Chapter 20: Like Chicago part 2/2

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OMFG rant of my personal life below

This guy I like,

okay, we have had 3 dates, and they were all awesome, but no lip contact ... YET >:D okay no one laugh but I still haven't had my first kiss yet but whatevvverRRRrRrR AND ANYWAYS so we hung out and saw the Deadpool movie (10/10 would recommend) and I've just been trying to keep our hangouts on the downlow because idk what his thoughts are on telling people cuz idk


So I get to school and his ex-gf of like months, is all asking people about me and him and its none of her business just like how their relationship was none of my business. I know it might sound cold, but its true. And today she was like, talking about me, IN FRONT OF ME.

It was just stupid!

So I've decided that for once I'm going to put myself first and do what makes me happy, because God Dammit I fucking deserve it. SO BAM

My advice for anyone who is shy, or unsure of themselves, or is going through a situation : Ask yourself it's finally time for you to be happy, and if you want that, go for it. Don't let anyone stop you. OMG Sorry for the rant.

Anyways, hope the last chapter prologue didn't confuse you too much. Don't worry, everything will be explained in this chapter and the next. HOLD ONTO YOUR KNICKERS ITS ABOUT TO GET CRAZY UP IN HERE

sorry I'm hyper I had a soda just now.

Venus's POV***

I had finally received contact from Demetri although it'd been a week. I'll admit, I'd been a little disappointed he didn't try to reach out any sooner, but hey I was the one who told him to buy a blowup doll.

I'd been working, of course. The day before, I'd gone to see Richard, whom I had heard had fallen a victim to the flu that was now going around. His granddaughter, Jess, had taken over the book store from him much to my dismay. If I wasn't employed at the only diner in town, I'd have offered to look over the old place.

I'd learned a little more about Jess at the library. She was undoubtedly a rude little brat, but I knew there was perhaps just a little more than met the eye with her. She wouldn't be in this town if there wasn't more to her than what we all saw: or rather what she allowed us to see.

"Do you always have your nose shoved in a book or into a tray of food?" She asked with raised eyebrows that had been filled in to perfection. I glared at her as I took the new book with me to the counter.

"Better than always having it up in the air like I'm better than everyone else," I remarked with the same mock nonchalance. She rolled her eyes, snatched the book from me and began to ring me up.

It was quiet, before she spoke again. "How old are you?" Her question stunned me, merely because it wasn't a rude remark or jaunt. I had searched for a venomous or even snarky undertone, but all that was there was curiosity.


She slightly held her breath before releasing and shaking her head.

"Why?" Now I was curious.

"Because aren't you a little young to be dating Demetri Williams?" And cue the shock.

"Dating him?"

She rolled her eyes back into her head once more, a talent she seemed to possess. I scoffed at her attitude. "The whole town knows you guys have a thing."

"He isn't that old." Was all I could say.

"He's like, 26."

"Yeah well either way, dating him or not, it's none of your business. Or the towns"

And with that, I'd taken the book out of her hands and gone home that night with a scowl on my face. All seemed fine and dandy, did it not?

Coming home from the library made me feel anxious. It was getting darker and the feeling of someone possibly watching me had the hairs on my neck rising every few seconds. Every time I had closed my eyes, the girl with the strange eyes had imprinted itself in my memory. I remember every detail. The way her black cloth had kept everything but her eyes and the bridge of her nose shadowed, and how she had been draped in black.

The window glass surrounded her feet, and the curtains were swaying side to side due to the night's unforgiving winds.

After redundantly checking my doors and windows every few seconds, I'd called Moira over but she was busy with Reese, and even Will was busy. I almost had it down to call Brooke but then talked myself out of it, knowing I wasn't in the mood for school-girl giggles or some chick-flick she'd probably want to watch.

I'd gone to bed that night, plagued by another nightmare. It was different, and I was confused.

"Kill him."

"Kill her."

They kept repeating those words over and over, like a chant that had broken out at a school fight with kids pumping their arms everywhere. I however, was not at school, or the rain splashed streets of Chicago. No, I was in the forest, the Pine Forest behind the diner. I don't know how I knew, but I did.

No one was even here, but the words were coming from the bushes where hundreds of bright yellow eyes with small, feral pupils skulked about, staying hidden.

"Kill him!"

"Kill her!"

Over, and over, and over again. I wasn't moving in this dream, I couldn't control it for once, and that scared me.

I looked down, and noticed I was bare-foot walking on the grass, and towards something bright. A fire. I could feel the heat from a foot away. In front of me, a huge bonfire that stood at least 10 feet tall blazed and flickered about in a chaotic series of spits and crackles. The furious orange hue was in stuck in an angry dance with yellow and red, the three colors fighting for dominance within itself.

The chants grow louder and louder, coming to a climax before the fire flicks again and now the chanting has stopped. Fear spikes through my body but I still refuse to move. I can't help but gaze into the fire as it continues to roar and smoke fluctuates up into the air and releases itself to blend with the night.

"Child of the moon. Child of the moon." It's the fire, it's whispering to me. Hesitant, but curious, I peer closer into the flames, feeling heat tickle the tip of my nose.

"Born of Father Forest and Mother Nature, sister of the Moon and Nature, lover of the Beast and Shadows."

The fire flicked a bit, causing me to recoil, but it settled down after a quick second. I noticed the fire began to dance, actually dance. Inside of the orange flames, a figure, a wolf presumably, lifted its head and let out a howl though no noise came out of it's red mouth. Next to it, a rose. As the wolf head touched the rose, it burnt up to a crisp despite it already being a part of the flower.


The girl tosses and turns in her sleep, but I do not withdraw my fingers and they trace over her face. It's finally time, and the packs know it. Demetri Williams and Landon Silver will find themselves at odds, again like the last before them.

Venus mumbles in her sleep before thrashing her head to the side of her pillow. I roll my eyes at her vulnerable state. How was this supposed to be the Guardian? She was clearly subject to my night terrors that I'd sent her way all this time. Granted some stemmed from her own haunted memories, it was never a bore with her.

I'd always pictured a strong wolf or witch to be known as the Guardian but then this small and lanky girl was chosen. A girl, not even a werewolf! Disgusting.

But tonight only validates my suspicion. She's having the dream. The prophetic dream, one that even I cannot force upon the mind. She's seen it, she's seen the prophecy.

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