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"Hello Eren, I am your psychological doctor as of today, you may call me Dr.Hanji"


"Eren, what has brought you to this institution"


"I can't help you if you don't work with me, child"

"I am not a child and I didn't ask for your pathetic help"

"I see Eren, as much as you don't want it, that is not up to you to decide"


"Well from this Document Mr.Smith has given to me from the scene of November 13th, I have everything I need to know, but I want to hear your side of the story"

"Fine, want to hear my story?"

"I wouldn't ask if I hadn't"

"Fine, I'll give you a real nice story...better open up those pretty little ears of yours Missy"

Her eyes widened, and with that I gave the best smirk I could give.

"November 13th, was a day I can't or won't forget"


"I was with my mother Carla Jaeger and my Father Grisha Jaeger, in the family living room. Mother and Father were fighting, about the time dad spends away from us. He's a doctor...well was" I chuckled.

"He was fed up with my mom I guess you could say, and threatened to hurt her, mother was the kindest woman you could ever meet, but father made sure that she once was a kind woman, he took her life" I said blankly.

"He soon injected me with a strange serum, which made my body go numb which then he sold me to his friends. Free prostitution for his sick amusement. I guess that's when you can say that's when the killing started, I killed my fathers friends and soon poisoned my father, throwing his body off of the apartment complex near Shingashina estates, the cops caught me and sent me to a therapist Dr.Ral, I guess you can say she didn't get to go home that night" I said, smirking upon that statement.

I met the eyes of my new doctor. She looked displeased and uncomfortable. "So are you really willing to put your life on the line to save Lil ol' me?" I said, chuckling. She soon got her buzzer and two me with a straight jacket came and got me. "Don't worry Mrs. Zoe, it'll be a great pleasure working with you my dearest beloved" I said, laughing. I am one sick bastard, yet it feels so good.

But I sure you hope you loved the story that isn't true. Everyone loves a good story. Heh.


"Get up Jaeger, time for your medication"

How long have I been in here. I'm so cold, yet I'm scared to ask for a blanket. My mind is so screwed up and my body ached from the thin bed. More or less just springs. I took the medications and laid back down into the bed. Letting the springs scrape across my skin. I'm so tired, more or less mentally. My walls had claw marks and blood stains from when I went crazy and had to put me to sleep. I killed one of the nurses. That's why they strap me in when a higher profile comes to check on me. Today I meet my new therapist. They say he's a scary man. But does he know what I'm capable of doing? I don't want to hurt another being. I hate that I'm a monster but, if it weren't for my father I wouldn't be here. I felt tears stroll down my face.

Why am I such a mistake.

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