Part 3

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Part – 3

"Hey, sleepy head, wake up, we are here." Gautham gently shakes a sleepy Sanjana. They have reached Srinagar Airport by evening & from there, it took nearly an hour to reach their hotel near "Dal Lake" where their stay for a week is arranged.

"Wake up, Sanju" He pats her cheeks gently again. She blinks her eyes & rubs her face.

"What's this?" she asks seeing the woolen gloves on her hands, a scarf around her neck, a jacket & it's hood is pulled over her head.

"Did you put these decorations? I told you I don't want all these." she pulls the gloves & throws it at him. He takes the gloves & stuffs it in his jacket pocket knowing well she will soon beg for the gloves. They are in Kashmir now, one of the coldest places in India.

"At least keep the jacket on. It's cold out here" Gautham warns.

"I don't like wearing all these stuffs" she cribs.

"Your jean is skinny & your top is sleeveless & if you remove the jacket, you will freeze in this icy cold weather. We are not in Chennai. We are in Kashmir." he says matter-of-factly. Sighing she keeps the jacket on & steps out of the car.

"Nice lake view" she admires hugging herself as the cool breeze hit her soft skin.

"Come. We need to walk a little to the hotel room" he says and takes her hand in his.

"I'm surprised that you have made all the arrangements in a day. Yesterday only you asked me & today we are here. I don't know whether in the hurry I packed all my necessary things." She didn't even get time to pack her things for her honeymoon. Her husband told it was okay. If they need anything they can buy it here.

"My friend, Sameer, he owns a hotel here and we are gonna stay there. I called him last night & he made all the arrangements for our stay, sightseeing, food, shopping, everything."

"Oh!" she says & slips her hand in Gautham's pants pocket & he draws her close to him wrapping his arm around her waist. She feels grateful to her husband for insisting her to keep the jacket on. Hell, it's really cold.

"I wanna go in that boat?" She points to a wooden boat halted on the lake side.

"Shikara ride, we will go tonight. But before that we need to freshen up & have our dinner" he says brushing his lips on her hair.

"Hey, Gautham" Sameer greets.

"Hey, Sameer. Meet my wife, Sanjana. Sanju my friend" Gautham introduces.

"Hello" Sanjana smiles fondly. Sameer gives her a friendly side way hug taking her by surprise. "Congratulations. Oh and sorry, I wasn't able to attend your wedding." Sameer apologizes.

"Well, you couldn't come there so we came to see you." Gautham tells with a grin. Sameer chuckles. Sanjana looks around taking in the beauty of the hotel. It's very a rich and posh hotel located very close to the lake. "Thanks dude for arranging everything in such a short notice" Gautham thanks him

"Come on, dude. No thanks and all" Sameer fist punches Gautham on his arm. "I am so happy you brought your beautiful wife to this beautiful Kashmir" Sameer compliments. Gautham smiles & pulls Sanjana closer to him.

"I'll show you to your suite room then leave you two on your own. You can order dinner to your room or restaurant is at the front" Sameer tells him.

"You like the room" Gautham asks closing the main door as soon as Sameer exits.


"You cold?"


"You wanna rest for a while?"


"With your chattering teeth you couldn't say more than 'yes' huh?" Gautham teases her.

"It's unbelievably cold here. I guess I need those gloves back" she tells embarrassed. He smirks & takes out the gloves from his pocket & throws them at her.

"I'm gonna freshen up. You take rest for a while, later I'll wake you up for dinner. Okay?" he asks. She nods in agreement. He kisses her head & walks to the changing room to take his cloths for shower from his suitcase.

Sanjana stirs & stretches her arms out & opens her eyes, scanning the room to find her handsome husband but to her disappointment he is nowhere to be found.

"Husband?" She calls sleepily & climbs out of the bed to search him. Hearing TV sound she walks out of the bed room to the living room & there her husband suited comfortably on the couch and watching Cricket match.

"I'm hungry" she says snuggling close to him on the couch.

"I thought of waking you up but you looked so tired so I thought to let you sleep a little longer."

"Oh Good"

"I have ordered dinner for us. It will take at least 10 minutes time to arrive so why don't you go freshen up & come?"

"Hmm... I will take a quick shower & come" she says & walks back to the room to take her cloths and then heads to the bathroom to take her shower.

"Ahhh..." Gautham runs hearing Sanjana's loud scream.

"Sanju..." he pushes the bathroom door wide open, luckily it's not locked from inside as the latch is so tight. Inside, Sanjana stood under the shower stark naked with her hands on top of her head & screaming at the top of her lungs. Gautham quickly pulls her out of the shower & drapes her with a long towel & takes another towel from the shelf & dries her wet hair.

"The water was so cold. I felt like ice daggers were hitting my body."

"Hot water comes from the left side facet" Gautham tells her still wiping her wet shoulders.

"How the hell do I know that? You should have told me right?" She asks pissed.

"You should have checked it before standing under the shower. Even then you could have moved out or closed the facet but why you were standing under it till I came in for your rescue?"

"I got frozen" she whispers embarrassed. Yes, he is right! She could have closed the facet or simply jumped out & grabbed a towel instead of screaming.

He rolls his eyes at her drama. Suddenly his rolling eyes fall on her body. Wet, naked body hiding behind a silly towel? Interesting!

He without any indication stoops low & scoops her up and throws her over his shoulder. She squeals in surprise but he ignores it & carries her out of the bathroom & dumps her on the bed.

"Ta da" he opens her towel as if he is a magician & abruptly buries his face on her bosom. He nuzzles her throat planting hot kisses on her cool body. His warm hands palmed her two cup cakes, gently pulling the cheery on top of the cakes making her moans in pleasure. He continues to torture her with his hot bothering smooches, it is heaven & it is hell at the same time for her. She wants something unnamed & only he can offer her that. He moves south mapping her body with his wet kisses, she feels like losing control when he moves further down so she rises up her shoulders a bit & grabs his head between her hands & pulls him up for a kiss.

Knock! Knock!

Gautham closes his eyes in irritation when he hears the knock at the door.

"Are you warm enough?" Gautham asks Sanjana grinning.

"I'm feeling hot now" Sanjana whispers in daze.

"Hot & sexy too." he winks. She blushes.

"Get dressed. I will set our dinner ready" he says & walks out to attend the one waiting outside the main door.


"Gautham, where are we going?" Sanjana asks.

"Boat riding" Gautham says taking her hand in his.

"Why now? It's so late. Tomorrow we can go right?" she asks.

"Are you tired?"

"Not really... but I'm scared of dark."

"Don't worry, Sanju. I'm with you" he kisses her hair instantly calming her.

"Here, jump" Gautham gets on the boat & offers his hand to help her in. Grabbing his hand firmly, she successful jumped in.

"You are gonna sail?" she asks shocked.

"Yep" he grins.

"Your hands will ache" she says, worried.

"Oh come on, it's just a house boat, small kids here are using it as a mode of transportation." he smiles. She nods.

"Did you decorate the boat with these beautiful roses?" she asks in wide eyed surprise. The boat is filled with bunches of Kashmir long stemmed red roses.

"Decoration? No I didn't. They are taking these flowers to the other side of the lake & there they will sell it. We need to return this boat in few hours so early morning they will go for trade"

"Oh! You could have told me you did the decorations" she says disappointed.

"Why should I say that when I didn't?" he asks confused.

"That would have sounded so romantic. My husband, decorating a whole boat with roses for me" she sighs dramatically making him chuckle.

"To appease you I can say that I chose this boat when they offered another boat with seating arrangements, you know cushions at the central segment, upholstery over the built-in storage space underneath."

"Why you choose this one then?"

"Why you want covers & cushions? You have any ideas in your gutter mind, Sanju?" he arches a brow teasing her.

"No" she blushes.

"Well, I wanted to see whether these roses smell the best or my Sanju so I chose this one" he winks at her.

"And the winner is?" Sanjana asks putting her hands around his neck.

He pauses sailing & pulls her close by her waist & whispers "Of course, It's you, my darling" he kisses her lips softly. "Your lips are softer than the rose petals" she happily hugs him as the cool breeze kisses her skin.

... To be continued!!!

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