Chapter 22

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Karenumati's POV:

The clouds thundered, and it started to rain more heavily. The scent of the wet soil filled the atmosphere.  Trees swayed as the strong gusts of wind hit them. The tiny droplets of water on the tender grass, looked like pearls. The music produced by the rain, made the surroundings lively. I embraced my self as gusts of wind touched my body, they seemed 'known' as if an elder brother was hugging his younger sister. I felt the winds kissing my forehead, just the way bhrata would do!!

I was heading towards my chamber, when a sweet smell of milk lingered  my nose. "Aah! " I exclaimed! This smell was driving me crazy. I followed it and reached the entrace of the kitchen, there it was! The bowl of kheer!! It sat like a king among many other empty bowls, some rose petals and cashews were used as garnish. I couldn't control myself, and rushed towards it, without noticing who all were present in there.

"One morsel will not do any harm!" mumbled I, trying to justify myself regarding my action.

I dipped my fingers in the kheer and my tongue was about to savour it, when a strong hand gripped my wrist.
His other hand twisted my ear, "Jaya! Don't be naughty? "

I turned my self to face him, he left my ear as soon as he saw me, "Rajkumari Karenumati, it's you, I thought Jaya was here! I'm sorry for behaving such!" said he.

"It's OK! Rajkumar" replied I.

"By the way Rajkumari, it's bad manners to eat without asking! " chuckled he.

"I don't care you know, the kheer seemed so tasty, I came here involuntarily." I said and licked my fingers.

He just smiled looking at me, "I can give you more, if you want, but actually I made this for Jaya, it's her birthday today. I always make her favourite kheer and feed her with my own hand, but that stupid girl loves to trouble me, would try to eat the kheer without my knowledge! "

I could see the fondness in his eyes which he possesed for Jaya, just like bhrata Dhristaketu.

"So won't you feed me bhrata?" whispered I.

"Of course Raj.. I mean Karenumati! But I think kheer tastes best with puris!"

His eyes sparkled, he kept the cauldron on fire and poured ghee in it! He made round puffy puris and I just looked at him in admiration, never thought he would be such good with food! These pandava brothers never failed to surprise me, I wondered what was coming next.

"Ready! " announced he while dusting his hands and kept the puris on my plate. I sat on the platform and he fed me lovingly!

"I thought it was my birthday bhrata! " Vijaya fake pouted at the entrance of the kitchen.

"Actually, I got a new sister, so the old one just skipped my mind! " said he while giving another morsel of puri dipped in kheer to me.

"You forgot me?" she paced towards us.

" Do you think so? " replied he.

"Nah! " spoke she and he gave her a big bear hug, "Happy Birthday sista!!"

My heart and eyes were elated to see such pure affection between them! And not to forgot I got the Vrikodara as my elder brother!!

As I remembered this incident my eyes immediately searched for Jaya, she was trying to pluck some tamarinds from the tree, and this was the time when I realised that it stopped raining! I lived a lot in my wonderland these days!! Her voice was really very sharp anyone could distinguish her laughter.

I realised that very moment the relationship which she shared with Bhrata Bheem was the most unique. He loved all of us equally, but Jaya a little more than all of us, and none ever minded that.

The scratching of draupadi Jiji's quill, the clanging of Devika Jiji's sword, the melodious voice of Vala jiji, the spattering of hot oil when shubhadra Jiji cooked, the jingling of my anklets and chirpy chatterings of Vijaya were the life of Indraprastha Palace.

As I wandered in my thoughts, I saw Niramitra fell on the ground. I got up to help him, but saw him getting up by himself! All his brothers too came to help. My boy was getting older and now there were various things he needed to do alone and learn by himself and the earth itself teaches us so much,  the way he taught me so many lessons! I felt earth similar to him, they both shared the same traits, just like an earthen pot is used to carry fire, he too carried fire!!

New saplings arrived. I was planting them in the garden. They all were jasmines but of different colours.

"Kamala, pass the other plant." asked I, while I forwarded my mud stained hands towards her.

"Here you go Rajkumari! " said he while keeping that small plant on my hand. I was startled to see him there, The Samrat himself was present.
I stood up and immediately bowed down to him, "Pranipat Samrat! "

"Oh, no need of formalities Rajkumari, actually I love plants and would love to learn gardening from you!" requested he.

I hesitated a bit, but later asked him to dig a small whole nearby the plant which I planted recently.

After completing his task, he asked me to have a look of it, after my approval he planted the small sapling in it. His lips curved in a smile, like a kid who accomplished something really big.

"It isn't that difficult as I thought!" said he and turned towards me, "Thank you for helping me Rajkumari!"

"The lesson isn't complete Samrat, now we will water the plant and remember not to put too much of water, it causes water logging and the plant may die too! " said I.

After finishing watering the plants, I asked the Samrat the question on which I was pondering from many days. He was called Dharamraaj and was sure he had an answer to my this question.

"Samrat, need to ask you one thing? " asked I as he gulped down water from Jug.

"Sure, go ahead! "

"I read a book, which made me ponder about what dharma is? A Kshatriya's foremost duty is too serve the motherland and leaving motherland alone, when it needs you the most isn't Dharma I guess? " questioned I.

"Are you talking about the story of Dharmagatha?"

I nodded in a yes.

"Rajkumari, different situations demand different actions, the way you taught me today that all plants aren't same, some required more sunlight, some less, some more water some less, same way Dharma changes accordingly.

As you told me extra water causes logging which ultimately kills the plant, same way when mind overflows with moh, bad Kama, it results in making us do Adharma! The King he killed the Brahman by mistake but that mistake occurred due to his mind being polluted with unnecessary material things. His reptanance was a way to connect him back to Dharma, so it was right!

I know what you pondering about, his duty was towards kingdom and he fulfilled that too, by making some policies which gave the minister the power to rule, just the way it's in Dwarika! Here the Minister didn't follow their Dharma, but the king did!! Adharma by ministers made the kingdom fell prey to the enemies!"

I just looked at him, I now got the essence of it! I nodded, indicating him that I understood everything!

"OK! If you understood everything then answer this question of mine, a caterpillar feeds on leaves, it is it's duty, but what we humans do is that we remove that little creature from that plant, but nature knows herself what is right and what is wrong, so the removal of caterpillars is right or wrong? Aren't we opposing nature Rajkumari?" asked he, while raising his one eyebrow, a known smile plastered on his face.

I thought hard but couldn't come with an answer.

I still don't know the answer to the question which bhrata asked me that day!!


Hola peeps!
Akansha this side!
I hope you all liked the chapter, if that so do please turn the white star into orange and shower ur love in the comments section.

How was it????????

I don't know what I wrote in dharma wala part, Did it made any sense to you people?

Does anyone know the answer to Yudi's question?

How was YuRe, and Rheem moment??

And Ya! We won another awards, We came 2nd in Magical awards in Spiritual genre!!


Arundhati777 Thank you so much for the precious review!

Happy reading!

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