Prologue: Little Bear, Little Bear

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A small white-and-pink bear scrambled out of his bed. They peeked around the little hut he was in. Despite being young he was already quite the curious Teddiursa, always out and about. He was already walking.

What to do, what to do today. Hmm, the bear pondered with a goal in mind: search for something to keep his wandering mind from keeping him outside. Their parents didn't like it if he went outside. He was 'too young,' they would claim.

The little bear didn't mind a distraction. He just really wished he could help his parents out.

The sound of a lullaby immediately caught the little bear's attention. He was easily distracted right now. Though, maybe that was because there were so many cool things. Living was such a joy.

The pink-and-white Teddiursa was determined to find the source of that musical lullaby. Their parents weren't around to see them do this anyways.

He started to walk on his back legs. It felt weird, but the small bear was determined to walk like this in order to find the music box.

Where are you? He contemplated as he frivolously tossed things aside to find what he was looking for. Things easily became a mess.

The sound somehow moved. Cygnus' ears twitched in annoyance. Where was it going?

They followed the noise around. Despite it being soothing it was also really annoying right now. Why wouldn't it let them find it?

The pink-and-white Teddiursa paused. Light pitter patter of paw steps could be heard within his home. He heard some snickering.

What was going on?!

He calmly searched around, patiently looking. He'll find whoever was messing with him eventually. He just had to.

He turned around when he heard movement behind him. He saw a Pokemon's shadow. It appeared to have pointy, skinny ears and a plump body.

Is this some sort of mouse-like Pokémon? He wondered as he carefully looked for the perpetrator.

Whoever it was disappeared fast. He wasn't going to catch them just looking around. He needed to predict where this creature was going. He had to catch the Pokémon who was trespassing in his own home!

He wasn't afraid. Despite there being an utter and total stranger in there, he felt safe. His tail wiggled.

"WHERE ARE YOU? I KNOW YOU'RE HERE!" He declared as he waddled over towards the kitchen. It was the source of the sounds.

His voice couldn't be suppressed. He just had an unnaturally loud voice he couldn't control.

He made a whirring sound as he approached the kitchen with a more-than-determined face. "COME OUT OF HIDING, WHOEVER YOU ARE. I'M NOT AFRIAD OF YOU!" He exclaimed as a window shattered.

The small Teddiursa panicked. He put his paws over his little head. His parents were going to flip! They told him not to make a sound. This was why. If he made a sound he would destroy something. He has destroyed something.

The little bear groaned in irritation. How was he supposed to explain this?

"OH NO! OH DEAR! WHY ME?!" He exclaimed as he ran back and forth trying to decide what to do.

A shadowy figure started to approach him from behind while he was pacing. The Pokémon started to giggle at him. "What are you doing?" The Pokémon asked, seemingly finding the situation humorous.

"YOU!!" The little bear roared loudly as he pointed at the Pokémon with a paw. He didn't know what it was, but it had red circles on it's cheeks and a playful smile on it's face. Whatever it was, the little bear didn't want to talk to it. It was a stranger.

"Me!" The Pokémon squealed in a sing-song voice. It was male. The Pokémon struck a pose. He giggled at the Teddiursa.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE IN MY HOUSE?!" The Teddiursa asked him. The creature before him put two yellow paws over his yellow ears—they were tipped with black.

The mystery Pokémon in front of him took a second to ponder his shouting words. He glanced at the loud bear Pokémon before glancing back at a cabinet in the kitchen. He then shrugged.

"I really have no clue. I was just searching for a proper place for this music box in this house. Why are you yelling? You think yelling's going to get a stranger out of your house?" The Pokémon asked him with a snicker.

The Teddiursa started making staticky noises with his voice. His eye began to twitch. "IT'S A SPECIAL CONDITION! I CANNOT STOP YELLING." He explained in irritation.

"You broke your window by the way." The yellow mouse informed him. His paws were over his mouth. He was obviously entertained by this strange Teddiursa's pain.

The Teddiursa sighed. "I KNOW. WHY ARE YOU HERE? WHAT EVEN ARE YOU?" The pink-and-white bear inquired.

He had never seen a Pokémon like this. Then again, he never seen anything outside of his brown Ursaring parents as well as a few Pokémon who were sent to watch over him.

This Pokémon was mostly yellow. He had spiky ears, with one being extremely prickly looking, and had a strangely shaped tail. He was walking on two feet, was mostly yellow. He was carrying some sort of instrument on his back. It was a tanish-brown color.

"You asked me why I was here already. You want to know what I am? I am a Pikachu. But not only that..." the 'Pikachu' apprised before he started to glow and his body morphed.

When it stopped he looked like a spitting image of the Teddiursa in front of him. "Wow!" The Teddiursa breathed. He was impressed, but also confused. How did you do that?" He asked.

"It's a gift!" The Pikachu boasted with his paws on his hips. He looked weird as a Teddiursa.

"Anyways, my name is Uku, what's yours?" The Pikachu introduces as he switches back and grabs the Teddiursa's paw with his yellow one.

Uku? What strange name was Uku anyways?

"I'M CYGNUS." He plainly responded as he carefully shook the Pikachu's paw.

"Anyways, where is a good spot for this music box?" The Pikachu asked him. Cygnus' jaw dropped.

Cygnus wanted to groan. This Pikachu was the one who was tricking him? What was he supposed to do about that?

The Pikachu noticed the look on his face and sweat dropped. "I'll just put it right here." The Pikachu sung as he placed it on the counter out of Cygnus' reach. Now he had to climb all the way up on the counter to reach it.

"IS THAT ALL YOU CAME HERE TO DO?" The Teddiursa quizzed him. He was really testing the bear's patience.

The Pikachu laughed jollily. "Of course not!" He exclaimed with shining eyes. "I came to give you something."

Huh? Give me something? That's a bit odd. Why would a stranger want to give me something? Unless it's a bomb! Oh no! Is there a serial killer inside my house?! I have to—

Cygnus' thoughts were interrupted once more as the Pikachu hummed while searching for something in his bag. He found it and plopped it into the bear's hand.

"Welp, I gotta go! Have fun with that hat! You might want to reach into it. It'll be fun. Also the bow tie goes with it." The Pikachu informed with a wink as he then vanished, shocking the Teddiursa.

What the—?

They then reached into the hat, the bow tie still in paw. Their left paw grasped onto something within the top hat, and he pulled out a wad of cash. He was still perplexed about the whole situation that just occurred.

Just then the door was opened and his parents came in crying.

"WHAT'S WRONG?" They asked their parents. They glared him daggers. He wasn't supposed to talk. Dang it. Well, at least they didn't see the window yet.

"Cygnus, we ran out of money." His father notified the little bear.

Ran out of money? How could they just 'run' out of money? Cygnus then looked at the money in his paws. He then cheerfully offered it out to his parents. A way out of this sudden predicament—how lovely.

"What? Where did you get this?" Their mother asked.

He wasn't going to reveal just yet. They wanted to see what else the hat could do.

"THAT'S NOT IMPORTANT. NOW WE HAVE MONEY!" Cygnus squealed with a smile on his face. This made his family smirk.

"I suppose not." Their parents remarked.

If I can produce money from this spiffy new hat, I wonder what else I can do with it. Hmm, I guess I have a true gift. More than just my strange whirring sounds, coloring, and inTeddiursa-like strength. That Pikachu...he gave me a gift, and now I must use it.

Now Cygnus had a duty. They didn't know where it was, but he was ready.


Author's Note: Well, this is one of four prologues to this four part story about special Pokémon who happen to be overpowered.

This is Cygnus' story. As you can see it's already pretty interesting. Thanks so much for reading! I can't really say much besides that. Lol.

I hope you enjoy this story! ❤️

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