Chapter 1

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"Come on May!" Kycie, my sister exclaimed dramatically. "The dance will be fun, and you need to get out of the house anyways!"

I just looked at her with the same blank expression that I've been giving her for a week and a half every time she asks. "You know I hate them."

"Yes yes you've told me on several occasions as I try to persuade you to join me other nights," She spoke in a high formal accent with professional form mocking me. "and that does lead me to my next argument my dearest Mayla, you've never been to one. So how would you even know what they're like?"

"And how would you know whether or not I've been to one?" I countered, ignoring her mocking tone.

She just gave me a look that said it's kind of obvious you haven't. I shook my head to say I still haven't changed my mind and she groaned.

With pleading eyes she looked up at me and played her last card. "Ok fine, I just don't want to go alone. June and her group will be there and I don't want them to bother me while I am with Asper and her friends." She spoke trying to cover the hurt as she mentioned June's names, which made me feel guilty for making her bring that name up.

Kycie goes to the Academy for Special Educational Learning or ASEL. June and her were pretty close in elementary school but ended up splitting up when June heard about Kycie's dyslexia. Ever since, June has been bullying her and pushing her around whenever she saw Kycie. Stupid I know, she acts like she's seven and still in elementary. I've only meet her once but, but that wasn't exactly a pleasant meeting.

I was picking Kycie up from ASEL when June and her group came from the park to pick on her. They didn't see me at first which is probably why they went after her in the first place, thinking she was alone. But they ended up following her to my car, all the while spitting profanities at her. I watched silently as they got closer and closer to her, causing Kycie to walk faster until she tripped and spilled her stuff everywhere on the gravel, only about several feet from my car where I sat in the drivers seat. When she fell, I could see tears in her eyes as the group of thirteen to fourteen year old girls laughed at her misfortune. All that time I was sitting and waiting for Kycie to reach the car, I didn't want to get involved and make things worse unless absolutely necessary. Thought all I wanted to do was to get out and tell them off as my protective side kicked in. And It did become necessary when one of the girls threw a rock at her head and caused a gash on the side of her forehead.

Suddenly I opened the car door and headed straight towards the girl who threw it. Being smart, they all backed up away from Kycie, startled at the sight of a stern looking seventeen year old who just appeared from the maze of cars. Being dumb though, they didn't run. I was furious.

I walked fast, straight towards the commotion with my face stone hard. When I passed where Kycie lay, I crouched down and touched her arm to reassure myself she was fine. Then I picked up the same rock that hit her . With it in my hand, I rose with a look of anger in my deep blue eyes. The girls looks had fear hidden in their faces and a few started to walk away to avoid getting in trouble, but June and the girl that hit Kycie stood their ground with their stupid grin on their faces. I walked straight up to the girl with enough speed to catch her off guard and grab her designer blue shirt. I pulled her up to meet my face, now only around two inches away from her's and hissed in a low and dangerous voice, "Watch. Your. Back." My over protectiveness making me skip to the threat. I then took her hand and placed the rock inside, still wet with the hint of blood, and looked June in the eyes. This action spoke more than I could with my mouth but basically said, 'I could've done much worse.' Understanding, she turned and quickly walked away once I dropped the girl to the floor.

After they were gone for good I helped Kycie to the car and patched her up with the first aid-kit as she broke down to me crying, ranting about everything June did and said to her since elementary school. All I could say was that it was a very long and dramatic speech.

After remembering what happened that one day, I looked Kycie and nodded sighing. "Fine, I'll go. But don't expect me to actually dance or be social at all."

She smiled. Giving me that crazy grin she always wears. "I knew you would finally give into my charm!" She jumped up from my bed where we sat and ran off into the hallway, her short, curly blond hair bouncing behind her. I laughed at the way a small victory could give her so much energy.

Kycie and I looked like polar opposites, but there's a reason for that. Kycie has a light color of hazel for her eyes and a light blond color for her hair, which, like I mentioned, is short and curly as well. Her face is always lit up with an unknown joy and has a doll kind of look to it. Me on the other hand, I have deep blue eyes with straight brown hair that goes down to my lower back. I also have more of a stern kind of look that matches my intimidating eyes. Now the reason for our different appearances is because we aren't blood related. I was adopted.


(Authors note)
Hello everyone!! I know I know, this first chapter isn't the best but I promise it does get better!!!!!
Soooooooooo keep reading and thx for getting this far!!!!!😁😁😁😁

Lov ya!

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