Chapter 15

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Renu and Mitra,

They read the letter. Niramitra sat near Renu peeping in the letter, using his newly learned skill i.e. reading.

I wish my lil boy is reading this along with his mother, I hope Mitra you doing well in your studies!

"I'm trying my best papa! "
"He's trying his best Nacool! " They thought.

How's everyone at Chedi, I hope you all doing well, Give my love to Ketu, Sarabha and Mahipala, Paridhya and Ketu's wife.

"We all are fine papa and we have a very beautiful addition in our family! But still I miss you!"
"Everyone here is fine Nacool!! Just ur absence aches my heart! "

We are doing fine over here, just don't miss us much!! :) I know the time is hard, but we are stronger than our problems isn't it???


Mitra I'm giving you the responsibility, do take care of your mother, never leave her side, you know she's a silly little girl, so you have to be very careful with her, be a good boy don't trouble her a lot! Renu make my boy grow as a valorous warrior and a humble human being.

"You know Pa, she's the best mother! "
"You know arya, he's the best son!! "
I wanted to write more, but writing more would mean making myself vulnerable to those feelings which I'm trying to avoid right now, The war...

She crumbled the letter as she read the word 'war'.
"Ma, I wanna read more.. " he insisted.
"You can't read more!" she replied sternly. He smiled, "A love letter, no problem you can read I won't read it." he covered his eyes with both his palms. Few tears left their abode, but she instantly wiped them off and started to read further,

...the war is something we are preparing for, I hope you both to be mentally prepared for it too. I love u both. Good bye.


"Mitra, do you wanna wrote the reply to the letter.. "

"Yes! " he replied joyfully.

With his untidy handwriting and with some spelling mistakes he wrote his part,

Dear Papa,

I'm writing the letter, pardon my bad handwriting, will try to improve it with time. So how's everyone?? Give a bear hug from side to Badi Ma. And loads of love to Tatshree and Kakashree. We are good here and you know what Shrutakirti Mami gave birth to a baby we named him as Abheema he is as cute as Suthanu. I love u, come back soon, and papa I'm learning mace, tell this to Tatshree Bheem he'll be very happy to know this. Ya so I'm ending here, Ma will continue and I promise you I'll take care of her, Byeee.


You missed his many first Nacool, be it his first step, his first achievement but congratulations dear Papa he wrote his first letter to you. He's trying his best to be best in everything he is trying to learn. Just wanna tell you one thing arya, I'll always be by your side,and I trust all the decisions you all will take as a unit. Give my love to all and I've a small present for them not for you :(
I love my Mr. Handsome;)  Good bye.


She rolled the parchment and docked up Mitra. She moved in the direction of the temple of the palace.

"Who told you about love letters Mitra? " she asked while they were still on their path to the temple.

"Nayantara!" he answered.

"Who? Nayantara? "

"Shanti masi's daughter she's my friend she told me a husband writes a love letter to his wife! "

"Oh, only husband wife write love letters? " she asked, a mishchevious smile adoring her lips.

"Nah! Lovers also write! "

"Who are lovers? "

"The one who loves each other! "

"What is love? " she asked while making him stand on the floor, removing her footwear.

Mitra scratched his neck. Renu entered the temple, bowing a little before the idol. Mitra was outside still pondering upon his answer.
"What I feel for you is Love Ma!! " said he, while entering the temple.
Her eyes brimmed with tears, she caressed his hairs and just nodded telling him that he's right. She took five sacred threads and kept inside the parchment and tied it carefully.

"What are these for ma? "

"These are Rakhis, for my brothers!" she answered.

"But why five Ma? Are u planning to tie Rakhi to Papa also." he giggled.

"One is for your Badi Ma! "

"But... " she cut him in middle, "Sisters can also tie Rakhi to each other."

"oh!! " he exclaimed.

"You know what Mitra, we are going to Panchal for the Rakshabandhan! "

"Really!!" he hugged her.

The following morning she found a great hustle bustle in the palace and as she entered the dining arena the reason was crystal clear to her. The children returned back from the ashram, along with Samrat Yudishtira and Samraggi Panchali.

She looked at the head position of the table, there he was, a man with a calm aura surrounding him, whose face didn't reflect any kind of arrogance of being a king, and his smile, was unearthly gave even the weakest the strength to stand up and fight, he was Yudishtira!! Renu's palm involuntarily pressed against each other in a Namaste, as if her innerself wanted to hail the Dharmaraja!

"Suprabhat!" she said, couple of heads turned towards her, they reciprocated with a smile. She felt a bit uneasy, her shoulders shrinked, but the smile of Manmohana gave her the courage. She sat between Krishna and Devika. Krishna was sitting on the left of Yudishtira, and to Yudistira's right sat the Fire born.

They eat together, Renu was very much fascinated by this idea, it reminded her of Chedi.

Soon a laughter engulfed the surrounding, fading all the other chatterings, it was the laughter of the Yagseni.

Renu looked at her, her big black eyes glittering, a perfect definition of beauty was sitting before Renu, her hands were moving mechanically, the dark flame, attracting everyone towards her, that aura of gold, that confidence was  clearly visible in her laughter too,

Yagseni looked at a pair of eyes which were admiring her, "Rajkumari Karenumati.. " said she.


Hola peeps!
Akansha this side,
I hope you liked the chapter, if you liked the chapter so plz turn the grey star into orange and shower ur love in the comments section.

How was it ppl???

How was the letter??

Who do you think Nayantara is or will be in future;)  ?

Happy Bhaidoj!!

How was the description of Yudi bro and Drau Jiji???

Happy New Year to those who are celebrating!! :)

And a good newssss

My story made to the first round of The writer's calibre awards!!! I actually didn't expect it to make it there but it did so Bhery happpyyyyyyyyy...

*nacho everyone*

Happy reading!

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