Chapter 19

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Karenumati's POV:

"I wanna know about the first meeting of Tatshree Bheem and Badi Ma valandhara! " said Karma.

"Me too!" added Suthanu.

"Me too!" exclaimed Sarvaga.

Even I wanted to know about them. They are one of the cutest couple I know, they bicker like kids, understand each other like friends, and become a pillar of strength when needed by anyone. They are two very contrasting souls, yet very similar. They can do anything for their loved ones.

As the demand for their story increased, the ladies sitting out there laughed out loud, this made me more curious to know about it.

"So.. When I first met your Kakashree Bheema, Devi Jiji and Jaya were with me. " said she while placing suthanu on her lap. Mitra was still sleeping.

(POV ends)

Dwarkadheesh Krishna won the hand of Lakshana in Swaymavara. The kingdom of Madra was overjoiyed by this news. The preparation for the marriage began. Madra was decorated as a beautiful bride, not a single house was left uncleaned. The new layer of mud covered all the houses, intricate  patterns were made on them; Rangolis adorned the entrance of almost every house.

"Soon, My bhrata will come and you'll be his forever. " commented Devika while she braided Lakshana's hair.

"I have heard that Pandavas too are coming.. " said Valandhara and entered the chamber; she was carrying a plate with decorative flowers.

Vijaya who was meanwhile choosing the perfect anklet for Lakshana avoided eye contact with Valandhara, her cheeks were of the colour of a rose; her marriage was fixed with the younger Madreya.

Devika who was braiding Lakshana's hair stopped for a second; her thoughts wandered about a man with a golden complexion.

"Devika Jiji,please place this lotus in her hairs, it'll look good, I've some work will see you both soon and Vijaya, all the best!" said Valandhara and paced out of the chamber


"Bhrata Bheem, someone is lost somewhere I guess.. " said Nakula, loud enough so that only the five brothers could hear that and pointed towards Sahdeva, who again and again tried his best to just get a glimpse of Vijaya.

"Your are right Nakul, we should plan a wedding as soon as possible in Indraprastha too, someone is not able to control himself." commented Bheema, to which Sahdeva just blushed.

Yudishthira just enjoyed their antiques and his copper hued eyes searched for his lotus who was lost among the women of the palace standing there.

"..bhrata Bheem, I've a better idea, why not get them married today only.." added Arjuna, which made the trio break in fits of laughter and Deva just blushed more and more.

When the pandavas were busy in teasing and pulling each others leg, the rituals of the marriage were almost complete.

The time for dinner arrived, and they all set out for the dining room. Arjuna and Nakula shared a knowing look. When they reached near the entrance of the dining hall; Vijaya was too present there with Devika and Valandhara.

As Sahdeva put forth his foot, Arjuna strangled his leg with Sahdeva which made him fall, but apparently Nakula held him.

"We all know, you have fallen in love with Madra Kumari Deva,but  why are you falling in reality?" pouted Nakula.

This made everyone present over there laugh out loud except the love birds.

As they all were like their family, the ladies of the palace took upon the task of serving the dinner.

"I hope Deva, you'll eat not just stare! " commented Nakula.

"My time will too come Nakul, we'll see then! " replied Deva in his ever calm voice.

"It'll never come, no princess of the whole aryavart except Panchali could captivate the heart of this kaunteya!" boasted Nakula.

"Jyesth, I think we need to search someone for him too.. " Bheema smirked.

"Bhrata Bheem, I thought we were a team! I'll complain about this to Mata" replied Nakula.


Devika was serving the rice, as she was serving Yudishthira, he caught her hand lightly and that too in such a way that none could see it.

None uttered a word, his copper hued eye and her black orbes did all the talking;  promising a bond till eternity. The hearts met, love bloomed; silently. They became one, their soul got united;

It was hidden from everyone except the eyes of Savyasachi.

" I only heard that we could talk, through eyes, but I saw it today! " said he.

Yudishthira left her hand and she too paced towards the kitchen, cherishing the first touch of love.


"More laddos.." demanded Bheema.

Valandhara had the duty to serve laddos and it was her 10th serving to Vrikodara.

Vrikodara, on the other hand loves laddos, but this time it wasn't the taste of the laddos which attracted him towards them, but it was the woman who was serving them; Kashi Kumari Valandhara. He only heard about love at first sight from Nakul, but today he experienced it.

His gaze was fixed upon her, her deep blue lehenga perfectly complemented her fair complexion. As her soft and slender hand reached out to keep another laddos on his plate. His eyes met her eyes, he immediately looked away, the heat in the moment was unbearable for him. His cheeks slightly tinted red.

"More laddos.. " he again demanded.

This time Valandhara felt irritated. She huffed towards him.

"So, Rajkumar Vrikodara why don't you keep this whole basket with you!" retorted she.

"Yes... Noo.. " he stood up from his place, " I don't want the whole basket."

"but.. Rajkumar.. You wanted.. " Bheema cut Valandhara in middle, "This is my insult I'm going from here."

He paced out of the chamber, in the direction of the garden. Everyone shared looks with each other, unaware of what happened recently, except Manmohana. Yudishthira was about to go behind Bheema but Krishna stopped him.

Valandhara realised that it was her mistake, she followed him.

Bheema was happy that his plan succeeded. Kashi Kumari was coming behind him. "Thank you Nakul, your company helped me to learn some dramas.." he chuckled to himself.

"Rajkumar Bheem.. " called out Valandhara, but he continued to walk and eventually fell in the mud.

Valandhara came running towards him, but his condition made her laugh out loud, he too instead of getting angry joined her.

They all broke in fits of laughter.

"Pitashree Bheema fell,he would be looking" asked Soma.

"Yes! Very funny.." answered Valandhara.


Nakula was sharpening the blade of his sword, when Yagseni came out of their hut.

"Panchali, it's very late you must go and sleep. " said Nakula.

"Not sleepy Aarya.. My heart is elated today, dunno know why I feel so happy, I feel as if my kids are finally safe, happy.. " said she while moving near him and embracing him in her arms.

"They are happy, Panchi.. Because they are with their mothers!!" replied Nakula and embraced her back.


Hiya beautiful peeps,
Akansha this side,
I hope you liked it then please turn the white star into orange and shower ur love in the comments section.

How was it??

Did you like the wedding part, hope so it wasn't boring!

Your favourite part..Mine was #DrauNa the very last parah.

Happy reading!

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