The Start

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"What's Serena's favorite color, Cilan?" I asked the green haired boy, now that I actually look at his features, he's really tall.

"Blue" He replied without making eye contact, he was too busy looking at the diamonds.

"The things in this store are really expensive" I sighed.

Cilan turned around and finally made eye contact, "Who is this gift for?" He raised one eyebrow.

"S-Someone" I hesitated.

"Serena?" He said plainly.


"Gary" He chuckled.

That mother fucker.

"Don't worry, I won't say anything" He smiled at me, I nodded back.

I walked over to the other side of the store.

I looked at the set of lockets.

"No way!" I blinked a couple of times at my sight.

"Find something for her?" Cilan walked over.

A sapphire locket.

"That looks really nice, it's blue as well." He gave his opinion on the locket.

"I'm buying it" I fist pumped.

Cilan didn't seem too happy by my decision.

"What's wrong?" I questioned him.

"Ash, it's 80 Dollars" He shrugged, "Yeah, I know" I smiled at him.

"Go ahead then" He pointed towards the counter.

I walked over and asked the women for the locket.

She went over and got it.

"That will be 80 d-"

"Here you go!" I put the money down on the counter, she took the money and placed it in the cash machine.

She passed me a bag, which obviously had the locket it in.

"Thank you!" I smiled at her.

"You're welcome" She nodded.

Me and Cilan walked out of the store, "Ash, you have to get you Mom something" Cilan looked at me.

Crap I only have 20 Dollars left.

"Shayte" I replied.

Cilan placed his hand on his chin, "What about a pair of slippers and a mug?" Cilan suggested.

"Yeah, you sure do have great suggestions, Cilan" I gave him the thumbs up.

We walked around the mall and looked for a shop that would sell them things.

"Here" Cilan stopped in his steps.

"Let's go!" I ran in the store.

They had many mugs and slippers.

"Cilan you find a mug that says something nice on it and I'll get the slippers" I fist pumped.

He nodded and started to look around the store.

I looked at the collection of slippers.

One pair had babies as the feet, it looked kinda fucked up but it was pretty funny.

After about 5 minutes of looking at them, I came to my decision that I want to get her the pug slippers.

They were cute and funny so she will like it.

I picked them up and brought them to the counter, Cilan at the same time walked to the counter.

He passed me the mug and it said 'My Mom goes off like a bomb, but I love my Mom'

"Hey, thanks that's perfect!" I smiled at him.

"My pleasure" He bowed down.

I bought the items and walked out the store.

"I'm going to the movie theater with a few friends so you're on your own now, Ash" He held his hand out for a hand shake, I shook his hand.

"Later" He ran off.

"Peace" I waved him off.

I watched him run until he was out of sight, "Well, he was actually a pretty big help" I chuckled, I started to make my way out of the mall.


Today is Christmas eve, I asked Serena if she could come over for a few hours, she agreed and she's currently on her way here. Well, I think she is.

I lay on my bed with the present on my chest. I watched it move up and down from my breathing.

"I love you, Serena" I closed my eyes, hoping she felt the same way.

I heard a knock at my door, I felt my stomach twist.

"Time to confess" I held the present tight.

I heard the door open, Mom answered it, I could hear them two talking.

Step by step I heard Serena walk up the stairs, it felt like hours per step.

I eventually saw the door nob twist, I sat up.

She walked into the room.

"Hey Serena" I said brightly.

"H-Hey Ash" She held something in her arms.

She walked over and sat next to me.

We both sat there in silence for a moment.

"Soo....I-I got you a p-present" She could probably hear the nervousness in my voice.

She looked taken back by that, "M-Me too" She brushed her hair behind her ear.

We both exchanged presents.

"Wait, I want you to open yours last" I smiled.

She looked confused, "Okay?" 

I opened the present, I was surprised at what she bought me.

"H-How much did this cost?" I blinked a few times.

"Only 70 Dollars" She said like it was nothing.

"Serena you didn't h-"

"I wanted to" She smiled.

I nodded.

I pulled out the watch, it was really nice. I placed the watch around my wrist.

"I love it!" I fist pumped.

She giggled.

Now I started to get nervous, it was her turn. 

She started to unwrap the present, once she had she removed the lid off the box.

She gasped, her beautiful eyes gleamed at the locket.

"A-Ash..." She was in shock.

I felt my heart start to beat fast, here it goes.

"Serena, I've been wanting to tell you something f-for a little while now" I looked at her.

She wasn't making eye contact, but she was looking at me out of the corner of her eye.

"I-I have a crush on y-you" I felt my cheeks go bright red.

She smiled, closing her eyes.

"I feel the same" She looked at me, her deep blue eyes stared into mine.

"I love you, Serena" I have been waiting to say that, it felt like I waited an eternity to say it.

"I love you too, Ash" She slowly moved closer to me.

I moved closer until our lips touched, the taste of strawberry lingered on her lips. I felt so happy.

I broke away from the kiss.

"I promise to never hurt you like Calem did" I gave her a reassuring look. She tackled me into a hug, "I love you soo much, Ash" She squeezed me.

I wrapped my arms around her waist.

This will be better than Christmas day.


"So that was when you and her started?" He continued to look out of the window.

"Yep" I said in a depressed tone.

"Look, Ash to be able to give you the right advice, tell me about about how it all started the fame because that's were you started to fuck up" He turned his attention to me

"If that's what you want to know, then sure"

I looked at the clock.






"Hey, Ash" Dawn ran over to me in school with her phone in her hand.

"What's up" I smiled at her.

She shoved her phone in my face, "It's too close!" I pushed the phone away a little.

It was a message from a person named 'Scooter Braun'

'I seen the video of Ash Ketchum singing online. You see, I'm a talent manager. I think he can make it into the music industry, I want him to meet a good friend of mine. His name is Usher, yes the Musician Usher, he wants to retire. He says 'when one ends, another begins' he believes you can begin. It may take time, but you can do it. I hope you can get this message to him, Dawn Hikari. I will leave my phone number below, I want his parent/caretaker to contact me.'

And below was his phone number, I couldn't believe what I just read. But, then it hit me that it could be fake, or a prank.

"It's fake" I sighed.

"W-What!? We wouldn't prank you with something this serious!" She almost blew my hat off.

I pulled my phone out and typed in 'Scooter Braun' all the things he said in the text message were true, he was a talent manager.

"Screenshot me the message and send it me, I'll let my Mom know about it" I smiled at Dawn.

"Ash if you become famous, you better make me famous too!" She folded her arms with a slight grin.

"I'll make everyone famous and I'll make sure all of you never have to worry about paying bills!" I fist pumped.

"You're the best, Ash! I'll tell Serena and the others the news oh and why are you all by yourself?" She questioned me.

"I-I had urmm headache" I sweatdropped, "Okay!" She ran into the cafeteria.

I was writing my next song about Serena, I only have recorded 3 songs, but I've wrote about 30 sounds, I think I'm liking the way this one so I'll probably give it a try.

"I hope that wasn't a prank" I mumbled.

Thanks for reading! I'm going to update again soon :), I love you all <3 - Pokeamour

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