Why Voting is Important to Me: Why I Vote

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Why I Vote

M. Dalto (druidrose)

When I was younger, politics wasn't something that was much discussed in my house while growing up. What little I knew, I learned in school. My earliest memories were in elementary school during the Bush/Clinton election and they had the kids fill out paper ballots with their two faces and we were strictly informed we could only choose one. Then the results would be posted on the bulletin board outside of the office in bright colored construction paper and cutouts so that the parents could ooh and ahh at the cute kids thinking they knew how to vote for the next president of the United States.

My parents were generally private people and I remember whenever I asked them who they voted for they all but scolded me, telling me that it was a personal decision and that I shouldn't ask. As if someone's political preferences could be seen as either good or bad and they didn't want to be judged for who they may or may not have chosen.

Maybe they were on to something all those years ago.

But because of all this, it made me think that politics only involved deciding who would be the next to be in charge of the country for another four years. It wasn't until I grew older and began educating myself that I learned how important having a voice in our political system must be.

That's not to say I was running in line to sign up to get my name on the ballot in any way, shape, or form.

But because I've no interest in being a public figure, I need to exert my voice in another manner.

And so, I vote.

Of course, as an adult, it's not all colored construction paper and two faces on a piece of paper. There are far more decisions to be made during each election day than to decide who will be the next person to run our country. And it matters.

Every question, every choice.

It all matters.

And it's our right to make that voice be heard.

So, I vote.

Because I can.

Because I have to.

Because it's the only way I'm going to let my voice be heard.

My parents weren't wrong. Your political preference is most definitely a private matter.

But it's also personal.

So on November 3rd, please go and vote. Make your voice be heard and let's take this election personally.


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