Chapter 7

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Jack and I reached the bottom of the stairs expecting to look for Kycie, when she herself comes bursting towards me and throws me in a hug. "I thought you left because of the police! I thought you took of with that Michel!"

I hugged her back, still careful not to hurt my wrist. When I get home, I'll need to wrap it. "No, I went to the bathroom before I heard that they were looking for me as well."

She backed away looking at Jack then raised an eyebrow. "With him?"

I almost threw up. "No no no! He was just up stairs when..."

Jack filled in for me right on time. "When she fell on her wrist and sprained it."

I nod convincingly. "Yah he was just helping me look for you. If it's ok, all this drama is making me want to go home." I held up my cradled wrist to emphasize.

She nodded with an understanding look on her face. "Oh yah! I think it would probably be best if you get it wrapped up as soon as possible!" This is a typical Kycie. Fussing over one of the simplest injuries. "Is there anything here we can wrap it up with now?"

Jack spoke up. "Actually my house is like a couple houses down. We can just walk over and I could take care of it right now. I already told Mayla that I'm studying to become orthopedist."

I was about to say that it wouldn't be necessary but Kycie apparently found this the most perfect idea ever thought of. "Yes!! That is exactly what needs to happen! You aren't getting in the car until you are taken care of by a professional." She couldn't have been more clear. She was setting us up, and it didn't seem to bother Jack which was what really bothered me.

Kycie turned to grab her bag which gave me enough time to glare at Jack. He just shrugged with a goofy smile on his face.

Kycie turned back around and pulled me not so gently towards the door and through the crowd of people that still lingered. It was almost as if she completely forgot about the real reason why we were even going to Jack's house. I wonder why. I rolled my eyes and caught a glimpse of Jack following us through the pool of people.

We walked out into the cool night air and Kycie stoped pulling me so Jack could catch up and show us the way. He emerged from the crowd only a little after we did. He turned to face the crowd and made a sour face. "I do not want to go back in there."

I nodded agreeing. "I am completely with you on that."

He laughed and smiled and started walking down the street with his hand buried in his windbreaker pockets. Just realizing his casual wear, I frown. Everyone else was dressed up pretty nice tonight. Not like a prom night, but the girls wore simple dresses and the guys wore jeans and a nicer shirt than usual. He waved us onward. "Come on, it's honestly not that far."

Taking his word, we quickly caught up with him and ended up in a horizontal line with Jack on the right and Kycie on the left which left me in the middle. Walking in silence at first I thought of something to say. "So when I came back, the cop was gone. What happened?"

Kycie thought a bit and Jack listened intently. "Well, he was just finishing asking around for Michel and you, when another guy outside said he heard something in the back. The guy followed the other and they both took off. No one was really disappointed they left so the party began up again. Although a bunch of people were asking me questions about you and this Michel guy. I told them I never knew Michel and it's got to be a mistake or something with you. You've never been someone who's creating trouble."

I frowned in confusion. "Yah, I don't understand why the cops would be looking for me."

"And do you know Michel?" Kycie asked.

I thought about telling her, but I never mentioned him before, even though he was my best friend. I didn't want to make her feel bad because I didn't tell her beforehand. "No. Maybe he was a friend of my dad's?" I knew my dad wouldn't ever make friends like that but it's the best cover up I had. It was also believable because my dad was a juvenile speaker at the detention center down in California. Michel was obviously someone who would be seen in a detention center.

"Maybe." She said still unsure.

Jack started walking up a concrete driveway that was lit up with lights. We followed and I looked up and saw the house. Wow... is all I could think. The house was bigger than Asper's and it looked like it was built out of glass. You couldn't see through the glass but I wouldn't blame them. It would freak me out thinking people could watch me wake up and pour a bowl of Honey Nut Cheerios in the morning. The house was dark inside from what I could see. "Will your parents mind us just walking in?" I ask as the question hit me.

"They're not home. My mom's working on a big interior design project in New York and my dad's at a hotel meeting thing in D.C." he said.

"When will they get back?" Kycie asked.

"Um, not till a month or something." He spoke kind of softly and his hand automatically went up to rub the back of his neck like it was a bad habit of his.

"So you just stay here alone until then?" I blurted out chastising myself as I did. Why did I just ask something like that?! I probably seem like I'm inconsiderate about things like this. I know how it feels though. To be alone. It's all I felt when I lost everyone.

"Well I do like walking around in the woods in the backyard." He looked at me when he said this. "Helps me clear my mind, and as a bonus I meet some cool people."

I smile inside at his silent compliment as he opened the front door and invited us in. Inside had that same modern look as the outside which gave, in a way a feeling of completion.

I sat down in a chair in the kitchen as he kneeled on the floor and checked over my wrist. "Kycie, in a cupboard at the end of the hallway is a first aid kit if you could go grab it?"

Kycie nodded and headed in that direction.

"Jack, you do know this is all pointless and crazy right?" I asked as Kycie disappeared in the hallway. "It's literally just a small sprain, and you just met us tonight which is really the thing confusing me right now." I was starting to get really frustrated about this. "How in the world can you just meet someone and then let them in your house so you can fix a silly wrist?"

Jack looked up at me, fixing his glasses before he spoke up. "I'm pretty sure your confused because you can't see how I see you. Yes your a bit confusing, but your also straight forward and honest. That's something I can trust in a person." He rubbed my sore wrist as he went on. "If I felt you were someone who would turn on me any second, then I wouldn't have offered to help. Whether you like it or not, to me you're considered a friend. And it doesn't matter that we've known each other for a little bit, you've still showed a lot to me about who you are. Not only that, but a lot did happen tonight."

Dang it. I've been trying to hide and keep a low profile from people yet all I did was tie Jack up in what ever kind of mess this is. I don't need a friend. I have myself and that's all I need to make sure I play it safe. People get close and then when there finally in my heart's reach, they're ripped away. Huh. Why don't you take Michel for example? He was my best friend then the next thing I know he leaves and comes back trying to throw me out a window. My head hurt just trying to process Michel.

Jack continues talking. "I can tell you're trying to hide something, maybe your past. I don't know, but you need other people to help you get through what you can't. With Kycie, she's your sister. You can tell her things because she cares about you. Just talk." I can't. Was all I could think of as my eyes traveled to the floor, reflecting the pain off the shiny floor. "Back at the party when we found Kycie, you didn't tell her what really happened. I covered for you because I could see you wanted to hide it but I didn't know why." He looked at me as if expecting and answer.

My voice was low and shaky. "You don't know..." was all I got in before Kycie came with a big box of medical supplies and set it down next to us.

"Ah! This is what I need." Jack pulled out a wrist cast and guided my hand through it. Once it was securely in, he strapped the Velcro straps to the side. "See? Now the cast will keep your wrist from bending back and forth, giving it the time it needs to heal without it continually being stretched."

Kycie sighed in relief and I looked at her. "Satisfied I won't die?"

She just rolled her eyes and picked up the box again, intending to put it back. "Oh it's fine, I can put it away later." Jack insisted.

Kycie smiled. "No it's fine. I know where it goes and it's better to put things away before we forget about it, right?" Jack nodded and let her put it away.

I took the opportunity to continue, still a bit unstable. "You don't know what happened. It broke me and I'm not going to let it happen again."

I stood up shaking because of the feelings inside threatening to break the wall I built, but Jack sternly but gently stoped me by the arm and looked at me with sincerity in his eyes. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you angry."

"I'm not angry, just...tired." I could tell he could see through my lie.

I turned to the hall, really to go home and sleep. "Kycie, come on. Caiti's probably wanting you home by now."

She came out from the hallway with now empty hands. "Oh mom's not worried. We've got time."

"Yah, well I'm tired so it's definitely bedtime." I said heading towards the door. "Thank you for your help Jack, and I definitely will make sure to give the cast back when I'm better." I smile, mostly to hide my really feelings. I really just want to sleep and not worry about people.

Jack says bye and both Kycie and I walk back to our car.


(Author's note)

Heyä everyone!! I finally finished this one and had fun writing it so I hope you had as much fun reading it as well!!!

Also, if you see any errors it would be really helpful if you pointed it out for me so I can fix the mistakes!!

Thxs so much for the patience and keep reading!!


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