Chapter five

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It was an old journal which had old pages from her.

I opened it and I didn't think much of it,

Dear journal

I was assigned to a patient today! I was so excited to hear this, Levi was happy too. Today I met him, He's in a terrible state. The poor kid was abused mentally and physically, He's so quiet and humble...who would do such horrid things to the boy!?

I almost cried but he didn't speak to me really. I didn't mind and I won't force him, I want to be a friend to him...

I really hope I do.

Well that's it journal.


The next few pages seemed normal and what not until I got towards the middle of it.

Dear journal

Seriously, I have only so much patience with this damn kid! I try and my my hardest but not a damn word!! I have to do something about this, maybe i should provoke him?! Yeah!



Dear journal

Today that brat tried to attack me after I called him a monster. Well I'm not entirely wrong. He killed many people, no wait he's killed a lot of people, who does that?! So journal this only between you and I, I sick into the lab today and took well...borrowed a serum to kill the kid if he ever lunges at me again. Surely no one would'll be safer without him anyways, it'll be a shame though. I'd miss making him cry, Calling him named and telling him he'll never get better...well let's see if I could make it happen tomorrow.

Levi wouldn't mind either, because he's marrying me and he'll always believe my story if I get away with it.

love, Petra ~

The next page was blank, the day eren killed her with the serum.

What the actual fuck?! How evil could she have been?! I growled and rum aged through her desk a but more finding disgusting comments about Eren. I'm so glad he....

Am I really saying that? Happy he killed her? Not in so many words but if she was like that towards eren who knew she would've been like that with someone else? I sighed and shook my head. "Rivaille? Someone's at the door..." Eren whispered. I got up from bed and walked around Eren and went to see who was at the door. "Hanji..." I growled.

I reluctantly opened it and she looked up at me and smiled. "Hey Rivaille, Eren" she says. She tucked two big files under her arms and she coughed. "Well, do you mind me coming in? I have some...Information to share with you concerning the boy" she whispers. I nodded and I told eren to go to bed so we can speak.

We sat down in the living room and she placed her things down. "So what's all of this?" I asked. She took a breath and opened the small file first. "This is Eren Jaeger's document, it has a lot of classified information that they kept from us" she says. She pushed her glasses up further up her nose and began to read

"Eren Jaeger, Age 11, Sex yadayadayada...

It says here that he did kill the four men in his house hold and the six nurses at the facility, including Petra, but I found something weird. I went into the lab to get a dose of a serum that I brewed so I can take some home to add more less fatal ingredients into it, but when I had went into the lab, the one and only serum I had was gone and somehow managed to get into Eren's room, I collected the needle and found both his and Petra's DNA prints on it, But Eren was under watch when this happened which meant Petra had took it" she says, she puts the file down and grabbed the other larger folder.

"This folder held the men Eren had killed but I found a big piece of this you may want to hear. One of those men that raped and mutilated him was Petra's own father, could you believe that?!" She exclaimed quietly. I felt sick to my stomach.

"Well I also found some other information..well hypothetical ideas that may help Eren, He was all alone while growing up him his teenage years, leaving him feel neglected, do you think you could see if..." She trails off and flushes a bit. My eyes widened and I grunted. "There's no way I'm going to please that brat!" I spat. "Maybe it'll help him heal!" She says. I stood up and rubbed my temples. "And if it does I would tell him oh yeah I only pretended to love you so you could get better, bye?!" I answered. "Levi if it's not this we ..I would have to force him to take strong drugs that his body could be destroyed from...I don't know anymore Levi but this is the only thing I could think of, unless I transfer him to a more secured facility!"

"Hanji he killed Petra, I will not love my fiancés convicted killer!!" I spat. Her eyes darkened and her face held anger.

"The fiance that tried to kill Eren?! Who fucking abused him mentally and bullied him?! That's the fiance you wanted to keep around Levi?! The girl who tried to poison him? The girl you loved oh so much who stole a dangerous drug from my lab!? What am I missing , Levi?!" She spat. I furrowed my brows and I balled my fists. "She was my fiance and he took her away from me, I will not love that damn monster!" I yelled.

"That's it, I'm taking him" she got up and went upstairs.
"Leave him the fuck here Hanji!" I demanded. But once she got to the door ..we couldn't open it. "Eren open the door!" She demanded. No response. "EREN!" I yelled.

Silence. Damn it this isn't good. "Stand back" I kicked down the door and saw nothing. It was as if no one hasn't been in this room. But the wind gave it away .."HE JUMPED...." I ran downstairs and out the door but it was too late...he wasn't there.

"EREN!!" we screamed. Only the gust of wind was heard.

Fuck...I gripped the side of my head and cursed at myself. He fucking heard me. He...heard me. "Damn it Levi!" She cried.
"Now he's fucking gone, who knows where he went.." She whispered. It got quiet until I heard footsteps running away from me. "HANJI WAIT" I ran after her but soon lost her.


I've been walking the damn city for hours and not one clue.. . I grew tired and decided to walk back home to eee if he came back, I should take a shortcut. As I turned to an alley way, I see a figure crouched over a body and he seemed to be crying? I ram over to only regret it.

Eren had Hanji on the floor covered in blood and he was crying hysterically he killed her...

I felt anger rise and I could help but grab eren and did the last thing I ever wanted to do

I slapped him so hard it hurt my ears. He held back a cry shook. I turned him over and straddled him, about the beat the crap out of him a shriek stopped me. "LEVI NO HE DIDN'T DO ANYTHING HE SAVED ME" She screamed. I looked down at the boy who looked at me with horror in his eyes and a swollen bruised cheek...

He had tears streaming down his face and he trembled so hard he shut his eyes and pushed me off..

"MAKE UP YOUR FUCKING MINDS" He screamed. My eyes widened as he threw a punch to my face.


He threw a kick to my stomach and I groaned in pain.

"Fuck your help, fuck your damn fiance...FUCK YOU" he spat with venom. "I hope you rot with my father..."

"EREN ENOUGH" Hanji screamed.

"You even said so yourself I'm a monster who took your fiance ...that's all I'll ever fucking be right?! Come on, you're the doctor!!" He shouted. I winced as he did so. "I'd hate to kill you, but I don't give a shit anymore..fuck your help, I don't need it anyways" he kicked me once more and knocked out Hanji with lord knows what.

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