Chapter 21: Surprise Part 2/2

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I'm so sorry you guys I know it's been so long!

I've been in a horrid writing funk lately, I just can't seem to stick to my writing, but I'm definitely trying.

A rasp on the door echoed throughout the all-too silent apartment. I didn't move, but I kept looking for Demetri to give me an answer on what to do.

Another knock sounded, this time more abrupt and sharp. This person was getting antsy.

I was about to whisper, but instead I was tackled to the ground, Demetri keeping his arms around me. As soon as we fell, a sound of fire shot through the door, followed by kicking.

"Stay down, hide in your room!"

He didn't have to tell me twice. I began to crawl away, but suddenly the door was kicked open, and off its hinges. I ducked, for I was nearly flattened by the door that flung across the opening and landed in a broken heap across the hall.

Horrified, I turned to see the perpetrator. Tyrese, along with Diego and Wilson, stood at the door, all holding shotguns slung over their shoulders.

"Ah, it's been too long Venus."

I froze as the British accent cut through me like a knife. A shrill tremor ran down my spine as I got a good look at the three men. Tyrese, dark skinned with dark eyes that seemed to gleam with mischief. Diego, bald and covered in tattoos, Wilson with semi longer hair. All of them were broad, tall, and scary as hell.

Demetri stood up from behind the doorway, reached for Tyrese, but instead had his hands around Wilson. Wilson threw Demetri down onto the floor, while Tyrese nonchalantly pointed his gun at me.

The two struggled for a minute before Wilson kicked Demetri in the face. As he did this, I flinched and felt my heart lurch.

"I was hoping we could avoid this little squalor," Tyrese said as Wilson rose and pointed a gun at Demetri, who was still recovering from the blow.

"What do you want?" The question came out of my mouth before I could even think.

Diego scoffed and sent his partner a look of amusement.

"I see your mate hasn't told you anything," Tyrese said with a mocking frown. While his gun looked me right in the eye, holding my life inside of the hole, I felt my heart begin to pound; blood rushing to my ears, my fingers growing numb.

"You're much prettier than we'd imagined. Unlike the last Guardian."

I didn't know how to respond or process. There was a gun being pointed at me, loaded, ready to end my existence.

"The Peacekeepers will not forget this," Demetri spat as he sat up. His eyes were so dark, I wondered if they'd become black in that moment. His stare was so full of hate and disgust, yet the three men seemed to feed off it.

Tyrese nodded towards Diego, who then aimed his gun at me, warning me not to move a muscle. Tyrese knelt down, getting eye-level with Demetri. He had a smile on his face, but his eyes lacked humor. Inches from Demetri's face, I felt my body tremble for him.

"We don't consort with your Peacekeepers." He then glanced at me. "Or her kind."

My kind? What did that mean?

"That means nothing in this day and age. You know what they do. You'd be a fool to attack Venus in this territory protected by the them," Demetri growled. A growl. My memories took me back to the alley that night, where I swore I heard one of the men release a beastly noise. I had remembered Demetri warning me to stay away from him, that there was something bigger happening in front of me that I didn't know about. Was this what was happening?

While I tried to not stare the barrel in the eyes, I looked to Demetri, who seemed to be dazed. His focus was elsewhere although he'd been speaking to Tyrese.

Suddenly, Tyrese broke the eye contact between him and Demetri, standing up and concentrating. Confused, I began to quiet my thoughts and listen.

A knowing smile broke onto Tyrese's face, as though he'd just come to an epiphany.

"Ah, and you'd be a fool to come without your pawns."

With those last words, a window shattered to my right, and in flew a man in a trench coat with blonde hair. A scream left my lips as I ducked while he jumped over me, colliding with Diego. I heard grunting, the sound of bones colliding and more footsteps. I opened my eyes, noticing that more people had come from all around.

Though I did not know these people, or how or why they got into my house, I instantly felt safer. The three men were all fighting against the people who'd rushed into my house. Dodge after dodge and punch after punch, I couldn't keep up.

A hand reached for my arm, and I immediately recognized it as Demetri. He stood up, harshly forcing me to do the same. He ran to the back of the apartment, with me in his hand like a rag doll fighting to keep up.

We left the scene in the small living room and came to my room where he closed the door.

"What's happening?" I shouted, eyes erratically searching the room, praying there were no intruders.

"I'll explain later, but for now we have to get you out of here."

His voice was calm but his actions were fast and rushed. He ran to my window, pulled his elbow back, and forced it through the glass that I'd just replaced.

"Who are those people? Will they be okay?"

Demetri ignored me as I predicted he would, and grabbed my wrist. He hurled me towards him before ushering me to climb out of the newfound hole in the window. I hurriedly slid my feet out first, pausing when I heard a bang against the door. I looked back, but didn't get a good chance to see what was coming for Demetri shoved me out of the window too fast to the point where I'd cut my hip sliding out before falling onto the hard ground.

The cold wind cut through me, but it felt relieving. I didn't have time to think as Demetri too slid out, grabbed my hand, and dragged us to my neighbors apartment.

"Now what?" I asked.

"Follow me."

And I did. He ran into the street with amazing speed, dragging me behind him.

"Too ... fast!" I shouted, struggling to breathe as we ran rampant through the dark streets.

"Stay close, Vee!"

Mom pulled harder, begging me to run faster, but I just couldn't do it.

"I can't! I can't, I need to stop!"

"No!" She screamed from ahead.

I left my flashback when I realized Demetri had just dragged us to the library.

"What? This is your plan?" I panted, taking a second to put my hands on my knees.

Demetri bent down, lifted the welcome mat, and pulled out a key. He glanced at me before putting it through the keyhole, and just like that, the door opened.


"Won't Richard be upset we're here? And how did you know where the key was?" I asked, watching Demetri close the door behind him, locking it up. He peered out of the windows, which I had just realized were now barred with iron.

"Of all things that just happened, that's what you're deciding to ask me about?" He asked with irritation.

I was about to speak, but froze and shut my mouth. I could have died just 10 minutes ago, with a gun staring me in the eyes. Everything I've ever done would have been for nothing.

"I need an explanation. I was almost killed."

"So was I."

"You know something is going on here Demetri. I want to know what. I deserve to know."

"Well you're not allowed to know."

"You can't just say that after what just happened back there! My apartment is destroyed, I have next to nothing to fix it, those people knew where I lived! The list goes on and on. I'm tired of you keeping me in the dark and stringing me along!" I was starting to raise my voice, feeling tears weld up in the corners of my eyes.

"Us telling you will effect thousands of lives," he added.

I couldn't keep going on this roller coaster ride, I just couldn't. This isn't normal, and I don't get to have enough normal in my life. This place was supposed to be my getaway, and now I just want to pack up and leave like I did so many years ago.

"Venus.." He trailed off, cautiously walking towards me.

"Don't!" I snapped. But of course, he didn't listen and kept walking towards me.

"Don't you touch me!" I hissed, backing up further away from him. The tears in my eyes were so close to falling.

He was too close, so I flailed my arms at him, but he still managed to get behind me and wrap his arms around my torso while keeping a grip on my hands like it was as easy as opening an envelope.

"I know you're frustrated."

"You don't know a damn thing," I retorted with venom coating my words. "I appreciate your saving my life throughout the while we've known each other, but I can't do this anymore. I don't even know what this is! But I can't handle the lies or secrets, I just don't have it in me."

He rested his chin on my shoulder and took a deep breath.

"I wasn't supposed to tell you; weren't allowed to tell you. I've wanted to, I really have, but you need to understand that people could die."

"Who? Why? I don't understand."

"Venus?" A new voice entered the room, and from behind a book case, arrived a familiar girl with incredibly blonde hair and dark amounts of eye makeup.


I struggled to rid of Demetri's grasp, but got free and did not hesitate to run towards her.

"I see you both made it."

I stopped short, seeing someone I've seen before walk behind Moira.

"Reese? What...What are you guys doing here?" I couldn't help but ask. I was more confused now than I was before, but it's not like this was a new feeling. I looked back at Demetri who was glaring at the two, seeming on edge.

Confused as to why Moira was here, I stared at her. The shock that I knew I was feeling was nowhere present on her pale face. Instead, she seemed guilty, nervous even. While she remained calm as although knowing what was happening, I could tell she was apprehensive. And it was meant towards me. I felt a sudden sharp pain in my back. I recognized it as betrayal.

"We have a lot to discuss, Venus." Reese ripped me from my thoughts.

"You can't say anything, you know that especially well," Demetri spat, walking up beside me.

Reese held his own against the glower Demetri had sent his way, and refused to back down.

"Something's changed. That's what we're here to tell you. Allistaire warned me on his way to you guys about what was going to happen. Henry stepped in."

"Great, so are they dead?"

"Wilson and Diego were handled by Morgiana. Henry however took Tyrese and is interrogating him."

"Well tell the bastard I said goodluck."

I might as well have been listening to a conversation in a different language. "The Prophecy changed. There was an interference," Moira added. Her eyes shifted to mine, but I couldn't look at them without feeling sick. I kept my head turned from her.

"What Prophecy?" I asked, feeling just about as stupid as I looked.

"We can tell her?"

"We can tell her," Reese answered. The three of them looked at me before Reese led us to the back of the library to the historical fiction corner where the store ended.

"This way," He said, waving us closer. I was about to protest since we were at the end of the store, but suddenly a door appeared, from out of nowhere.

"What?" I whispered to no one in particular.

Moira sent a smile as if to reassure me, but it did nothing of the sort. Reese opened the door, letting us all in. I was the last to enter, holding my breath as I forced myself through.


Another knife to the skull from the woman with the ice blonde hair brought me to life once more while slowly taking it from me. How it was possible, I couldn't understand. She could make you yearn for the pain, for the misery, but once she gave it to you, death seemed to be the only thing you yearned for in that moment.

"I don't want to ask you again," The woman said, leaning farther back in her chair, sucking on a red lollipop with nonchalance. Her passiveness reminded me of myself, but she was worse, much, much worse.

"Piss off."

She sighed and sent me a frown.

"Oh, come on, don't be like that, I'm just trying to get inside your little head," She asked with mock innocence. She was the Harley Quinn of females, manipulative, and downright crazy.

"I already told you what I can."

"Oh c'mon, I want more, don't you just . . . want more?"

Suddenly she lifted herself off the chair, slowly sauntering towards me. Her icy eyes are gleaming as her heels make a staccato against the tile floor.

I grit my teeth, and wait for what I know is to come.


"I didn't know he had this extra room back here," I said, taking in the room. It was small with a couch, and more doors on each side of the room. It was so simple, I wondered why it was even built.

"He doesn't," Reese said, sitting on the couch.

"We're in a safe place, no one can find us here," Moira said, crossing her arms.

"Okay, someone explain now," I demanded.

"So...who wants to go first?" Moira asked with a humorous cackle.

My eyes immediately went to Demetri. I was finally going to get answers.

"Before you were born, your fate was decided for you, and a lot of us know about it and you don't, reason being that if you were to find out then countless lives would be taken."

"What does that mean?"


I'm so sorry this isn't how I wanted the chapter to be but it was so hard to get out of my writer's block!!! It's been a crazy couple of months, but I want to know about you guys and my new and old readers!

Tell me about your fav part of the book that you've read so far!

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