That Girl

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"And that's instagram reopened, along with.....Facebook" I say to myself.

I look out the window of the plane, it was how I imagined heaven. Just pure white, I was hoping to see the golden gates. You may ask if I'm religious, you bet I am. The tattoo on the back of my neck represents angel wings, the cross on my chest obviously represents the cross that Jesus died on. I believe god gave me this gift, this voice, it's claimed to be like an angel's. If god was to have a real name, I think it would be something like Pikachu? Eh, I don't know.

Yesterday was the official release of 'Where Are Ü Now', I've not read what people have said about it because I've only just opened my social medias back up. Hopefully everyone does like it. Ellen did anyway.

Sorry? What do I mean? What are them words supposed to mean? 



I clicked on Twitter to post one last tweet.

'I'm taking a break, I can't handle all of this, I'll return one day.' My hands tremble while typing this.

My thumb hovers over send button, a part of me doesn't want to, but it's for the best.

I click it and close my eyes, in a matter of 5 seconds, I had over 1k retweets and 600favs.

The majority of replies were 'Kill yourself, you fucking fag.'

'Damn, you cheated on Serena Yvonne? You're a fucking idiot, she hot bruh. I'd smash.'

I couldn't bring myself to read anymore.

I closed Twitter down, "I'm sorry."


*present time*

"Is it too late to say sorry now?" I said to myself.

I opened my green bag and grabbed the pen and paper.

"I've finished writing 'What do you mean', it's time for....Sorry. This is a good way to say sorry to everyone! I'll make sure this is from my heart.

I had a smile plastered to my face, it gave me a heart warm feeling. After all these years feeling depressed I'm now starting to feel happy.

"Can't wait, sooo you've not told me about What do you mean? or this new song?" Scooter said.

I completely forgot he was sat behind me on my private jet.

"Well, all them songs have a deeper meaning. What do you mean, is in a way showing my confusion on my happiness, with Sorry, I'm apologizing for my actions." I said as honestly as I could.

"Usher made the right choice, so did I. I'm glad I didn't give up on you. I'm proud, so is your father" He said.

I could sense the smile on his face, I guess he could notice mine too.

I started to write away on the paper.


"Ah, the fresh air of Kalos!" I swept my long blonde hair back.

I didn't want to hide myself, so I asked my guards to calm down, it's my turn to show how respectful I am to my fans.

I walked through the airport, people gave me a weird look, a look that said 'is that Ash Ketchum? I can't tell' type of look.

Before I walked in the uber a little girl was stood next to it, she looked like Serena. 

She too gave me that weird look.

"Yeah, it's Ash Ketchum" I winked at her.

She squealed and tackled me into a hug.

"I'm a big fan, I-I can't believe I met you!" The little girl started to cry.

"H-Hey look, don't cry, sweetie" I stroked her head.

A woman in the distance could be seen running over.

"Rachel! Get off that man!" It was her mom?

The girl instantly turned around and spoke to her mom.

"I-It's Ash Ketchum!" She cried more.

Her mom's eye widened.

"Oh my god! I'm so sorry about this, Ash. She needs to learn some manne-" She coughed cutting herself off, putting her hand into a fist and against her mouth.

Her mom doesn't look all that healthy, that's kinda sad.

"It's fine"

I really liked the little girl, she was really cute (Not in the weird way, you sickos! xD)

"Hey how about I spend some time with your daughter?" I smiled at the Mom.

She looked taken back from that. "Yeah! Absolutely!" She quickly grabbed her phone out of her bag


Once we had exchanged numbers it was time for me to leave.

"So, I've got to go. I'll make sure to message you today, later!" I waved at the two before entering the Uber.

When I sat in the car I looked through the window at the little girl, she's about 7? Her eyes was identical to Serena's. I was amazed.

The car drove off and I opened up my phone and clicked on twitter. 

'I love all of my fans' I tweeted out.


"I'm back Vaniville!" I shouted.

It was Christmas eve, I wanted to be back to celebrate Christmas with my Mom and her Boyfriend, they've been dating for a year now and I've only met him 3 times? Something like that.

Walking down the road I looked to my left, it was Serena's house. A part of me wanted to knock on and talk to her, but I didn't. I can't see her, not yet.

Once I had reached my Mom's house I opened the door and to my surprise they both were passed out on the couch.

I chuckled at the sight and closed the front door, juggling the 5 bags I was holding.

Scooter was sleeping at a hotel in Kalos because this house isn't big enough. My Mom has all this money but yet still lives in this house.

I went upstairs and into my room.

The memories hit me like a bus. The start of the career, relationships. 

I put the bags down and lay on my bed.


After 5 minutes of relaxing on my bed I pulled my Iphone out. I clicked on my and Dawn's messages.

'I'm in Kalos, mind if I see you new years day? Also keep it lowkey I'm home, don't want Serena knowing just yet' I sent her the message.

She's probably asleep, it is 1 am after all.

I remembered that little girl from before, "Oh damn I said I would message her Mom!" I quickly clicked on the number.

'Hey so, how about I spend tomorrow with you two? Message me back asap!' I sent her the message.

I yawned from tiredness.

I put my phone down and closed my eyes.

Annnnnnd that's it! I'll update again because me in myself is getting interested with what's happening with this story! I honestly don't know what the fuck I'm doing! XD I'm just writing as I go. Have a great day - Love Pokeamour

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