Chapter 1

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"Mitra...Mitra...stop..." She ran behind a boy who was cladded in royal and entered the huge garden of the Kingdom Chedi.

" can never catch me..." He giggled while he ran on the other side of fountain.

" are becoming naughty day by day..just have one more bite of this chapati then I'll let you play with your friends!" She said while panting.

"Ma.. I'm full!" said he while moving his hand on his tummy indicating that he had already eaten a lot and one more bite will result in blasting of his stomach.

"You are such a drama queen, just like your father.." Renu ( Karenumati) could just smile on his this childishness.

It had been a long time since Nakula visited Chedi, Niramitra really missed him a lot,so does Renu. Whenever she wrote a letter to him ,she never expressed her grief,she never told how badly Mitra misses him, she always wrote that they were happy, but in her last letter to him,for the very first time after their marriage she expressed herself ,her inner turmoil,her fear that she won't be able to inculcate the right values in Niramitra alone,she needed him,she needs him, Niramitra is growing and now she couldn't answer all his questions,he needed his father, and she wrote too that how much she and Mitra longed for him and how she wished that they (Renu and Mitra) always lived with him.

She handed over the plate to the dasi, and moved towards Mitra,she smiled, took her lil boy in her arms and hugged him with all her love as if he was the only reason why she was alive. On the other hand,Mitra too hugged her mother with all the love his heart had, because for him,she was his mother and father both.

"Rajkumari, a messenger from Indraprastha has come,says he has a letter.." a dasi announced. Renu's happiness knew no bound ,she thought it must be from Nakula,maybe he would be coming soon!!

She ordered the dasi to bring the letter to her. Dasi did as she was instructed,as soon as Renu got the letter in her hand ,she ordered for privacy. It had been years since they got married but still whenever she got a letter from him, she always read it with the same excitement as if she got her first love letter.

Dear Renu,

I'm sorry, I don't deserve to call you even dear.. I don't know from where to In your last letter you expressed an urge to meet me but.. I'm sorry I can't need to raise our Mitra alone into a mighty warrior, inculcate the right values, I'm sure Dhristaketu will surely help. I've failed, I've failed everyone..we lost everything Renu.. everything!! We have to be in an exile for 12 years and 1 year incognito and then we are planning to avenge against the evil Kauravs. You know right we got an invitation from Hastinapur for playing dice. We went there and lost everything..we even lost Panchali to that wicked Duryodhana he tried to disrobe our beloved Yajseni in the Kuru Sabha!! And we Pandavas whom she trusted and thought that we are her pride couldn't save her from being humiliated in that Sabha..but Krishna saved her!! Love..we are leaving..I hope you will take care of urself along with Mitra.. I know you are strong and will do what's right!! Will miss you...and Mitra!!!! I LOVE YOU!


Tears blurred her vision as she read the letter, the letter fell from her hand and she too fell on the ground, she couldn't think anything,she thought it to be a bad dream,but it wasn' was the reality.

Mitra who was mean while looking in the water ran towards his mother... " Ma..are you fine???What happened to you Ma speak something..." He shoke her one arm which brought her back to reality. She knew she can't cry,at least not before Mitra she immediately embraced him and a lone tear escaped from her eye!!

How will she tell Mitra about what's written in the letter? He was too young to understand all this.. and how will she tell this Little boy of hers that he won't be able to meet his father for 13 long years!! She thought.

Above all, she wasn't able to believe that how such an injustice happened in the righteous Kuru Sabha,where scholar like Vidura and Mighty Bhishma Pitamah were present. Is human a commodity which could so easily be put on stake??? She got goosebumps while imaging her beloved Draupadi jiji's condition!

She broke the hug and saw Mitra crying, she gently wiped away his tears, and said with a motherly affection, " Nothing has happened my boy don't cry, everything is fine, you go and play with your friends!!"
He protested a littled but lost to his dear mother.

Karenumati immediately picked that letter and got up and moved towards her chamber. On reaching the chamber she asked the dasi to prepare for a bath. She kept that letter with all the other letters which she got from Nakula.

She went in the bathroom and ordered for privacy. The pool in which she bathes was shallower on one side and deeper at the other. She slowly moved towards deeper side,trying to calm her inner turmoil,she moved with loads of questions in her head..she moved in..she moved in..she was completely inside the water.

What could have been the reason for a such a mishappening, how could anyone who knew Dharma would allow such Adharma to occur, she thought. She then recalled the moment when her father was beheaded by her tatshree Shree Krishna! She was really upset from him after that incident but at that time she just knew the half truth but when she got to know what her father actually did, she thought that death was really a very small punishment for it. There must be some other side for this story too, because you can't except straight things from Gandharraj, she thought.

She struggled for breath and immediately came out of the water.. The cyclone inside her was little calm than before. She decided to discuss this with her brother.


Hola peeps,
Akansha this side!!!
I hope you liked this chapter.
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The title and cover credit goes to: jimmyprotested29 (#rukucredit)

Inspiration for writing this story:
DharmaPriyaa (My Devika jiji)

I dedicate this story to Mahabharata_family (my family)


Special mention: SohiniModak8 ( my kanha) , DrKanu (bhaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii) mythooolover (daduuuuuuuu) and Sayra612 (bhaiiiiiiiiiiiii)

aasleshaa MaheshVaishnavi nerd_positive
GKB ZINDABAD! 🥺🤧😎🤣❤️✨🌸

I LOBE YOU ALL 3000!!!!!!!!!

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