Chapter 3

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Luckily I wasn't woken to party balloons, streamers, and Caiti and Kycie screaming HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! No, I woke up on my own today, which meant I could sneak out.

I got out of bed and slowly got dressed in my usual jeans and tucked in top. Next I tugged on my old leather boots. They are just a little bit small, but are worn out enough to make my foot steps soft and quiet. As a bonus, they are a darker shade of grey that I adore.Silently, I crept out through the hallway and towards the back door.

The place I was heading to was the little abandoned gazebo that hides in the trees by the house. I found it years ago when I was having a hard time coping with the fire and ended up running upon it. Ever since then, I would always go there just to think and be alone. I never go there when the others are awake, being afraid of either Kyice or Caiti finding it. I know it sounds cruel and selfish, but it's my little sanctuary and I don't want to share it.

After a about a minute or two, I finally spotted the dark, old brown wood hiding masterfully in the trees. Inside is a small round table and a matching single chair. Sitting down on the splintered wood, I hear a slight trickle of rain fall down on the roof. The tiny building might be old, but no water touched me.

I closed my eyes and sighed contently while breathing in the smell of the fresh rain in the air. Finally. I could finally just sit here and let my mind pause a little and feel calm and rest. Here I don't have to worry about my chores, mission, or past. All I had to do was breath and feel the quiet.


So much for quiet. I opened my eyes and quickly checked around me to see where the noise came from. Useing my good eyesight, I scanned the trees that surrounded where I was until I saw a hit of a blue shirt and brown hair.

"What are you doing?" I said, aiming my voice to the person's location full of hostility.

"Umm, well I can tell you I wasn't being a creep and watching you. I thought I heard something and came to investigate." A deep, but light and friendly voice replyed back to me. I placed it as a guy's voice. He stepped out and into my view and I took in his appearance. He was around my height, maybe a little bit taller so around 5'6. He wore a plain blue teeshirt with jeans and Nike sports shoes. He had a pair of glasses covering his deep brown eyes with messy, wind blown brown hair. He wore a smile and had a Canon camera hung around his neck.

"Yah. Sure. What's with the camera then?" I asked, still feeling hostile towards this stranger.

He laughed, still smiling and looked down at his camera, realizing it was still there. "Oh yah. I like to walk around and take pictures sometimes. Didn't get any good shots though. Not yet anyways."

This guy wasn't going to leave me alone, was he. "Ok then, do you need something? Or are you just wandering around with nothing to do?"

He ignored my snotty comment and continued to chat friendly. "No, my parents are never home because of work, so I leave the house and just walk around. It's always too quiet inside."

"Yah, well my parents are gone so unless you need something I'll be going." I snapped.

He seemed a bit startled at my harsh commet, but brushed it off. "Ok. I get the message. I'll leave you alone." He smiled kindly at me and put his arms up in surrender. "It was nice meeting you anyways. Maybe I'll see you around."

"Sure." I watch as he walked away from where I was sitting, taking a look back at me but disappearing.

I sat there for a while longer, angry that I no longer was the only who knew about my little hideout but also baffled at how easily he smiled and laughed at me. He had a easy and kind manner to him, something I didn't have. Sarcastically I said to myself, "I'm sooo good at making friends. Well,it's not like I'll ever see him again anyways." I looked down at my watch and looked at the time. I should probably get back so I get up and start heading to the house before everyone starts waking up.


"How many are left?" I asked an over joyed Kycie.

"Oh come on, you've only tried on three." She looked at me with a glint of excitement in her eyes. "Just try one more on." She held up a shorter navy blue, flowy kind of dress with a small belt in the middle. Kycie has always been good at putting clothes together so I went with what she handed me and went to slip the dress over my head. Looking in the mirror, I realized that it fit nicely and was comfortable as well as pretty on me with my straight brown hair framing my face. This was unlike the other three I've tried on and it seemed to fit my personality better than the flippin bright yellow floor length ball gown. I shuddered thinking about wearing that thing anywhere on this planet.

Coming out, I heard Kycie jumping in excitement. "Oh it's perfect! Just your style too!" She smiled at me excitedly. "Are you going to get it?"

I twirled once and satisfied, nodded. "Yah, it's comfortable and nice. And it's not a giant ball gown. "

Kycie celebrated our success by collecting her dress she already picked out awhile ago and headed to the cashier. "That last dress was just for fun you know." She said rolling her eyes. I followed her with a smile tugging at my lips and placed my dress on the counter.

Walking out of the store, we meet up with Caiti who was recently at the store next door. "How'd it go?" She asked with a smile.

"It was good." I replied. "We both ended up with a good dress and Kycie has mine and her entire look planned out."

Caiti laughed at Kycie's sheepish smile, then handed me a small wrapped box. "Here. I finally got it ready for you."

Slowly I opened the box and pulled out a newly put together passport. "Thank you!" I leaned over and gave her a quick hug. I could now start my plan when I'm ready.

"Your leaving the country?" Questioned Kycie.

"Yah, I've been saving up. It's what I've wanted to do for a while now, travel. You'll be good while I'm gone right?" I gave her a small smile.

She rolled her eyes in a playful manner. "Well of course I will, but when will you leave?"

I paused for a bit. "I'm not really sure on that, but I'll tell you when I come up with a date."

"You better not leave without telling." I could tell she was sad I would be going but this was going to happen either way.

"I'll make sure to keep in touch and send you pictures." I promised. After that, we headed to other stores so I could pick out new clothes for the journey.


(authors note)

Hey everyone! Sorry for the late update! I hope this is good and I'm really excited to introduce our newest character who's name you will find out soon.

Thx again!


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