The Order (#order)

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Ti glanced nervously at the monitor. It was getting late and he had a lot riding on this, his entire net worth to be exact. He refreshed the screen. No progress. They were nowhere near the base. Closing his eyes, he pictured the latest blasters, laser cannons and the ship. Oh, the ship, the fastest in the galaxy. It would be HIS and his alone to captain. He would dominate every interstellar battle, capture solar systems, and grow his already daunting army. 

Best of all, his new spacecraft would be better than that of his longtime nemesis, Captain Finn. Just thinking about Finn made Ti's blood boil. Finn always got his hands on the newest and the latest. He foiled Ti at every turn leaving Ti feeling inadequate. That would all change soon. He would leave Finn behind to choke on the exhaust of his rocket fuel. 

The delivery couldn't arrive soon enough for Ti.

He glanced at the time. 20:49. Eleven minutes. Eleven minutes and if they didn't arrive, his plan would go to shit. Damn it. He began to pace. The Admiral walked by and he quickly blackened the screen and feigned interest in the smattering of stars visible through the plate glass window. Once she was out of sight, Ti turned back on the screen and resumed his pacing. 

20:52. And there it was! Like a beacon of hope, the delivery vessel blipped up blue on the screen. He ran his fingers through his hair. Something wasn't quite right. The blue dot wasn't tracking in a straight line, its path irritatingly irrational. 20:54. The blue dot had stalled. Ti's palms began to sweat. He refreshed the screen like a lunatic. 20:56. The blue dot began to get closer, he looked out the window. They were practically in range, but still, he could not see them. 20:58. The blue dot stalled again. What was going on? Was the delivery intercepted? The possibility Finn was somehow responsible flickered across his consciousness. Impossible. Where were they? 

20:59. The blue dot began to recede. No! He didn't want to believe what his eyes were seeing. The tracker must be faulty. He refreshed the screen again for the hundredth time. They were out of range. His thoughts turned murderous. His mouth went dry. It was all he could do not to smash the small screen to smithereens. He heard the unmistakable footsteps of the Admiral. He crumpled to the floor at her feet.

"What's your problem?" She was cruel.

"IT DIDN'T COME," he wailed. He lost all semblance of composure. His life was over. "THEY LIED, THEY LIED TO ME!"

The Admiral seemed thoroughly unimpressed. "It will come tomorrow," she said in a monotone voice.

Ti wept in earnest at the feet of the Admiral now. "But they said it would be delivered by nine tonight."

"Well, they didn't make it tonight. It's late. Time for bed."

"NO, MOMMY, NOOOOOO!" he wailed.

The Admiral showed little sign of emotion. She had no sympathy for Ti's need for immediate gratification by ordering another Lego set on Amazon Prime and his desire to incessantly track the package. She picked up her screaming son and carted him off to his room.

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