Two Bulls in a China Shop (#journey)

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Julia hadn't planned on a journey this evening, but the circumstances were beyond her control. 

She had just begun loading dinner plates into the dishwasher when the bell attached to the door of the shop rang and two bulls barreled in horns locked. Julia gingerly stepped aside cursing the old saying under her breath, which only mentioned a singular great beast To be fair, one was only a bull calf seemingly undeterred by the fact that his father outweighed him by almost a ton. Stubbornness makes up for a lot of weight in a fight. She maneuvered carefully around them noting the rippling muscles beneath their glossy coats. Fine specimens. Only then did Julia notice the roar of hooves outside. 

She'd forgotten they were in Pamplona. She studied the impending disaster in front of her. Somewhere out there roamed Hemingway and his friends. The bulls wouldn't notice if she slipped out for a bit in search of some intellectual conversation, a laugh, and a glass of wine. 

Wine. Looking up, Julia lunged just in time to grab a thin-stemmed glass off the table before the bovines knocked it over. The animals continued to snort and huff. This might go on for an hour. She took a sip of the smooth Cotes du Rhone and glanced slowly out the back door. France. She would take the whole bottle, place some nice cheeses in a basket, grab a blanket and a book and disappear down the rows of a vineyard. Perhaps some young strapping men would be there working the harvest and she would spy on them from behind her pages. 

Such behaviors had only resulted years later in the absurd scene playing out in front of her. The standoff showed no signs of letting up. Testosterone, as aesthetically pleasing as it can be, had created an offspring that need to stand up to its parents. She sighed, the atmosphere in the cramped shop became increasingly tense and unpleasant. A shimmer of bright orange outside the front window caught her eye. Her new ship. A smile spread across Julia's lips.

She grabbed her car keys. "I'm going to the market," she called out over her shoulder. The bulls grunted. She started the engine and set the coordinates to a store in the far outer reaches of the galaxy.

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