our hand. I have lost my place. And Elena has already dropped her oh so mighty ambitions. Our years old investments have gone into vain. This is a snake's poison, a snake whose single drop of venom can choke one to death in the matter of moments. You know what has to be done with it. Tomorrow morning, I anticipate two dead bodies coming out of that royal suite where the king and the queen hide.

I am in the bazaars. Contact me as soon as it is done."


In the forests..

Bella used her dagger to check if the fruits are eatable or not. And most of them were. She wanted to eat as healthy as possible because she had a child in her womb.

Surprisingly, in her military clothes, her belly looked more pronounced. And this was just the beginning of her fifth month. Her baby is certainly a bigger one.

After having her breakfast, she fetched a bowl of mixed herbs, and then moved to where 'he' was lying. Too comfortably.

She scoffed at the thought and settled herself near his right side. Slowly, she lifted his heavy shoulder and supported it on her knee.

She then moved closer and opened the top buttons of his shirt.

"I swear you would have been jumping in glee right now."

Her voice echoed in the tree house and nothing came in return. She wanted a reply from her most favourite jerk. But he seems to be giving her a long silent treatment.

Slowly, looking at his peaceful face, she applied the rare herbs on his wound which has healed to a great extent.

It was hard to take care of a heavy man like him. But she was not weak. She can take care of her husband. Just this morning, she has given him a sponge bath, and he looked fresh. The occasional drift of air from the small window often waved his curls. The curls she loved to play with. And the ones she will pull when he wakes up.

Even in this state, this man managed to look an epitome of beauty. And her hormones were of no help.

"Wake up mister!", She placed a gentle kiss on his forehead, "...I can't wait for you to hold me."


"Mahir, when circumstances lead to a near death experience, believe in yourself. Warriors don't die of wounds. They have the power to return back from whatever abyss they are pushed into. Try harder. Everytime. You will be a king. Your life is not just yours. Every moment you breath is a gift to humanity. And it is your responsibility to safeguard this gift.

Olive oil. Centuries ago, the world faced a deadly famine, and trade and commerce collapsed. Lord Eternity then, blessed our Roshan kingdom to grow Olive. The climate of our kingdom, which was initially unfavourable for the growth of Olives, was changed overnight. In an year, we produced a bulk of olives, so much that surplus was sold to the far lands, bringing in a plenty of gold and silver. We were alleviated out of the impending poverty.

Olives are a blessing for us. And so, rubbing olive oil on your sole and palm, can help enhance your blood circulation. It can force your body to energise. A poisonous bee stung you when you were just three, and you cried whole night before falling unconscious. The royal healers almost gave up, but then I used this olive oil on you, chanted with a special mantra. The mantra is as follows...."

She read every word carefully. The scrolls were addressed from her mother in law, to her husband. She has finally resorted to finding the solution of his illness in his mother's scrolls.

And two days of endless reading has finally given her this.

"I think I have found a solution..", she smiled wide at him, and then kissed his forever kissable cheeks. Though her moment was interrupted when she heard Thunder neigh. It was his way of indicating his presence.

She left Mahir and went outside the treehouse to find Thunder. He was indeed here. On his neck was attached a newsletter.

It so happened that she wrote a scroll, and asked Thunder to wander in the nearby villages and towns.

"This is the royal horse, Thunder,
the horse of king. Whoever finds him, must tuck a newsletter of the day he is found, around his neck.

  - The king."

As expected, the newsletter was attached, and there was another bag, that contained a lot of medicines. They also had a scroll with them.

"Dear king,

Almighty! We heard of the attack on you during the war. We know you are invincible and that it would take a lot more than a mere dagger to hurt you. The news says that you are in your healing process. And our village, Mushkwa, is known for the most exotic herbs and medicines. We are sending these for you, so you heal faster.

All hail the king of Roshan and Jonathan.

Yours sincerely,
  - Village Mushkwa."

She smiled to herself and came inside.

"See! Everyone wants you to be healed as fast as you can. Now let me arrange this olive oil from somewhere and then we will see how these herbs can be used."

Sitting beside him, she opened the newsletter to get updated on the latest happenings of the kingdom. And also to inform the king of the same.

"Former King Henry and King Lucien meet up at the Jonathan kingdom to discuss the details of the war."

"Our king is on his best recovery, informed her highness, the queen."

"Duchess Elena has given birth to a girl. The royal healer says no features of hers match the king's. She does not have the famous royal mole on her wrists."

That sorted so much. She smilingly looked at her husband who was silent, yet there was a happy air surrounding them both.

"Former Prime Minister Achilles has been missing from his home in the capital from a week.", This news had her eyebrows raising. She fired him before coming here. Where could he possibly hide.

"The work for royal gardens have been finished.", Something that her husband was looking forward to like a child.

She looked back at the paper, "King Tesonia, Andrew has proposed the erection of a victory tomb in the Raven kingdom."

"Three royal horses have died in suspicious circumstances in the royal stable." What!

She read further in details.

"The royal horses comprised of King Henry's old horse, Dawn, and his counterpart Ace. Also, another mare, named River died who was in the adjacent stable. There bodies have turned blue and it was suspected that a snake has attacked them all. The queen has expressed deep grief and and announced a funeral ceremony this Monday. She also said that proper investigation will be conducted in this matter."

Why does it look like there is something suspicious going on?

She kept the newsletter aside and fetched a fresh scroll and got down to write a letter to her conscious. The Bella at the fort.


Two One shots are in progress. They will be updated in next two days, in my series of one/two/three shots on Pearbhi/ Behir. They are the compensation for all the delay I have made these past months. Thankyou for being patient and bearing me.

Affection and Till Forever Falls apart will be updated too. Affection within three days. And TFFA by the end of this week.

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