45.Calm down my dear monster

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Bella fell asleep and I was here sitting in front of the door with a special table and chair alloted for me. I let Darius in today, because I needed his help. And I couldn't leave Bella alone. She would have been paranoid and alert while sleeping.

"Here...I've jotted down all the names who could be potential threat to the baby and the queen.", he handed me the scroll and I decided to take a look at it.

"...I've not added certain names because I need you to give your opinion on that.."

I nodded, "What are those names?"


I looked up to see Darius who sat across me after much insistence. Tyler is my most trusted man, and though we decided not to trust anyone but there's something about him that doesn't make me doubt him.

I shook my head, "If he was untrustworthy, you would have never found out about Elena. He knew about you both since the very start."

He nodded, "Yes. He had many chances to mess it up if he wanted to."

"Exactly. He's out of the doubt list."

With that, we wrote names of about a hundred and forty people. The ones who visit this fort daily. The cooks, the maids, the cleaners, the gardeners all.

"I've asked Abram to find Achilles as soon as possible."

"What about Achilles' family?", he asked.

I shrugged, "He came as a part of service  trade conducted between kingdoms, from far south. I do not know much about him though on a personal level. He was a prime minister but practically powerless because I am the concentration of power in the kingdom."

"I think I should go personally to the kingdom with which we conducted the trade. Only they can provide us the background information about him."

I nodded, "Fine but you are taking guards with you. You are now recognised so you will have to live life a different way."

He gave me a tight lipped smile and got back to the work. I swear it will take him a lot more than just time to get used to all this. Alexis too refused the royal chambers I offered her. Both brother and sister live in a small house near the bazaars and they wouldn't have it any other way. Although now I need to keep in mind their security too because just the title of royal attracts enemies like magnets.

I sat comfortably reading the daily directory of who came in the castle and who left. It is now about six days since us coming back, but no poisonous food has been sent to Bella. May be because I was here too now, and they know I would create a ruckus, even if one of the horses from the stable dies.

I looked at Darius and decided to ask him something.

"Darius? You met Rewa?"

He looked up, a little embarrassed, "I did."

I chuckled leaning forward, "Tell me honestly, like you'd do to your brother, how is she?"

He shifted a little in his place, keeping the scrolls on the table.

"She's good...I mean kind and gentle. I told her about April. She did not say anything about it."

"Is it? You told her you had something with April's mother. Didn't you?"

He sighed, "I only did not want to begin anything without transparency. She knows."

I shrugged, "That is good. We'll see what she replies. But don't fret too much. You'll have many proposals in future."

"I took her to my house and she met Alexis. The two instantly liked each other. She doesn't seem to have a problem with our status."

I laughed, "Your status is royal Darius. Ofcourse she wouldn't have problems with it. But you must know both Emily and her came from a humble background. They were not princess. Emily got married to Andrew out of love. And then when Emily's parents died, Andrew brought Reva to their castle. That's how she's a royal now."

He nodded thoughtfully and I gave him time to process that.

"Uhm..can we like take time to get to know each other."

I shrugged, "Get engaged to her and so I'll ask Andrew to leave her here under my protection. That way you can get to know her. But yes, no funny business."

I was suddenly reminded of mine and Bella's courtship period after our engagement and a smile formed on my lips. She was so fierce and I was so amazed. I wanted to never let her go, even if it was in her own room to sleep at night.

"That will work.", He put forward his agreement and my one task was accomplished. Getting Darius engaged. It was more important because I want his mind to move away from Elena. He cannot engage himself in a heartbreak. And I cannot compromise justice for the sake of him. Even if I keep aside the harms Elena did to me personally, I cannot set a wrong example in front of my people.


It was past midnight when I heard light footsteps. She saw me before she could see Darius, and so without thinking twice, she scoffed, "Mahir I should appreciate the fact that you have guts to leave the bed while I am sleeping!"

I chuckled and looked at Darius who looked horrified.

"We have a guest dear wife. Grill me all you want after we finish.", And that was when she noticed Darius, her cheeks flushing red.


"I apologise my queen. We are just about to get done here."

She rolled her eyes, "Stop addressing me in so much high regards. We are family."

"He is a late learner in that respect.", I chimed wanting to finish the work as soon as possible. I really need to sleep beside her. The baby must be kicking.

"...but well Mahir! Shame on you...just because he is now our prime minister, it doesn't mean you'll make him work all day and night."

"We were just about to get done."

She grumbled something under her breath and then came forward. I removed my legs from a spare chair and she settled on it.

Picking up a scroll she started reading it and I thought to finish my work meanwhile.

"What is this Mahir? You have written Rosa's name in the suspects? Are you for real??"

I nodded, not looking up, "Unless proven innocent, everybody is a suspect. I work the other ways Bella.."

"But she has been my maid since my Mother was still alive. You think that mother figure will try to kill our child."

I looked up, "I don't know Bella. She works in the kitchen. She is the one who knows your schedule by heart. She's the only one who has perfect reach to you.."

She looked back in the list, clearly enraged, "And why is Tyler's name not here then? He is some saint who drinks holy water twice daily??"

Her irritation was pretty clear, so when I did not reply anything, Darius cleared his throat, "Your highness...I can complete this work back in my quarters.  I would have to leave tomorrow to obtain Achilles' history."

I nodded permitting him to leave so I could focus on my angry wife.

Once he was out of our portion and the door was shut close, I turned to look at her, "Rosa or Tyler, nobody is my friend or enemy unless proven so. I am a king, I'll look out for the safety of our heir without any hesitation. Let me do this. I'll happily rule out her name once I find something that gives me the proof of her loyalty. And that is for everybody. You see I have included Father's best man also. And also all the other maids who somehow have anything to do with your food."

She huffed standing up from the chair, the chair moving behind with a loud screech.

"I don't care what you do. But you must know my people love me as much as your people love you. I trust my people."

And with that, she left me alone outside our bedroom.

I sighed and continued my work for a few more minutes, before going to sleep.

She was lying on her side, when there was nothing like sides on our bed. We slept close enough to only occupy the middle of the bed.

Once I had removed my shirt, I lied down on the bed, "Bella..come to me...I know you are awake."

She didn't move at all. Too still to be asleep..

I moved a little and pulled her in one motion. My sturdy queen was not really healthy at this time. I need to work on this. Her constant mood changes are a result of pregnancy. She's not being reasonable right now, and I'll have to adjust.

Her gasp and then the agitated movement wanting me to take back my hands were all futile.

I settled my face in the crook of her neck and placed a kiss near her ear.

"Calm down my dear monster.", I whispered in her ears and then moved my hand to her protruded belly and ofcourse the little warrior was fighting her own battle. She was not calm. Not at all.

I slowly start moving my hand on her belly in a soothing motion. Even though the mother huffed in anger, the baby fell quiet after a few moments.

"Mahir remove her na..."

"I won't.", I interrupted her, "And we are not going to talk about this and stress you. You are currently free from all your duties. Only focus on taking care of my baby and yourself. You've become so light even when there's a baby inside."

She did fell quiet after that, but her heavy breaths made it obvious that my queen is restricting the urge to kill me.


The next morning, my bed was empty and cold. Hastily, I moved out of the bed to search for her. And I saw some attendees serving her food.

"Thank you very much. I asked the food so early because I was very hungry."

One of them bowed, "It is our duty my queen. Please tell us to make something else if the food doesn't suit your tastebud. We will be waiting outside."

She signalled with her hand and then everybody left.

My careless queen was about to pick her first morsel when I went forward and stopped her.

"Did you check the food?"

Yes her dagger was kept on the table. But she did not check anything. That made me seeth in anger.

"How can you be so careless Bella??"

Sighing, she picked up the dagger and stabbed her fruits.

Thankfully, the dagger did not change colours.

She looked at me and smiled a huge fake smile.

"Now can I eat your highness!?", i had no option but to nod lightly.

"You are not the only parent of this child dear king! I verified the food and I trust my people."

"It is not about trust.", I countered, "You need to understand my opinion too..."

"I get you. Don't worry.", she dismissed me obviously still angry from the night.



I was pissed at him. Sitting in the garden, among the colourful fragrant flowers did not help me calm down my anger. He tied my dagger around me with a warning not to eat anything before verifying and not to even inhale if something seems suspicious.

Alexis came towards me with April in her arms.

"I hope you are feeling better your highness.."

I chuckled, "With your foolish brother, I won't feel better in this life."

She laughed and the baby in her arms cooed and extended her hands everywhere.

Looking at the baby did calm my mind a little. I am soon going to have one of her kind in my arms. The thought made me ecstatic.

"Alexis...please come and sit here. Let me look at her closely."

Alexis came and settled beside me and soon I started playing with the baby who looked at me, probably observing me strangely.

"How is she being fed?", I asked.

"Elena is allowed to deliver her milk from the cell. A maid goes and brings it for her."

I looked at her amazed, "The king did it?"

She nodded, "After I told him that this milk is very important for the overall development of baby, he allowed it."

"Did Darius go to meet Elena?"

She shook her head, "No...but he is waking up in the middle of the night standing in the courtyard, lost in thoughts. I know he needs closure. Moreover, Reva has been meeting him frequently."

I sighed, "It is better for him to move on. But he definitely needs closure. I'll ask him to go. And I will accompany him."

She smiled gratefully.


"My queen! I don't think the king will approve this."

I shrugged, "King can go and bury himself in his scrolls. You are going and informing Elena about how you have adopted her baby and that she should not get restless. And also you need to apologise for whatever happened."

He sighed, a sign of exasperation about being stuck between the king and queen. But nornetheless followed. Since everything has opened up, and I can more openly interact with them, I've felt at ease. It feels like my family has been extended.

Soon enough, we were in front of the cell where Elena was residing. Unlike other kingdoms, we were not very cruel to our prisoners. They get to eat whenever they wish, they get to read and they get to meet their families whenever they wish. The cell only restricts their movements and freedom to breath in the outside world, which I guess is more than enough.

She was sitting in one of the corners, busy observing the plain helm of her gown. A book was kept beside her, and also a scroll which looked like a royal decree. She had a basket of fruits sitting next to her bed and a earthen pot that contained water.

I smiled satisfactorily while I could see Darius' fist tightening around the bar of the cell.

I gave him the keys and asked him to go in and talk to her. I maintained my distance and remained standing outside the cell.

Feeling the movements, she looked up only for her eyes to stop on Darius.

"Elena...", He whispered in a low voice, afraid of her reaction to seeing him.

She looked surprised and dazed at his presence in the cell. He went forward and sat across her. Although I expected to find disappointment in her eyes, but she looked fine. Better than I expected her to be.

Her eyes shined at him, filled with adoration and love.

"Thank you... Thank you for adopting April.", she joined her hands before him as tears started forming in her eyes.

I knew this is the last time they are seeing each other. And as much as I wanted to witness this moment, I left the cells wanting to provide them with the privacy.

But as soon as I got out of the main gates of the dungeon, I saw my dear husband coming fast paced, almost running, with Tyler behind him.

He breathed a sigh of relief when he saw me, but his jaw ticked with rage. I rolled my eyes seeing Tyler.

When they both came and stood near me, I glared at Tyler, "When will you stop being a traitor to me Tyler? I'll probably get you beheaded for your sins."

Mahir, although covered Tyler behind him, and signalled him to go.

"When will you stop testing me Bella? Do you think it is appropriate to go to the dungeons when you are a queen? And especially when you are pregnant?"

I folded my hands before me, and being the pervert he is, his eyes immediately went down from my face before he composed himself.

"I am pregnant with a warrior. He should know where the dungeons are."

He rubbed his forehead with his fingers and then looked at me.

"Where's Darius?"

"Doing the work I instructed him to.", And as if on cue, Darius came and stood behind me.

I turned and gave him a smile, knowing fully well the nasty glare he was recieving from Mahir.

"Darius...how can you be so irresponsible. You are a..."

I stopped him with my hands, "You may be the king and everything here happens according to you. But I am the queen, and I know how to set things straight."

Before our argument could continue, Darius spoke up, "I am ready to marry Reva. With all my heart."


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