5. I am to safeguard you

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"Anything you want to change Bella?", King..Uncle asked me munching on his food.
I finished the food in my mouth, "Uncle! I liked everything so far. Especially the garden! I loved it. I would inform you or Prince if something comes up."

He nodded and turned to Prince, "Mahir! I would appreciate if you take Bella to the kingdom's garden anytime."
"Of course Father!", He replied.

"By the way, your father quite clearly mentioned you'll like to be engaged in work as soon as you reach. Thus, I decided to hand over to you some portfolios, which you will deal with. If it's alright your would-be-husband.", He pointed to Prince.

I looked over Prince after making sure I have no blush on. Being wife of a husband, and being queen of a king isn't same here. No matter who the queen is. 'First wife' is considered the one who provides an heir to the kingdom. And I haven't been so sure I'll be both since the Prince mentioned his willingness to have multiple wives.
I was fine though.
It's not like we love each other. But being with him, I have realized he's quite a fine specimen of manliness.
I don't know my life will be loveless or not, it is sure to be quite interesting.

"Hmm if princess is fine with the load of portfolios, I am okay!", He shrugged.

"Okay then! Home affairs, Service management, Officers and Offices affairs is being handed to Princess Bella. Settle with them Bella till your wedding. Also we have so much to prepare for the wedding. And most importantly, I want you both to spend some time together and get to know each other."
I nodded discreetly flushed at the thought of spending time with the arrogant prick. Yet I admit I like it quite much.

"Hmm...In that case Father! I want your permission for something."


"I want to visit Kingdom Tesonia before our wedding. Would like to personally invite my friend and his wife. And if Princess accompanies me th....."
My eyes widened immediately.

King laughed, "Oh why not!! Why would I protest!? Extend my greetings to Andrew! And make sure Bella enjoys herself."

My eyes darted between the father and son duo planning the trip I had no idea about few seconds ago.

"Breakfast over!", King declared, "Now come to my office after an hour you both."

I turned to Prince, "What did you do?"

"I thought someone wanted to go out of country.", He cocked his eyebrow.

My mouth gaped open and close few times and I realized I have nothing to say.
He did this for me!?

He came round the table from across me and came just beside me.
Leaning forward, I saw him turn serious, "Princess! Just two days ago, we were oblivious to each other's existence. Everything's quite sudden but since I am to safeguard you. I take it upon myself to safeguard your wishes. Next week, we'll be travelling to Kingdom of Tesonia, and stay there for a week."

A smile unknowingly adorned my face. And at that time, it wasn't just me smiling. Something inside me too smiled.
He flashed his charming smile, and my felt my heart jump several beats.

"Now let me show you my father's castle, before we go to his office.", I smilingly stood up as he gave me his hand.
I was still smiling while he was showing me various portraits of his ancestors.

We were on the terrace and Prince pointed out to various castles, and gardens, common people habitation, and huge farmlands.
"Those are few mills we opened up to organise the sewing works, some older women do. It is of great demand here and many neighbouring kingdoms. I'll command them to sew a skirt for you.... You'll love the fabric!!"

"How should I thank you Prince?", I voiced out my thought and he halted whatever he was going to say next.
He glanced in my direction, "You don't need to Princess. Didn't you hear the saying- 'The world bows before a king, and a king before his queen.' Don't strain yourself."

I frowned, "You want me to be an ungrateful queen. Oh c'mon Prince, be the jerk I met near Eternity well!"

A full blown laugh was what I heard, and it definitely left me amused, "Ok Your highness! As you wish!"

Still amused he came forward, "How would you like to thank me?"
He slowly yet steadily closed the distance between us, however not touching me at all in the process.
A flash of last night clouded my mind.
There was no wall behind me this particular time. But he was too enticing to pull back.

"Thank me now!", He smirked proudly seeing his effect on me.
Hell! Why did I tell him to be back to his jerk ways!?

My mind won the war with my body, and I took a step back.
But a gasp escaped my lips, when he pulled me forward by sneaking his hand around my waist.
"Thank me already my fierce Princess!", He whined playfully.

I gulped hard, "P..P..Prince!". Someone kill me for stuttering before him!
My cheeks were all red already! Traitors!

His hand was already sending sparkles around everywhere. And had I not taken a good breakfast in the morning, I would have fainted in his arms.

"T...Thank Y..You Pri..Prince!!", I uttered finally.

His hand loosened around me, "Y..Your W..Wel...C..Come P..Pri..Princess!", he teased me.

I moved out of his hold and looked away immediately.
Who could tell I am a Princess of Jonathans and would be soon the queen of Roshan!? In his arms, all my training crumples like sand castle.

"Let's go Princess. Father must be waiting.", I could hear amusement in his voice but I maintained a stoic face as I walked along him. And the jerk he is, it amused him even more.



We were back to my castle after a long day of work.
I have to admit, she's quite capable in her work. Her suggestions were so enchanting, we put them into immediate execution.

"Princess! The dinner will be served in the dining hall. Once you freshen up, tell the guards to escort you there.", She nodded and went in her room while I left for mine.

I was just at the entrance of my quarters, when I saw Elena standing beside my guards.
I sighed tiredly.

But as soon as she saw me, she came immediately, "Your Majesty! You're back...I was waiting throughout the day. You look tired. You want a massage on your head. C....."

"Elena....Stop your rants." I turned to my guard, "Go and get a bath prepared. I need to freshen up."

He bowed and left immediately.
"Ah! You want to eat something special for your dinner!?"

"Stop it Elena!", I nothing but yelled, "I still haven't forgotten the way you behaved in the morning. Princess or not! You stay in your limits! Did I ever allow you to jump on me like that?"

The meek she was, she squirmed under my gaze, "I am sorry Your Majesty! This won't be repeated again!"

"It better not!", She nodded and I didn't miss a tear that escaped her eyes.
My heart melted in a second and I pulled her in my embrace, "I know you are hurt. But I will take care of you. Didn't I promise that!?"
I felt her nod in my arms.

"Your Majesty! I want a mercy from you. If possible."
I pulled her out from my embrace and stared at her.

Her troubled face, didn't allow me to refuse her, "Say it!"

"I want to be in your service your Majesty. You are always busy. And the only time I can get from you is while I serve you. Please make me your head maid!"

"Elena you are a Duke's daughter! Several ranks above a maid. How can you!?"

"I will do anything to be near you Your Majesty!", I sighed when she pleaded to me.

"Okay! As you wish! You be my head maid! Call the other maids so I can pass the order.", She left and I came in my quarters annoyed.
These women. And their tears!


I looked at the door of the dining room nth time.
"She will come Your Majesty!", I heard Elena and turned to glare at her.

She was taunting me.
"Elena if you're done here, then leave!"

"You may need something in between....", her words trailed off and I saw her looking at the entrance. I followed her gaze only to find a smile automatically etching on my face.
Princess was here!

If in morning she looked heavenly!
Right now she looks breath taking!

Her hair were a little damp, and she wore her casual clothes, a flowy light pink gown with no jewellery except small earings. But mind me, her elegance still adored her.

"Princess!", I acknowledged her presence.
"I am sorry, I got late...I couldn't remove one earing of mine."
I smirked, "You should have called me."
"You wish Prince!", I pulled her chair and she sat down, while I took a seat beside her.

Yeah! She smelled like the jasmines I have in my gardens.

"You ever cooked Princess!?", I asked and she smiled as if remembering some distant memory.
"Me and Father used to cook together on my birthdays. My head maid Rosa taught me cooking. Because dad cooked terrible.", She chuckled to herself.

"Hmm! I can't imagine The king Jonathan cooking in his kitchen."
She laughed, "Believe me! Even I can't!"

Our heads snapped in the direction due to clearing of throat.
I looked up at Elena, "Should the food be served!?"

I nodded while the Princess looked taken aback.
"Uh...Duchess Elena? Why are you serving? Please call a maid."

I saw Elena pass her a sickly sweet smile, "Oh Princess! I will do because now I am 'My' Prince's head maid."

Princess looked at me briefly then back at her, "But you belong to the Duchess Rank..."

"Ah yes! I do. But his 'other' businesses take away so much of his attention that we are never able to spend time together. And so I decided that would be the best. Also he needs to be taken care when he returns after a long day. He looks pale these days with so much 'stress'."
Princess nodded with a brief smile and got busy with her food.
I didn't miss how Elena stressed on certain words, delivering a different meaning with her words.
I clutched the spoon in my hand glaring at her.
After some time, she got the cue, and left us to eat in the room, not before looking vilely towards the Princess.

We ate in an uncomfortable silence then.
The Princess didn't look up from her plate at all. Had I not known better, I would think she's feeling insecure, that I will have my lover, as a maid. And she would be around me every time.

We were done with the food and I was feeling uneasy, with Princess being so quiet.
She was quiet after our little encounter in the morning while we worked for Father, but I was okay, because I knew my effect still lingered on her skin.

Before that, when she told me she missed her lover Damien, I felt a tinge of something I don't generally feel. Some uneasiness and bad feeling. I wanted to crush whoever this Damien was. Scratch that, while our walk to King's castle, I even planned how to annex the little territory of Connor, and keep that douchebag under my mercy, at the dungeon.

We walked out of the dining hall, when Elena scurried over much to my dismay, "Your bed is prepared Your Majesty!"
And above all that bitch had the audacity to smile suggestively at me.
I looked over Princess, and noticed she didn't miss Elena's hint.

The last thing I want is Princess to miss that petty excuse of a man.
"Thankyou so much Elena! Now you can go and sleep in the servant's quarter!"

I turned to Princess ignoring whatever expression Elena was giving.
She was in deep thoughts.
Oh no!

"Princess!?", I broke her thoughts.
She looked up with shielded eyes, "Uh Prince! I want to write few letters. Can you please provide me the required things."

I was confused at first but nodded nonetheless.

I called Tyler, who was standing by the door, "Go to the study and extract things needed for writing a letter. Provide them to Princess. And send her letters first in the morning."

"On your orders! Dear Majesty!"

I wished her a good night, while she being busy in her thoughts, which much to my dismay were probably of that douchebag!
"Good night Prince. Thanks for the day.", She said to me with a smile then went in.

I looked at her closed door for a while, then went to my office to show Elena her place!


Tyler came in my office the first thing in the morning.
"Your Majesty! Do you have any official work at the King's office? I am leaving to send these letters."

I looked up from the paperwork, and my eyes straight away landed to the letter scrolls in his hands, "You wrote them for Princess?", I asked.

He smiled a little, "No your Highness! The Princess says one should write his/her own letters, then it contains not just words but feelings also."

I smiled imaging her say so.
"Who is she sending her letters to?"

"Ah! One is for the Jonathan King!", He read the label on it. I remembered how she promised her father while leaving.
"....And another is for Prince of Connor, Damien!"

I looked up at the letter Tyler read from.
She wrote to him!!
I felt a surge of rage in me.
How can she do this!? Writing to my enemy, while sitting in my kingdom!
I got furious at the fastest rate I have ever been.

"Tyler keep those letters here. I have a more important work for you!", I commanded him to go and supervise the cleaning of horses in the stable.
He made a confused face, but left anyway.

I hastily picked up that specific letter scroll and began reading.

Dear Damien,

I hope you receive this letter at the best of your health and being. I know you must have already received the news of peace treaty before this letter reaches you. But I want to inform you everything on a personal level.

When I left with father, for the peace treaty with Roshans, I never knew my life will change so drastically. The peace with Roshans demanded my wedding with the Roshan Prince, who himself was reluctant for this proposition.
Anyway, the interest of our people, and to curb those deadly revolts, I had to give in.

We got engaged the same evening we met, and then I am here, in Kingdom Roshan making myself suitable to become the queen.

The thoughts of you are always clouded on my mind. And I feel nothing but the grief you must be feeling while reading this. We loved each other and had a beautiful life planned together. But her wishes were brutally crushed.

I don't know what I'll really do in future. I have to be a good queen, and a good wife. But a part of my heart always belongs to you. You were my first love, and so I would never forget you.
Please forgive me if you think I betrayed you. Believe me I couldn't do anything. May be we meet in another life, where our love will finally succeed.

I will wish I see you again in person, to convince you myself. But for now, this is enough. Do write back.



I clutched the letter tight in my hand, while clenching my teeth in anger.
Their love looks so eternal! Trash! I look like a villain in the story!

I thought for a while then smirked evilly.
"Oh Damien! This letter needs some editing by none other than Prince Roshan Mahir!"


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