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Welcome! I assume all you have found this book through my books. If you haven't first off, how on Earth did you find this book, and secondly go check out my books. This book is a place where I ask/propose questions, polls, or scenarios to you, my readers! This is fun and chill. I upload a new "poll" every Tuesday and Thursday. 

These are the different types of "polls" I post.

-What is your favorite... (WYM): I ask what is your favorite something and you respond in the comments. That easy

-Polls: This is the segment where I ask you a very important question concerning my books or other Wattpad related things. These don't happen often and have a deadline, so make sure you vote ASAP.

-Athenian Asks: I ask a random question that has been on my mind. Usually I don't write these down beforehand, and just write down what I am thinking at that moment.

-This or That: As simple as this: I ask you a question and you choose This or That. 

Hey, notice the: Athenian17 edition at the end of the title? I encourage you to carry on the idea of The Voting Book! Just tag who you got it from (me if you are reading this) and off you go! Feel free to write new segments or ideas in your edition, after all it is yours. Just mention me, since I started this whole thing, and your good to go

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