Chapter two

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It was the day Rivaille was supposed to come. I felt guilty after hearing I found out I killed his fiancé. I curled up into a ball and stayed like that. Fear soon came over me. My eyes widened and I began to shake.

"You're never here! I don't understand why you don't come home anymore, Grisha!"

"It's my right to not come home and it is my duty to go to work Carla!"

"That's a bunch of bull and you know it!"

"If you don't shut up Carla I swear I'm going to do something I'll regret!"

"Like what, kill me?!"

"Carla enough!"

"You're no man Grisha!"

"I'm done carla, I'm done hearing you're nagging"

"What..No NO NO"


"DON'T KILL HER DON'T!!! STOP STOP MAKE IT STOP!!!" I screamed, nurses came in and tried to calm me down.

"I'LL KILL HIM, I'LL KILL HIM, I'LL KILL HIM, LET ME GO!!" I demanded. "Let him go" a deep voice ordered. They looked up and did what they were told. "Sir Rivaille he's having flashbacks again!" The female yelled, panicking. "Leave him, go I'll take care of it" they ran out and shut the door behind them.

"Eren..." He called. I only shook and rocked back and forth, my ragged breathing echoing. My eyes were wide and I had a crazed smile. "I s-swear I'll kill him, over and over and over" I chanted. "Kill who, Brat" he asks. "I'll kill him in hell, watch his flesh burn in my h-hands, y-yes"

"Eren who are you going to kill" he asks once more. I stopped and slowly meet his gaze. "My old man" I say bluntly. I didn't move my gaze.

"Kill him Eren"

Oh god make it stop!

"Paint the walls with his blood, let the screams be music to your ears"

I gripped the side of my head and began to wheeze.

"You're only a monster"

"Make it s-stop!" I screamed. He walked over and I glared at him. "What's wrong" he asks.

"Kill him".


"Kill him"


"Eren snap out of it!"




"EREN!" he yelled. "P-Please help me..." I sobbed. "Eren what happened" he asks. "The's the voice!!" I whispered. "The voice in your head?" He asks. I nod. "What did it say?"

"To kill you"

He furrowed his brows and crosses his arms. I felt the itch and temptation begin. I groaned and shook. "R-Run...Get out of here" I demanded. "I'm not leaving eren!" He screamed. I looked up and my shoulders began to twitch. "HURRY BEFORE I KILL YOU, BEFORE THE VOICE TAKES OVER, NOW!!"I demanded. He ran out of the room but the slit of the door was open. I began to tear up the mattress and began to scream bloody murder.

I began to scratch the walls, punch the floors and began to throw my bed all over the place. "Somebody drug him!" A man yelled. A nurse reluctantly open the door,

Which was a big mistake. He soon lunged at her and began to scratch and bite her all over. "GET HIM OFF" she cried out.

Levi's POV

My eyes widened at his behavior. I haven't seen behavior like this. They soon tied him to a chair and he was shaking violently like he was possessed. His eyes locked on mine and he twitched more, blood soon poured from his eyes and for once I was fucking horrified

His eyes horrified me a bit, The foam flowing from his mouth, His eyes bloodshot and froze onto mine.

My eyes widened as he began to laugh, it was so evil.

"I-I'll kill you all, I'll use you b-blood to paint this fucking hell hole" he says. "Thank you sir, For helping me" he said and a dark laugh followed. "Rivaille please come with me" a woman with glasses and a messy ponytail says. I followed her to the room, but for me to hear his demonic laugh and something I won't ever forget "AND THATS A PROMISE I MADE TO YOUR FIANCÉ"

We sat down and she pulled files out.

"What are these for" I asked. She sighs and leans back.

"Eren Jaeger was just eleven years old when he killed a total of 4 people, including the nurses who worked here" she says. "Eren was traumatized and used for prostitution which lead to his killings. He killed Dr.Ral, He claims she hurt him mentally which I highly doubt she did" she says. "He's dangerous to the faculty here and the outside world, if he doesn't get better by the time this year ends, We'll have to put him down" she say.

"You'll put a child down because he was fucking mentally abused by people?! It is not his fault that he's the way he is!" I yelled. She sighs and looks at the window. "We know but he's already gone, his mindset isn't here, We fear the worse" she says.

"You're our only hope of him getting better, I can't see another child die"

I rubbed my temples and sighed. "Okay, I'll try my best" I said. She let a breath of relief and met my eyes. "Thank you"

"Dr.Hanji!" A man came in panicking.

"What is it?" She asks.

"Eren Jaeger!"

"What about him?!" I asked.

"He's gone!!"

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