Chapter 3

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She figured out a way to talk to him, she asked, "What do you mean by Dharma putra??"

He sat up right, started to scratch his head, a confused look over his face, he was trying very hard to remember the meaning of this word which he had heard a lot of time. Karenumati just smiled to herself after seeing her son's action, after all he was just 6 years old.

He shut his eyes tightly and started to click his fingers, trying to remember something. Karenumati saw her younger self in him, she would do the same thing, when she would not be able to remember something.

"Ya!! Got it.." he exclaimed, a huge smile adorned his face. He continued, " On the day of Rajsuya Yajna, Prati bhaiya, Sutasoma bhaiya and Yaudheya Bhaiya were discussing about Dharma, they told me that tatshree Yudishtira is know as Dharamraj, he's the righteous man of the aryavart!!"

Renu's heart sank after listening the word Rajsuya Yajna-the day her father died. He was evil to the world, but he loved Renu the way every father loves his daughter! Renu accepted that his father's death was for the betterment of the society, but somewhere in her heart, it ached after hearing that word Rajsuya Yajna!!

She immediately shifted this thought away and asked Mitra, "..but this is not the answer to my question my child.. "

Mitra thought hard.

"If tatshree is known as Dharamraj so whatever he'll do will be the act of righteousness.. So.. Never lying, always respecting your elder is what Dharma is! " he said with proud in his voice, as if he conquered the whole world.

Karenumati made Mitra sit on her lap and said in voice loathed with honey,
"My boy, Dharma is something which can't be defined, it's not like a rule book, where certain points are jotted down and if you follow those then only you'll be called righteous. Dharma is a way of living, it's a path towards moksha, and you know the best part of Dharma is that it can be moulded, changed according to the circumstances. Something which is Dharma at one situation, could be considered as Adharma at another! "

"How Ma?? " asked he.

"Telling you.. Wait.. " she makes him sit before her and continues, "If I order you, Mitra don't go near the river.. and if you will not obey me it'll be considered as adharma, but if you know there's a boy who's drowing in the river, then what will you do? "

"I'll save him.. "

"But I ordered you not to go to the river.. won't it'll be Adharma?? "
He opened his mouth to say something but immediately shut it.

Renu smiled she knew she was going in the right direction.

"It won't be adharma my child, you are saving someone's life,and if you didn't go to save that boy then you'll be doing an adharma.. Now you got my point.."

"Yes.. Ma.. But still I'm a bit confused! "

"As you will grow up you'll understand everything! " she continued, "Do you know what a game of dice is? "

He nodded and signalled towards the chauser board kept in her room.

"Do you know what staking is? " she shot another question. He replied in negative.

"OK!! Take an example we are playing dice, and I stake my pen and you stake your sword, If I win then your sword will be mine and if I loose then my pen will be yours! "

He nodded. Now the toughest part of this conversation was about to come, Renu knew it very well, she took his hands in hers, "My child, your Tatshree Yudishtira went to play the dice game at Hastinapur, at tatshree Duryodhan's place, and they both staked their Palace's, their army and unfortunately your tatshree Yudishtira lost all.."

"What???? Why didn't anyone stop tatshree Yudishtira, What Parpitamah Bhishm and Pitamahi Gandhari was doing.. Mata now what they won't be living in Indraprastha where they'll go.. They'll come here or some where else, Shatanika bhaiya was right.. Tatshree Duryodhana was evil!! He's evil!" he literally shouted.

"Mitra.." she said softly, held his hand even more tighter, "Now, listen after this it was decided that.. Your Pitashree, tatshree Yudishtira, Bheema, Arjuna, kakashree Sahdeva along with your badi ma Draupadi will go for an exile for 12 years and one year incognito.."

"You mean I won't be able to meet anyone of them for 13 years, tatshree Duryodhana should get punishment Mata.. Wait will we get our Palace back after the exile?"

" Yes! My child! " She lied and even told the half truth about the dyut sabha, she decided to unfold the whole incident to him after he grows up a bit, this age of his was very fragile, she didn't want to put a scar on his tender heart!

"Ma.. " he said while he stood up on the bed, moving an imaginary sword in his hand, " I'll protect  you till the time pitashree is not here.."
"but there's a problem..who'll protect me from mouse and lizards.. my body guard is himself afraid of them.. " she pouted.

"Ma.. not fair" he sat down, crossed his arms on his chest, "I'm not talking to you, you made fun of me, I'm angry.. "

"You are angry, really.. " she started to tickle him and Niramitra laughed boisterously.
"Now, you must go to sleep my boy.." said she while adjusting the pillows. He immediately followed his mother's order, and like a good boy immediately went off to sleep, she covered him with a duvet .

She looked at him and wondered how much his features matches that of Nakula, she immediately rembered all the nights which she spent with Nakula , just the imagination of all his delicate touches on her body gave a shiver down her spine.

It was her 7th month, she sat on the bench in her garden, near her favorite flowers, the White Lillies- these flowers weren't indigenous, they were brought from some foreign land by her father, because she really loved it when it came as a souvenir from that land. She looked at the flower bed aimlessly.
"Thank god, I came here other wise you would have not at all cared about yourself!! "

It was the cold month of magha going on, it was a lovely afternoon and she was taking her sun bath and was startled to find her husband at this time of the noon as this was the time when he discussed medicine with her brother.

"What happened arya?? "

"Look! " he said while pointing towards her feet, which were swollen, she shifted them back a bit.

"Arya, you have immense knowledge about Ayurveda, you know na swelling is common in pregnancy! "

"Swelling is common but not this much, Dasi go and bring the ointment for swelling from rajya ved and privacy " He sat on the ground near her feet.

"You are not going to touch my feet arya! ",she said while shifting her feets back!

"I'm going to apply the ointment.. " he said, a smile plastered on his face.
"It'll be a sin arya, you can't touch my feet, I'll go to hell.. "

"I don't care!!! "

"Arya!" she shouted, and stood up, "You never listen to me, I said you won't touch my feet so you won't.. " she huffed towards the fountain, crossed her arms near her chest.

Mood swings, he mumbled, he immediately went towards her, as Renu saw him near her she turned on the other side, now her back towards him. He moved before her, held his ears with his hand, pouted, with a deep baritone voice he said "Sorry! " but this didn't have any affect on her. She again turned.

After few moments she heard someone mumbling, and gradually the voice became clear, there were two women discussing something,

"You know what Rajkumar Nakul is soo handsome.. "

"He's tell me something new.. " the other woman said. Karenumati recognised the voice but was not able to associate the faces with these voices.

"Accha listen.. Don't tell this to anyone.." one woman said.

"Yes.. Yes.. Continue I won't" the other replied.

"Rajkumar Nakul proposed me, he gave me a flower, that too Rajkumari's favourite.. " she giggled. This infuriated Karenumati to the next level, she loved those flowers like her children, and didn't allow anyone to touch them and then how that unknown woman plucked them, on the part of Nakula she was sure, he's never gonna do anything as that woman mentioned. She soon realised the voice was coming from the near by bush.

She moved with a quick pace and what she saw made her laugh out loud,

"It was you arya.. " she giggled.

"Jii Rajkumari!" Nakula mimiced the woman's voice.

"You are so good at it.. I'm proud of you! "

"Thenxx" he said again mimicing a woman's voice.

"You are such a drama queen.. My nacool!! " she hit him lightly on his arms and broke into fits of laughter. Nakula could just look at his lady with all the love his heart has, laughing so carelessly!!

"You look beautiful! " said he.
This compliment was enough for him to turn her cheeks red.

"Blushy.. Blushy... " he teased her
She hit him lightly on his chest and buried her face in latter, and he embraced her with full authority.

"You are mine love! "
"Only yours!! "

She laughed and soon her laughter was displaced by whimpering!!!


Hiya beautiful ppl!
Akansha this side..
I hope you liked the chapter!!
If so then plz turn the white star into orange and shower ur love in the comments section!!

Did you like Renu's and Mitra's relationship??

How was the #Rekul moment?

Happy reading

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