✒Save my heart, it's slipping away.

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A/N: This is not a chapter, but a tiny bit of scene which I want to add between the two chapters. This will be the end of their journey in Tesonia. And I desperately wanted to write this. Waiting for your views. Thank you! Happy reading!


I changed into my night clothes and settled down on my bed. But even after two hours, sleep was nowhere near.

Those flashbacks from the evening played in my mind again and again. I swear he was implying about a kiss on my lips. Of course, you  won't glance at my lips like that, and then want to kiss on my cheeks. However, I gave him none. At the end of the day, I wanted to have a upper hand on our situation.
I was so embarrassed that I preferred I will have dinner alone without his smirks. And he was so agitated about that, that he declared,
"Princess! Yes! I wanted to kiss on your lips. And not just that, I wanted to do much more than that. Heck I want it now. But I will wait unless you allow. Now come out and have dinner with me. I can't survive a meal without you."
And that was how I gave up.
Even though my cheeks became redder.

I closed my eyes and desired to meet Prince in my dreams. I miss him now.
I tried calling him, "You there!?"
Nothing came but dark silence.
I think the illusions won't work now for I have met Prince.
I sighed sadly, my eyes still closed.
"Hey beautiful!", My sleeping figure jerked hearing hua voice, while me inside my dream grinned widely.
"I thought I'll never meet you again.", I said smilingly and he approached to me taking a place near me.
"You needed to part from me, in order to meet him.", He took my hand in his, and I felt the same sensation I do when Prince does the same.
"You and him being the same person? What does that mean?"
He smiled, "It was always him. I am just a part of his conscious that always resides in you."
I leaned in and kept my head on his shoulder, "You have answers to everything. That's why I love you.", I said and he chuckled in response, "You saying you love me won't go well with your Prince.", I laughed.
"He is very annoying at times."
"Oh! But even then you can't resist him!? Can you!?"
I huffed, "No! I don't feel good when he's not in front of my eyes. That's why I searched for you."
He held his chest and feigned heartbreak.
"No you are just doing what he told you too. Dreaming about him.", He stated.
I sighed, "I don't know what life has in store for me. I have never felt anything so strong as I now feel for him."
He held my chin, making me look up in his eyes, "No one knows what future has in store for them Prettiest! You just go with the flow, and accept everything whole heartedly."
I thought for a while, "Is he really my soulmate!?"
"As much as I hate to admit, he is."
"How do you know!?", That is what irks me the most.

"Beautiful! If he was not, you wouldn't be sitting here somehow confessing your love for him."
I scoffed, "Love is not what I was talking about.", Yeah! I wasn't.
"I mean how is it said that there is a spiritual connection between us. It's only me who has his illusions and not the other way round."
He shifted a bit, "Dear Princess! How are you so sure about that. May be as he sleeps in his room, he's dreaming with your conscious. Like you with me. Probably discussing his dilemmas with his head on her lap!"

"Noooo!", I sat up, no more in my dreams.
Hell! That pang of jealousy was so strong it broke my dream.
Him, having his head on someone else's lap. No!
I got down the bed immediately and came to my door. It wasn't locked because I trusted him enough with myself now. I opened the door and came out to check on him.
He was not cheating on me. With my own conscious.
Instead he was sleeping like a good boy, while the moonlight did it's best to light up his face, and make him my personal moon.

I neared him and carefully sat on one side of his bed. He shouldn't wake up or else he'll make a fuss about it.

God must be in pretty good mood when he carved out this man. He is so handsome!

A small smile etched on his lips, and I got alert thinking he woke up.
I then heard him murmer something. I couldn't hear it well.

He was still sleeping so may be he was murmering in sleep.
I leaned a little to hear him, "Your hands are so soft beautiful!"
My eyes widened when I realized he was dreaming about someone.
No way!

I slowly took my hands and touched his hair.
Oh my god! They are soft like a baby.
I slowly caressed his hair and then gently massaged his scalp.
He leaned into my touch, still very much in sleep.

"You are mine. You know that!?", If it would have been any other situation, I would have thought he's acting. But right now, he's in deep sleep.

And the next moment, I let out a gasp as his hand goes around my waist and head comes straight on my lap.
"Prince...", He didn't respond at all.
However, his breathing was still even.

How will I leave now without waking him up!?
How will I lessen my embarrassment!?
Most importantly, how will I resist him for the rest of the night!?


The sunrays hit my eyes rather cruelly. And at that moment, I hated nothing as much as I hated sun.
I groaned as my hold on sleep started to break.

Such an intoxicating sleep it was!
Who am I kidding, it was always good when I dreamt about her!
Last night, she came and expressed her intolerance towards my extra affairs.

Her exact words were, "I won't tolerate Elena! I won't tolerate Scarlet! No I won't tolerate that fortune teller woman also! I won't tolerate anyone. It should be me, and just me. And mind me you jerk! If you even look at another woman, I'll kill you with my 'Ferocious'."

I had to assure her that I won't do so. And that I am hers and she is mine.
She calmed down considerably, and then we slept arms in arms.

I squinted open my eyes and lifted my arm to remove the blanket of me. But something soft and heavy restricted my motion.

My protective instincts woke up, and I became alert at once.

Turning my head, the scene I saw literally made me drop my jaw on the ground.
It was Princess!
And not just that!

She was sleeping with her head on my shoulder, my hand around her waist, and her hand around my torso.
Her breath was hitting the crook of my neck. And I couldn't help but wonder, how can she look so heavenly in the morning.
And not of single help, was her nightwear that was a simple silk gown exposing her shoulders to me, as well as her slender neck.

How did she end up here!?
Did I sleep walk and bring her here!? Because Princess won't come here willingly.

Her hair were flowing lightly with the morning breeze, and my arm that wanted to push the blanket away, hid her in it.
I want nothing but to hold her close. And what is the shocking thing here, that I don't feel the need to ravish her right now. Instead I want to save her. Save her from all harshness of this world. Even if it includes me.
I covered my face with the blanket, to block those treacherous sunrays, and pulled her closer.

As much as I would love to see her blush, I won't tease her this time.
She is mine, I know. But she is quite modest.

God! Save my heart! It's slipping away!

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