Chapter 31. The Guardian

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Hey ya'll!! My apologies for the cliffhanger lol. I'm going to start my second semester soon and I'll be really busy with my two jobs, soccer, and I'm also going to fly to New York to see my mans so I'm updating this sooner than I usually would because I'm garbage.


Leaning back on the sofa, I watch lazily as Reese makes me dinner. He keeps his blonde head of hair turned from me, delicately pouring us some wine. I'd usually take something - anything, harder than wine, but since I've been with Reese I've grown to like the taste.

He looks over at me, both glasses in his hand, and makes his way out of the kitchen. As he comes  into the living room, he pauses as if he's seen a ghost. I hear the crash of glass on the tile before I realize something is wrong. He looks down at the mess he's created, almost as if he's trying to comprehend something. Within seconds, I'm up and at his side.

"What's wrong?" I ask him. He still has his blue eyes focused on the mess, but it's as though he's looking through the floor, not at it.

"Somethings' happening with Venus."

I feel a pit form in my stomach. "What? What do you mean? How do you know?" I pepper him with questions, desperate to get him to look at me and help me understand. 

"I'm a Peacekeeper..." 

"Are you saying it's time? Like, right now?" 

He looks at me, straightening up and shaking his head, eyes closed. "Reese, what's happening?" I hate how upset I sound.

"I think it's happening. I think The Great Battle is happening." His voice is grim and somber, and I can tell there's a million different things going on his head right now.

With those words, he doesn't hesitate to grab his keys, and together we're off trying to locate Venus, Demetri and Landon.

"But she has to choose a side! And the other half of the Prophecy..." I trail off, clutching the doors' "Oh-Shit-Handle",  as Reese meanders through other cars in a sloppy manner.

He says nothing, swerving harshly into the turning lane without so much as a glance.

"Things are different this time around!" He hisses, clenching his teeth as it seems like he's in some sort of pain.

"What's happening to you?" I ask, a hand on his shoulder. He tries to offer me a smile, although I was never upset in the first place with him snapping at me.

"My feels like.." His eyes roll back and his arms go lip.

"Reese! Reese!" I scream, reaching over him and grabbing the wheel as his head falls forward. We're going the opposite way into traffic, with Reese knocked out, and me desperately trying to get us back onto the right side of the road.

"God fucking damn-it!" I can't help but scream.


"I gave you every opportunity, Venus!" Landon yells, his face contorting into one of anger. Demetri lets out a warning growl from deep in his throat, putting his body in front of mine.

A wolf steps forward, about 5 yards away, letting out a raw snarl. 

We're fucked.

At least I think we are, until I see a man with many layers on, hair to his shoulders, and pale complexion come skulking out from the eastern side of the forest. 

"Not a fair fight, fifteen to one..and a half," The man says, coming me and Demetri. I shy away from him, but Demetri nods and I can tell he's probably a packmate. 

"Allistaire," Landon growls, balling up his fists.

Allistaire, the man at our side, releases a smile that makes my blood freeze from inside my veins. Suddenly, his back arches in the shape of a 'U', and pale brown fur sprouts from his pores. His clothes instantly rip to pieces and he's an oversized wolf charging ahead.

I want to scream and tell him to come back! And that he can't take them. But then a breeze whips my hair in front of me, followed by another strong gust. I look behind me to see a wave of wolves ranging from various colors rushing forward like leaves in the wind.

I hold my breath, and can't deny this strangely ethereal and powerful scene around me. Life as I know it has drastically changed before my very eyes, and I'm apart of it. I watch, both in fear and awe as these fantastic creatures rush forward and the vision Reese once gave me come to life.

Hulking wolves pounce on one another, jaws snapping; the sound eerie and raw.

I notice Demetri hasn't moved, and is still holding me from the wolves who haven't dared to make a move on us now that Demetri's pack is here to protect us. No, they're risking their lives to protect you. My subconscious reminds me that I am the reason anyone will be hurt.

"You need to leave," Demetri says to me, inching us backwards.

"What about you?" 

He looks at me over his shoulder. "I'll be fine, Venus. Go, we can hold them off." And with that, he takes a step forward, shoulders back as if confident, as if he wasn't risking risking damn near anything. I want to watch him transform into a beautiful beast, but time is of the essence. I turn around to run, ignoring the brawling wolves to the best of my ability. I make it a few feet, but suddenly a woman appears in front of me. She looks familiar, stunning purple eyes and violet hair.

"Morgiana." I breathe to almost no one. She smiles, with eyes that are wide. I turn to run but she holds her hand in towards my feet, opens her palms and closes them. 

I shriek when I can't help but double over as it feels like my feet have been glued to the ground.

"You won't be going anywhere, Sweet Cheeks," She coos, disappearing into thin air. Gritting my teeth together I struggle and convulse in every which way but to no avail my feet are stuck. My head becomes light as I feel my panic attack evolve into something that overdrives my system.

A snarl from behind catches me and I realize there's a savage wolf pacing towards me with bared teeth. I let out a wild scream, and wrap my arms around my head, hunching over and preparing for the worst.

To my surprise, it doesn't come. When I peek through my shield of arms, Reese is standing above me, hands outstretched with a strange, baby blue light emanating from them. 

"Venus, come on, we have to get you out of here!" Moira leans down and I let out a breath of relief.

"I-I-I can't get up! Morgiana, she-she did something to me and I can't-" I can hardly speak, as I know I'm in the middle of a war zone. Looking around me another few wolves are on their way towards us, but not before a pale brown wolf tackles one, hitting another of Landon's pack members, sending them rolling into one another. While they quickly recover, there is still one more running closer and closer.

"Reese!" Moira shouts. Before the wolf can get any closer, Reese punches his hand in the air towards that wolf, making him stop his pursuit. Instead he seems confused, barking and snarling at the air around him.

Reese quickly turns to me and I notice he has blood streaming down the right half of his face. He puts his hand on my shoulder, that same light coming from his palm. I gasp lightly, feeling a lightness in my legs.

"Get out of here! Get as far from here as you can!" He shouts at the two of us. Moira yanks me to my feet and I can't even think as we are somehow already taking off again.

As we run back up the hill from which we came, I recognize a figure in the distance; two figures.

Brook and Jess stand side by side, both with pained expressions on their faces. Moira stops short, and walks in front of me.

We have to have our guard up since those two come from Landon Silver's pack. 

"Get out of our way." Moira hisses with venom in lacing her tongue. Jess growls loud enough for me to hear although we're at least twenty yards away from each other. 

"I told you Venus. I'm willing to die for my pack."

"Just let us go," I say with a clenched jaw.

Brook looks pained as she steps forward. "I'm sorry," She says, just loud enough for us to hear. Moira pulls a pistol from the back of her jeans that I didn't realize she had, and aims it at them. My heart stops beating and I can feel the blood rushing to my head. 

All the sudden, she takes a step forward, and fans out her hands at her side in a half circle near her waist. Then, the brightest light I'd ever seen starts to elongate from her palms, eyes, ears and mouth. 

I feel something stirring within me, something foreign and knowing. Something familiar, like when a species recognizes its kind after having been separated for so long. I don't even realize what I'm saying until it slips out.

"She's a Guardian."

"What?" Moira says and the light shines brighter from Brook until a strange forces begins to build in the atmosphere.

"Move, get back!" Moira shouts, turning to shove me, but an enormous and powerful force explodes and I'm sent flying through the air. I'm not in control of my body which burns as I fly through the air like a rag doll, my legs flailing about in every which way before I meet the ground. 

My breath is taken from me, and my body feels like it's been hit by a train as slump to the ground like a sack of potatoes. My vision blurs, and it seems like I've definitely broken something. Moira lays next to me, clearly unconscious. 

"I didn't want this, Venus. I wanted you to choose my pack. I didn't want it to come to this," I can hear Brook - it sounds like she's crying. But there are an abundance of black spots overtaking my vision and it sounds like we're underwater. 

"You're a Guardian.." I pant, grimacing and groaning as my stomach aches internally.

"I am. And unlike you, I've chosen a side to protect and cherish," She says, her voice growing stronger as she draws near.

"You're wrong," I mutter, looking up at her. Her eyes are now the only part of her glowing with that bright, nearly yellowed light. "I've already chosen."

At this prepares another assault and I'm ready to take it, as my body is weak and can't move.

I hear him before I see him. Over me jumps a hulking black wolf, tackling Brook to the ground. She screams in pain, but another dark brown wolf, one smaller, runs to her side to fight off Demetri. Jess growls and snaps. She's quick and fierce, and I worry for Demetri that she has the upper hand as she's fresh from not having been fighting.

Moira stirs slightly, turning her head to the brawl. Brook is still on the ground as her friend attempts to best Demetri, but he is much stronger. 

I put my palms on the damp ground, and push myself up. My bones ache and pop but I grunt and force myself up.

I clench my fists so tight I could draw blood. If Brooke could awaken her Guardian, why couldn't I? Why couldn't I use my abilities as she could? I needed to protect Demetri, this pack, but nothing. There was nothing I could do - and I was useless.  Angry tears welled up in my eyes as I watched my nightmares come to life.

"Venus, run," Moira huffed on the ground.

"No. I can't, I have to help them."

Suddenly I felt another blow, this one focused on my head, sending me reeling. Brook was hovering over me, her eyes glowing still.

"Stop!" I shrieked helplessly.

"I wish I could!" She shouted back, tears streaming down her own face as she continued to hurt me. "Fight back, Venus!" My head felt like it was going to split in half. I let out a scream as she tormented me and I was completely helpless. My failure only pissed me off further.

"I said, fight back!" She screamed in aimless frustration before I hit the ground. The ground beneath me rumbled as a wave of light surged off of her. 

As she raised her hands for another assault, I looked at her, then to the side where another wolf had its jaws in Demetri. I knew, somehow, that it was Landon. He wasn't moving..Demetri wasn't moving.

My breath was knocked out of me it seemed as I tried to comprehend what was happening.

Landon let go of Demetri's neck and he fell, lifeless. 

Brook glanced behind her to see her father hovering over an injured Demetri who I wasn't sure was even alive. 

While Brook was assaulting me, her father and even Jess had trapped Demetri. 

I turned to stare at her. "You fucking bitch." I felt my body turn ablaze, and I felt the color red, but this was different. My body tingled and even hurt as if it needed release. I felt the pain from her attacks subside as my body got hotter and hotter. As if afraid, Brook took a step back.

I got up, feeling the heat turn into a strange itching. It was becoming unbearable. Brook, startled and hesitant, must have made up her mind about what to do next, as I saw her coming for me. I closed my eyes, and felt the sensations taking over - transforming into pain. It was too much.

I don't know what happened next. The world around me went black and hazy and all my searing pain vanished. For now, I felt exhausted, too much to the point where I couldn't even stand up anymore. 

Finally, I let myself collapse.

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