Johnny Cage The Actor

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3rd Pov

(0:20 to 3:29)

After the vision ends Radien soon grips his head in pain as Drake looks at him in confusion.

Liu Kang: Lord Radien, what's wrong?

Raiden: Strange vision...

Raiden then heard something cracked as he takes off his amulet and seeing it was cracked. 

Liu Kang: Your amulet!

Raiden: It is nothing Liu Kang.

All three of them then started to hear drums knowing that the tournament is going to begin.

Raiden: The tournament begins.

Drake: 'Ask him about that later....Now let's see who is in this tournament.'

Drake then looks to his right and saw some people in ninja costumes.

Drake: 'If I remember what Vocka told me before his death, that the one in the blue is Sub-Zero, the guy on the right is Sektor, and the guy on the left is Cyrax. Hope they don't notice me wearing this Lin Kuei gear. But looking at Sub-Zero it just feel like I'm somewhat related to him.....Gonna talk with Radien about that too.'

He then turned to his left and spotted someone who he didn't think of being here and someone else.

Drake: 'Johnny Cage? The hell is a movie star doing here.'

(This isn't tactical gear so just why....maybe cause of the fan service....don't blame them)

Drake: 'Hm so a military person is also here. That's is good.'

He then spotted some more people that are gonna be in the tournament.

Drake: 'Jeez that guy never seen lotion before? And the guy in the yellow.....why does he feels familiar....don't know why.'

Drake: '....She just seems like a blood bender....or use blood.'

Drake: 'An Native American? He look like he's a shaman. He seems like an respectful fighter.'

Drake: 'An blind swordman? That's new.'

He then looks forwards and saw the people at the main stage and saw more people there.

Drake: 'Jeez the teeth on the guy on the right. The middle one if I remember what Radien told me his name is Shang Tsung, and the girl in blue is the princess Kitana, and the one in green is Jade her body guard or something.' 

The drums soon stops as a group of monks sits down in front of everyone.

Shang Tsung: Kombatants, I am Shang Tsung! In the coming days, each of you will fight. Some are here of their own volition. Others were brought here by chance.

Drake soon looked at Johnny as he was hitting on the military woman as he shook his head and went to ignore him. He then saw another person as the military woman was glaring at him.

Drake: 'He got an laser eye? oh that's just great.'

Shang Tsung: You participate in the most important Mortal Kombat in history! This tournament, the tenth after nine Outworld victories, will determine Earthrealm's fate. If you defeat all of your opponents, you will face one final

Drake had an confused look on his face as Johnny laughs.

Johnny: That old geezer's the final challenge? They might as well give me the belt right now. They do have belts, right? 

A cough was soon heard as Johnny turned his head to the left and soon saw Shang Tsung next to him. 

Johnny: What? How did you-

Shang Tsung: Appearances can be deceiving. *floats to the throne* Our first kombatant will be Mr. Cage!

Johnny soon walked to the fighting area and started to show off.

Johnny: That's right! That's right! Who's it gonna be?

Shang Tsung: Reptile!

Everyone look to the roof as Reptile turned off his camouflage showing everyone that he was there as he leaps off of the roof and landed in front of Cage.

Drake: 'That is one ugly mother fucker.' 

Johnny: Nice stunt! Who's your agent?

Shang Tsung: Begin!

Johnny: All right! It's showtime!

Johnny and Reptile started fighting as Drake was watching the face studying they fighting style as Johnny was just throwing punches and kicks making Drake sigh to him self.

Drake: He is on arrogant son of a bitch.

Reptile soon spat out a green ball as Johnny jumps over it and kicked him on top of the head making Johnny the victor.

Johnny: He got Caged! That's it! Ha haa! Oh yeah! I'm so pretty!

Drake: Ugh now I know why my mother always hated him and his movies. *shakes his head* 

Johnny then started pointing at everyone saying that he would take them out until he saw Drake as he was staring at Johnny making him say nothing as he looked at the military woman better known as Sonya Blade.

Johnny: And I'm taking you out...for dinner.

Sonya: Ugh!

Shang Tsung: Now for your second challenge, Mr. Cage. Baraka!

The creature now named Baraka soon let out a war cry and jumps to where Johnny was.

Johnny: Mmm, ok...Nice makeup, but is it reeally necessary? 

Blade son came out of Baraka's arms shocking Johnny and Drake.

Johnny: Whoa!

Drake: What the?

Baraka: They will taste your flesh

The two soon started fighting as Johnny kicked him in the chest and does a spin kick knocking Baraka in the air and fell to the ground. He soon gotten up and charged at Johnny who blocked most of his attacks and punched Baraka in the face and elbowed him in the face aslo pushing Baraka back a bit before giving him a shadow kick two times on in the chest and in the face directly knocking Baraka down and out of the fight.

Johnny: Man, I love those blades! *walks over to Baraka* My producer has got to meet you! We're doing 'Tommy Scissorfists', and-

Drake: That soon so dumb.

Shang Tsung: Congratulations, Mr. Cage. Now. Finish him!

Johnny: Finish him? Yeah, right! 

Shang Tsung: Kill him!

Johnny soon looked around and saw everyone having questioning looks.

Johnny: Whoa. Whoa, whoa, wait a sec! I'm not gonna kill anyone!

Shang Tsung: Very well. Our next fighter will be...him! *points at Drake*

Drake: Wait me?

Shang Tsung: Yes we must see what you can do. Now come and fight.

Drake soon let out a sigh and walks over to where Johnny is at.

Drake: You gotta go Cage.

Johnny: Uh...right.

Johnny soon leaves the stage as Drake soon looks at Shang Tsung.

Drake: Who am I fighting? And the name is Void to you, and to everyone here.

Shang Tsung: Your opponent is....Nova!

He then heard footsteps and turned his head and saw the person who he is gonna fight.

Drake: Nova...alright then. Let's see how strong you are.

Nova: Hmph, bring it Lin Kuei.

Drake sighed as he soon got into his stance.

Shang Tsung: Begin!

The two fighter stared at each other before Drake started running over to Nova as he starte attacking her. She then punched him in the gut and spinned kicked him to the ground but Drake quickly gets up and disappears. Nova started looking for him as she was soon punched and kicked back an unknown force as Drake soon cames out of his invisbility and punched Nova in the face.

Drake: Is that all you got?

Nova then glared at Drake as then fired what looks to be blue flames at him he dodged then but was soon punched in the face by her stunning him for a minute as Nova kneed him in the face making him stumbled back.

Drake: *chuckles* Now this is a fight!

Drake's arms started to glowed purple as he then summoned what seems to be two purple daggers.

Nova saw the daggers and made a blue flame swords as the both started clashing weapons with each other as Drake was tuning invisible with each strike he did. He then sliced her gut and kicked her away as he put the two daggers together forming a bow and fired it at her making her stuck in one place as he then punched her in the face knocking her down.

Shang Tsung: Congratulations, Void. Now finish her.

Drake: No.

Shang Tsung: What?!

Drake: I will only kill someone who is a threat to me and people that I care. And she is no threat to me.

Shang Tsung: Hmmm, very well. The tournament will resume at dawn!

Johnny: What, that's it? Really?

Drake soon walked over to Nova and extended his hand in which she accepted as he pulled up on her feet.

Drake: You fought well Nova.

Nova: So did you Lin Kuei.

Drake: I may have their clothing but I'm not with the Lin Kuei.

Nova: Hm, alright then, hope to see you more in kombat Void.

Nova soon walked away. Drake soon heard talking as he turned his head and saw that Radien and Liu Kang was talking to Johnny as he brushed the two off and walks away. Drake soon walked over to them.

Drake: Let me guess, he brushed the whole tournament off and thinking it's a movie?

Liu Kang: Sadly yes.

Drake: I have a feeling that he is gonna go after that girl. I'm gonna make sure she is safe from that idiot.

Radien nodded his head as Drake soon runs after Johnny hoping him doesn't do anything more stupid. As he was running he soon heard fighting as he then stopped and saw that Sonya and Johnny was fighting it out as he was watching them fight before Johnny then kicked her down to the ground.

Johnny: Ha Haaa! Not bad for a....girl. Look, sorry about that.

He put his hand out for Sonya but she swat it out of the way.

Sonya: I don't need your help.

Johnny: Fine. Have it your way. I'll just leave you to your...problems.

The guy with the metal side better known as Kano was behind Johnny and grabbed him.

Kano: Good Idea!

He then thrown Johnny over as Drake quickly blinked under where Johnny was falling and grabbed him and throwing him up back to where Kano and Sonya are at.

Johnny: Step away from the lady!

Kano: How did yo-

Drake soon blinked behind Kano and kicks him to Johnny as he grabbed Sonya.

Drake: Cage I'll get her out of him deal with this bastard.

Johnny: You got it! Fans think my moves are all wire work and special effects. Truth is....I am the special effects. 

Johnny and Kano soon started fighting as Cage started it off with a shadow kick as Kano fired laser at him but Johnny jumped over it. He then lands a punch on Kano's face and does a split and kicked him in the crotch area before giving Kano an uppercut. Kano gets up and started kicking and punching Cage but Johnny blocked a few as he then kicked Kano mutilple times and lands the last kick in his face knocking him down.

Johnny: Throw that on your.....barby...Shrimp..

Drake: *groans*

Johnny soon walked over to where Drake and Sonya was at.

Sonya: Well done taking down Kano.

Johnny: Thanks, But I should thank...Void was it?

Drake: That's my name and your welcome that I came at the right time.

Johnny: So who was that guy?

Sonya: His name is Kano. He was an informant in our Black Dragon investigation. Bit-time arms dealers. Turns out he was their leader, giving us the runaround. Lot of our guys got killed because of him. 

Johnny: So that's not a costume? You're actual military? 

Sonya: Special Forces.

Johnny: Get out! So you know about this 'threat to the world' stuff, right? Raiden called in the cavalry.

Sonya: *looks at Drake*

Drake: Man with the Chinese hat and glowing eyes is Raiden.

They then looked in the back and didn't see Kano.

Sonya: Damn.

Johnny: He can't be far. 

Sonya: he'll have to wait. I appreciate your help Cage..

She then holds out bher hand as Johnny soon shakes it.

Johnny: Johnny.

Sonya: -but right now I've got things to take care of. My C.O. is locked up on this island somewhere. I have to find him. 

She soon walks off as Drake looks at Johnny.

Drake: I'll watch over here. Go tell Raiden that I'm helping her out.

Johnny: Alright.

Drake soon started to follow Sonya.

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