2 years later

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"And here we are, 2 years later...." I sigh.

"You're still not over her after 2 years?" He says in shock.

I nod. I can't get over her, Serena's beautiful style, her soft voice. I can't; just....I want her back.

"I hung out with some of the old gang, Serena and Gary were there sometimes, but I didn't talk to either of them." I say to him.

"Do you think Serena still loves you?" He asks.

When he said that it took me by surprise, but does she still love me?

"Probably not..." I close my eyes.

"Ash, you need to try. I used to know your father; I worked for him. I actually got to meet you when you were a little boy, you used to be so happy...always optimistic, but you've ruined yourself, you've taken the wrong path. Fix yourself, Ash. You should start by saying sorry" He says.

"Sorry....?"  I look a him.

"Yes, sorry." He nods

The word echoed in my head.

"Now get off your ass and do something!" He says.

I nod, I stood up and looked at the clock, I walked over to it and turned it off. I felt a huge amount of weight lift off my shoulders.

When I did I closed my eyes, it felt like I no longer had to talk about my past.

"I'm going to put things right" I say out loud.

I made my way towards the door..........

I will put things right, I have to............

Sorry about this chapter be soo short, but no more time skips now :D, we'll be focusing on the present now.

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