Chapter 25

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Author's POV:

(Warning: Mature content ahead)

The room was dimly lit, most of the diyas were kept near the bed. As it was a full moon light, moonlight too peeped in through the partially closed windows.

The bed was decorated with various flowers, the headboard was covered with the strings of mogra, the bed sheet was sprinkled with rose petals, among those petals sat a blue lotus.

"Nakul is definitely very lucky, got another beautiful wife!" said Naganjiti, while kissing Karenumati's forehead.

"If is it so Jiji, than Bhrata Krishna is the luckiest, he got 9 beautiful wives! " winked Valandhara, earning a stare from Devika.

"I just said the truth Jiji! " pouted Valandhara.

"I wonder how Bheem is alive, may god save him from Vala! " commented Rukmini.

"Haww, you all are so bad, I'm not talking to anyone! " Valandhara huffed out of the room and all of them burst into laughter.

Devika, affectionately touched Renu's shoulder assuring her about something about which Renu herself was unsure.
"All the best!" whispered Devika!


"Bhrata Bheem this is very wrong, very wrong!" huffed Nakula, "I got married today, don't treat me like a child! At least today "whined Nakula.

"I don't care!" chuckled Bheema, while keeping one of his arm around Nakul's shoulder and pulling his cheek by other.

They were going towards Renu's room, and like always Bheema didn't leave a chance to irritate Nakul.

They stopped near the door of the room. "Now I must take your leave Prince Nakula! And Ya all the best! " said he and ruffled his hair, before Nakula could even react Vrikodara ran away.

The most irritating thing anyone could do to Nakul was messing his hair, and his very dear elder brother did it. He took deep breath and entered the room, while correcting his hairs.

Renu wasn't sitting on the bed. Nakula looked around for her in the room and found her standing in the balcony looking at deep dark night sky.

He tip toed towards her. She was so lost in her thoughts that she didn't even know about his arrival. He patted on her shoulder, "What's my wife doing? " asked he.

"Looking at the stars!" said she, still not meeting his gaze.

He made her face him. "You look so divine, why are you looking at the stars? When you can simply look at yourself in the mirror! " purred he.

She smiled, "way too buttery, Nacool! "

"I thought you like butter?? " said he while wrapping his hand around her waist.

She moved closer to him, and kept her head on his chest, feeling his heartbeat! He kissed her forehead and tightened his grip around her waist.

"I must change now, these jewelleries are way too heavy! " said she while breaking the hug.

"Do you need any help?" he winked.

"No thanks I'llmanage! " she chuckled and walked inside the room.

He followed her. She stood before the mirror removing her gold necklaces one by one, and Nakula sat on the bed admiring her, realising that these ornaments didn't enhance her beauty rather they just hid the most beautiful form of her.

Lift up the veils that darken the delicate moon
of thy glory and grace!

She bent down to remove her anklets, when his hands touched hers, "Let me help!" said he while unhooking one of those heavy anklets.

He kissed her feet. She hestitangily shifted them back, "Arya please don't touch my feet! " Karenumati protested softly.

"Lemme worship you tonight!" said he, his husky voice giving shiver down her spine.

His sensous gaze melting her eyes.  He kissed her feet again, she just moaned in pleasure, shut her eyes, as his tender lips moved upwards, unveiling her legs gradually, his fingers too followed them.

LIKE a serpent to the calling voice of flutes,
Glides my heart into thy fingers!

Her heart started to beat faster as she felt the touch of his fingers on her thighs. He turned her face towards him, her eyes still shut, refusing to meet those passionate ones, he planted a kiss on them, his grip tightened over her thighs, arousing her desires.

"Won't you look at me priye?" purred he. She breathed heavily, and gradually opened her eyelids, his serene smile was worth any pain, She couldn't control her emotions and surrendered herself to him. He sucked her lips.

Revive me, I pray, with the magical nectar
that dwells in the flower of thy kiss.

She held his shoulder, digging her nails in them as the kiss deepened. His hands moved at her back, unhooking the breast cloth, making her stand pure before him!

They parted away, both grasping for air, a smile of fulfillment was on his lips, which made her smile too, she was now sitting unadulterated before him, all the adulteration of jewelleries, clothes, were moved, they were now on a pious journey, journey where they'll be one!!

He moved back, paused there for a moment and looked at her, admiring her each and every feature! His cheeks tinted red, she lowered her gaze, she too was blushing, he came closer to her and removed the pin which supported her bun.

Her hairs fell on her shoulders, he again moved back and adored her. It felt as if he was a painter and she was his painting, whom he made after years of effort, the glitter in his eyes, made butterflies swam in her stomach.

Withhold not, O love, from the night
of my longing the joy of thy luminous face,
Faint grows my soul with thy tresses' perfume
and the song of thy anklets' caprice!

He came closer again, tucked her hairs behind her ears, and whispered, "You are gorgeous!" She embraced him. He picked her up in his arms and gently placed her on the bed.

She breathed heavily, her beautiful wide eyes spoke about her intense desire. She removed his angavastram, her fingers moved on his bare chest, feeling every inch of him. His hot breath once again mingled with hers as he entered her, completing them!! A gust of wind blew off all the diyas, and the weather became wild, complementing the mood of the ones mating that night.

As he sucked her neck hard, leaving behind his mark, the gust of wind opened the window with its force, allowing the moonlight to the lighten up the room. The rustling of the leaves,  singing of the nightingale, chirping of the crickets and the tinkling of one of her anklets, made melodious music along with their sound of love!

Like the perfume in the petals of a rose,
Hides thy heart within my bosom, O my love!
Like a garland, like a jewel, like a dove
That hangs its nest in the asoka-tree.
Lie still, O love, until the morning sows
Her tents of gold on fields of ivory!


Hiya peeps!
Akansha this side!

How was the chapter?

I hope you liked that! :)

Any moment which u liked the most?

Ps: I blushed way too hard while writing this !🙈❤

Poem ofcourse by the nightingale of our country!

If you liked the chapter please do turn the grey star into orange and shower ur love in the comments section!

Happy reading!

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